Hey Beauties!
Bourjois is one of the brands that I admire. Ever since I heard that Bourjois company owns Chanel, I was sold. It means, they must have somewhat similar or even the same makeup formulas and since Chanel is so raved about, I like to think that I get the quality of Chanel, but for a lower price. Don't kill my dream, please ;).
The other week our Müller drugstore had a 30% discount on some brands. I was shopping with Sabina from Sabina's Little Happy Place and we couldn't resist the temptation. I think both of us bought lipstick from their Rouge Edition 24 hours range. I got it in the shade 33.
The packaging is pretty shiny black. At the bottom is transparent plastic pot, through which you can see the shade of the lipstick. I must say, I really like the pink and orange writing on it. The packaging is plastic, but seems sturdy and has a nice click when it closes. The lipstick was priced at 12.19€, but I got it for 8.53€. With Bourjois it really isn't cheap. But it is worth it in my opinion.
I love the shape of lipstick bullet. It seems to be cut in a shape that fits perfectly on the lips. I also find that it gives me a really nice precision in the corners, since it is a bit pointy at the top. The lipstick glides on the lips very smoothly. The formula seems very smooth, but it's also very pigmented. It all depends on the pressure. If you put more pressure on the lips, you get really pigmented lips. If you want to have a sheerer application, it's advisable to put in on the center of the lips and smudge it around the lips with finger. I often do that, when I want that stained lip effect.
I was genuinely surprised by how light the wear of this lipstick is. I'm so used to cheaper lipsticks, which feel very heavy on the lips. I honestly forgot I wore it. It's not matte as in Velvet Edition lipsticks, but it's not shiny in any way. I guess is more of a silky finish. It could be matte in a sense. It feel pretty moisturizing and it didn't dry out my lips at all. Which is a miracle, because all the lipsticks make my lips very dry. It's not extremely long lasting, but it wears off nicely. If you apply it all over the lips and don't drink or eat, it will slowly fade away and become less pigmented on the lips.
The shade 33 is a very interesting mix of tones. It's hard to describe it. It looks like a very natural red pink shade. It's definitely warm toned and it has a mixture of red, pink and somewhat purple tones. It could be someones my lips but better shade. I find that it's the perfect blend of traditional lipstick shades. On me it looks like a light natural red shade with warm orange pink undertone. It can look a bit darker, if I apply more.
Very unique shade in my opinion, because I don't own anything that looks similar. I also like that it's different to my collection, which is usually just red, dark red, orange and nude shades. I also really like the opaque, yet moisturizing and light feeling of it. It's a winner in my opinion and I would want to buy a lot more shades, if only they were a bit cheaper.
Have you tried any of the Rouge Edition 12 hours lipsticks? Which is your favorite Bourjois lipstick shade?
such an amazing colour! fits you beautifully :)
ReplyDeleteThank you:)) I love this color, been wearing it every single day:)
DeleteJoooj ful je všečna in res ti pristaja :) še dobro da si jo vzela! :) meni je moja tudi všeč, dobra obstojnost, lep finish, skratka vse kar si omenila :) zagotovo si bom še kako omislila :)
ReplyDeleteHvala:)) Se mi je zdela temna na začetku, zdaj pa jo kar vsak dan nosim:). Jaz bi tudi še kakšno, ampak 12 eur?! uf..Čim prej fotke od tvoje, ker me zanima kakšna je:)
DeleteJaz imam 31 in je božanska formula! Mislim da je moja bolj taupe/mauve z manj rdeče ampak podobno intenziven odtenek. Res ti paše! Zanima me še mogoče samo to, kako dolgo zdrži tvoja na ustnicah? 31 ponavadi zbledi po 5 urah ampak je ok za svetlo barvo.
ReplyDeleteMislim, da sem ta odtenek tudi imela v roki, ampak meni nebi pasal se mi zdi. Hvala:)). Če ne jem in ne pijem oz. minimalno, mi ostane kar dolgo mogoče 3, 4 ure. Ampak seveda zbledi odtenek, ni več tako intenziven. :)
DeleteNice color and looks good on you :)
DeleteLooks gorgeous, such lovely photos too! x
ReplyDeleteF U Z Z Y P E A C H D R O P S
Prekrasna barva in zelo ti paše :) Sem že gledala te šminke, pa se nisem še za nobeno odločila :)
ReplyDeleteHvala:)). Jaz sem se kar dolgo odločala, sploh pod temi svetlimi nerealnimi lučmi. Ampak očitno sem dobro izbrala, ker nimam še nobenega podobnega odtenka in jo kar vsak dan nosim. Zagotovo ti priporočam, da si kupiš kak odtenek, ker je formula super:).
DeleteBeautiful shade :) I have to see is it available in my country ;)
ReplyDeleteIt's very nice. I hope it's available:)
DeleteČuuuudovit odtenek & nisem vedela za Chanel, cool! :)
ReplyDeleteJaz tudi prej nisem vedela:). Zanimivo...
DeleteKakoooo božanski odtenek :)
ReplyDeletePopoln za jesen, tak malo bolj subtilen <3
Ja ni tista tipično temno rdeča. Vsekakor zanimiv odtenek:)
DeleteWauw, what a gorgeous color! I need this in my life. Right now! x
ReplyDeleteIt's a really pretty shade. I'm sure you will like it. The formula is great as well:).
DeleteKok ti paše! Čudovit odtenek <3
DeleteI own this famous shade 23 Pamplemousse and I quite like it. The one you have is pretty too!
That shade is also really pretty:). More on the peach side, which is definitely my kind of shade. I hope I'll buy some more shades, because the formula is just amazing:)
DeleteJaz jo imam v odtenku 35 Entry VIP (sem pisala že na blogu o njej). Se strinjam z napisanim, mi pa drži kakšne 5-6ur, če uporabim še svinčnik in ne pijem veliko (oziroma po slamci). :)
ReplyDeleteSem videla ja:). Jaz bi imela kar vse odtenke:). Meni se zdi, da zdrži malo manj, ampak jaz vedno vmes kaj pijem ali jem, tako da ne morem oceniti točno:).
DeleteHvala:)). O hvala za to informacijo, sem si že shranila pod zaznamke:). Pri nas je pač tako, da je vse dražje.