As promised, I will share skin care, body care, lip care and sun protection products I used on my vacation.
Let's start with the hair products.
I have discovered my new favorite summer shampoo and it's from Balea Professional After Sun Shampoo. I have to say I don't like most cheap hair products, but this is a win. The best shampoo to take out the sea salt from your hair. The smell is non invasive, light, almost like some sort of sunscreen. It has light consistency. On the hair it feels almost like a shampoo and conditioner in one. While you wash it, your hair gets really soft. It's just a shampoo, it won't do wonders but for the price of only 1,65 € for 250 ml of product, it is my favorite summer shampoo right now. It also claims to have UV protection in it, reduces frizz, has no silicons in it and provides moisture. As far as what shampoo can do on its own, I would agree with all of it, except UV protection-that I can't know :).
As far as hair masks goes I love Redken All Soft Heavy Cream. I have talked about this here. It's basically a very nice hair masks that leaves the hair looking silky, moisturized and very soft.
When my hair is especially dry, more than anything else, I like to use Joico K-Pak Moisture Intense Hydrator. It does hydrate the hair nicely. It's a bit heavier mask as far as the consistency goes and it makes the hair very soft, frizz free and hydrated. I won't say is the best hydrating mask for the hair of all time, but it does a good job. I use hair masks when I am on vacation, every single day, because I clean my hair every day to get rid of the salt. For that purpose I don't need heavy masks every day.
My favorite leave-in "conditioner" has to be Joico K-Pak Liquid Reconstructor. I have been using it for quiet a long time and I still love it. It's supposed to be for damaged hair. But what I like the most about it, it that it feels very lightweight, yet very hydrating on the hair. It is also great for detangling the hair. I talked about Joico products here.
For my body I said it before, my favorite shower cream is Fa Cream and Oil Cacao Butter and Coco Oil. It is just a perfect smell for the summer. It is very creamy, also great to shave your legs with, if you don't bother taking other shaving products with you. It leaves the skin smooth and hydrated.
The best body lotion for summer is Avon Skin So Soft Skindisiac. It has little shimmer. The shimmer is a very interesting color, it looks like pink, but with gold tone to it. It's pretty small, so it won't look invasive, but in my opinion it could even be smaller. It applies easily and leaves a nice glow to the skin. It's not super hydrating, it's just for the simple visual effect of the skin. It has a divine smell-I LOVE the smell. Sort of sweet, yet fruity. The smell somehow remind me of the Avon Far Away Exotic perfume and that is one of my favorites.
I also used Sun Dance Schütz und Bräune Sonnenmilch SPF 30. It's milk that is supposed to have some ingredients in it, which will help you get tan sun look, without actually containing any self tanner. If it did help I can't say. I get tanned even when I apply sun screen every 40 minutes. So I can't say if it's true or not. I used this sun milk when the sun was the highest, since I didn't want any sunburns. I didn't like it though. It is very thick-which I supper SPF 30 mostly is, but it also left white residue, which was stuck in all the creases on my body. I was not a fan of the smell either. It smelled a bit like that burnt smell of self tanners, even though it is not supposed to contain any.
To finish with the fail, I also bought Sun Dance SOS Anti-Hautröte Apres Lotion. It's after sun lotion, which is supposed to calm any redness of the sun. I bought this only, because it didn't contain Aloe Vera. Once I used a cream which contained aloe vera and I got red spots. Ever since I don't want to use any products that contain aloe vera, which of course every after sun lotion contains. And every year I try to find the one and only, who doesn't. Any recommendations? PLEASE, I need some recommendations :). Anyway this lotion smells like alcohol in a bottle. Yuk. I only used it to moisturize my skin after all day being in the sun, but I think I would be better of just using a regular body lotion. Do not recommend this one.
When I clean my face I don't want any strong products, since my skin is being damaged enough through the whole day being on the sun. I love this Balea Med Ultra Sensitive Reinigungs Milch, because it is thin consistency, very sensitive, it cleans the skin nicely and leaves a sort of hydrating film on the skin. You can read more about it here.
Of course for my eyes I use my favorite Bioderma Sensibio H2O Solution Micellaire. What can I say, the most sensitive micellar water for removing make up from the eyes.
