Review: Nuxe Rêve de Miel lip balm

Hey Beauties!

I know a lot has been written about this product, but I just needed to add my part. First, let me say that I am one of those people who gets chopped lips all the damn time. It's not some pleasure that I would endure only in the winter time, but all seasons around. Now you know that I am definitely on the search for a good lip product, because, not to sound desperate, my lip life depends on it.

But first let me start with some numbers. Nuxe Rêve de Miel is not one of the cheap lip products. It costs something around 12€ or more, depending on where you buy it. I got in while it was on sale on Feelunique for 8.23€ (around 7£, around 10$). There's 15 grams of product in it.

The packaging is a very heavy well made glass with a plastic lid. It's definitely not breakable, but not travel friendly, because of the weight. 

The texture is a very thick transparent cream, which looks yellow in the pot, but leaves no color on the lips. Once you apply it, it seems to melt a little, so the application is easier. It's probably due to the warm temperature of the fingers. I have to say the pot thing - not practical at all. You need to put your fingers in the put and bring in god knows what kind of bacteria. Now, if this was available in a stick form...oh yeah, that would be amazing!

The lip balm looks somewhat matte, definitely no shine on the lips. It sits nicely on the lips and is not sticky. I sometimes see it gets stuck in the inner corners of the lips. That happens when I put on too much of it and when my lips are extremely dry. If you put a thin layer on, it's also a good base for the lipstick, just don't overreact with it, like I did. 

It smells really nice. I would say it smells like lemon pastry, like a sweet lemon pie?! Maybe. Not a bad smell, at all.

Here's the ingredients lips for those who are interested.

As far as the performance goes, I still don't know what to think of it. It really does help the lips, especially dry and lightly chopped lips. If you put this on at night, the lips will look like new in the morning. It  is really really good product. However, when my lips were in a really horrible condition through this summer, one day of application wasn't enough to completely treat my lips. I know, maybe I'm looking for a miracle, but I thought it would really work in seconds. My lips were swollen, red, chopped and itchy. I needed about three to five days to completely recover my lips. 

So what I'm trying to say is, it really is an amazing product, but you still need to use it frequently, if your lips are in an extremely horrible condition. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who has very dry and often chopped lips, like I do. For everyone else, it's not a must have product. If you found something that works for you, a regular lip balm, then don't wait your money on this. But for those who have tried everything and are desperate - buy it, you won't be sorry. 

I am using it every single night before I go to sleep and in the morning. I've had it for around 2 and half months and I still have one third of it. Keep in mind that I used it almost every half and hour, when my lips were chopped, so I think it's worth the money. But just in case, buy it when it's on the sale - so look out for a good deal :).


  1. Pri nas se mi zdi, da nikol ni v akciji zato pa je na moji WL že stoletje :P Sem nekako preškrta da bi dala več kot 10€ za tale balzamček. Čeprav se je ta teden sezona nenormalno suhih in bolečih ustnic pri meni že začela in sem si obljubila da to zimo ga pa definitivno sprobam, da vidim o kakšnem čudežu vsi govorijo :) Mi je pa do zdaj Carmex izboljševal situacijo čez noč.

    1. Ja jaz sem se tudi težko prepričala v nakup, ampak je pomagalo, da je bil malo cenej:). No če imaš res velike probleme z ustnicami, potem ti ga definitivno priporočam. Saj bi ti moral kar dolgo držati, če ga uporabljaš zmerno:). Carmex nisem nikoli imela, meni so všeč Burt's Bees balzami pa Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream, mi je nekaj časa pomagala, ampak tudi ne, ko so bile v res groznem stanju.

  2. Jaz sem imela ravno zdaj probleme z razpokanimi ustnicami in sem ga končno preizkusila. Pričakovala sem, da bo super, ampak me je zelo razočaral. Meni ni čisto nič pomagal, samo film mi je naredil čez ustnice. Imam občutek, da ga bom lahko uporabljala samo kot 'preventivo'.

    1. Jaz sem v tistih groznih dneh razpokanih ustnic, tudi imela občutek, da ne pomaga. Pa sem ga res morala dolgo uporabljati. Je pa res, da ga vsak dan uporabim vsaj enkrat- torej je kot preventiva mogoče celo boljši:).

  3. Tole si bom pa shranila, če bodo tudi letos pozimi moje ustnice v obupnem stanju. Moj najljubši je sicer Alverde balzam, ampak včasih ni čisto dovolj.

    1. Jaz imam kar pogosto ustnice v obupnem stanju, tako da sem si res želela preizkusiti ta izdelek. Vem, da ga bom uporabljala ogrmno. Ga že zdaj vsaj dan uporabim, za ziher:).

  4. Obstaja tudi v stick varianti:

    Sicer nisem še nobenega od teh dveh imela, tako da ne vem, kakšna je razlika, se mi pa zdi, da so malo drugačne sestavine.

    1. Tega sem vidla ja:) Ampak sem videla, da sestavine niso iste, pa nisem upala "tvegati":). Mogoče pa ga kdaj vseeno kupim, ko tega porabim. Upam, da sta si vseeno zelo podobna:).

    2. Ja, škoda, da niso iste sestavine. Si me pa s tole oceno kar prepričala, da ga moram letošnjo zimo končno sprobat, ker mi res nič ne pomaga;)

    3. Če imaš tako grozne ustnice kot jaz, potem res nimaš kaj izgubiti. Seveda vsi izdelki ne delujejo enako na vseh, ampak če ne preizkusiš ne veš. Mogoče pa ti bo zelo všeč:).