For the face I used Vichy Capital Soleil Mattifying face fluid dry touch for combination to oily skin SPF 50. I have to say at first I did not like it. I used it for daily use under my foundation. I spotted some spots on my face and thought it was from this cream. I still don't know what it was. But on my vacation it was fine. The cream is very white and pretty thick so you have to blend it nicely. When you blend it, it leaves this sheen of glow on the skin. I could do without this. I know last year I had their face cream in radiant glow, anti-brown spots sun screen and it also had this film of sheen on the skin. I really don't need it in a sunscreen. Anyways, it smells really nice-sunscreeny sweet soft smell, which is not invasive. It is one of the more expensive products, but only the best for the face. I recommend it purely, because it does leave the skin mat for quiet a while. But if you have pretty oily skin like me, of course it won't stay mat all day. I think it is also great for normal skin, because it leaves that sheen on the skin and it doesn't feel drying on the skin at all. SPF 50 is also a great addition. I would say if you use this cream very often, while you're on the beach you almost shouldn't get any tan. I used it sparely, because I wanted to get just a bit of tan on the skin, so for me it was enough to put it on lightly two times a day-since I wasn't under water any way.
The best combination to go under this sunscreen was my La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo-which may be why I din't get any nasty pimples-since sun screens usually make me break out. I put this on every morning and then on top of it Vichy sun screen and it worked wonders. Only few little in-one-day-gone pimples. Highly recommend this one. Read more about it here.
The best thing to put on my face in the evening was Balea Aqua Freuchtigkeits Serum. I have to say this is my first face serum ever and I love it. So cheap, but so good. The best face serum to put on after sun bathing all day, since it does leave your skin very moisturized, when you wake up in the morning. I also like that it's very thin and lightweight and that it blends into the skin very quickly. I also don't mind the smell, which is pretty refreshing to me.
For around the eyes I use Afrodita Natural Lift anti-wrinkle eye cream. Highly recommed using anti-wrinkle creams around the eyes, especially on vacation. Sun can do a lot of damage and it's better to prevent it while you can. I don't have much to say about this one. I like that is very lightweight and it soaks into the skin quickly. It feels hydrating. I don't like the smell-it's just weird to me, I don't know how to explain it, it smells sweet but too chemically sweet.
Finally the last section is lip care products. I have talked about Labelo Vitamin Shake Cranberry and Raspberry SPF 10 here. This is nice to put over higher spf just to give the lips some moisture and color. I used it over the next Labelo products, which is Labelo Sun Protect SPF 30. This lip balm is also moisturizing a bit, but I feel that ti dries really quickly on the sun. So I used the colored one over it for moisturizing purposes. I hate that it leaves lips white if you put a bit more on-but I guess all lip balms containing that much SPF usually do. And don't love the smell, but I hate the taste. Yes, taste. Sometimes the lip balm gets into my mouth and the taste is horrible. But I guess I haven't found better high SPF lip balm. If you have any recommendations feel free to comment below.
For at night treatment I used Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant. I have to say I don't fully understand this product. It is supposed to be cream and it's so raved about in the fashion and beauty industry as the best cream for everything but I just don't get it. I looks extremely like a lip balm or lip gloss. It's very very sticky and shiny. I would't use it anywhere except on my lips, because it is so sticky everywhere else. For the lips it can be good as a night time treatment for very dry lips and also as a gloss or shine over any lip product. I don't like the smell, because it is very strong and invasive. The smell is sort of like flowers-plants-honey, but just too strong. It does seem to heal the lips so it's good for that.
What are some of your summer essential products? I would love to know.
High five ker pišeš tudi o lasni kozmetiki :) Tega še vedno manjka v bloggerskem svetu. Joico Hydrator je tudi meni briljanten, Redken All Soft Cream imam pa na wishlisti že pol leta, jo moram sprobat.
ReplyDeleteJaz sem verjetno edina na svetu, ki ji La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo ni bil niti malo všeč in ni imel nobenega efekta. Eight Hour cream pa mi že od začetka zveni kot precenjen vazelin.
High five! Jaz sem tudi malo obsedena s temi izdelki za lase;) Redken priporočam, jaz najprej nisem vedela, če bi kupila ali ne, ker so jo vsi hvalili, pa sem na koncu preizkusila in nisem razočarana. Pa še zelo malo je rabiš in se res dolgo porablja. Se popolnoma strinjam z Eight Hour cream! :)
DeleteSuper post, si mi dala par idej kaj bi poskusila, predvsem kar se tiče zadev za obraz :)
Deletegreat products
ReplyDeleteVau, to pa je post. :) Razen Baleinega seruma in testerja Bioderme nisem še nič preizkusila, si mi pa dala nekaj izdej za izdelke, ki jih bom enkrat v prihodnosti preizkusila. :)
ReplyDeleteNo super;)
Deletegledam tvoje poste za nazaj, ker mi res ni bilo jasno ali sem spregledala tvoj blog ali pa si zamenjala template in se ga ne spomnim :) res mi je všeč :)
ReplyDeleteoh hvala:))