Review: Avon Nailwear Pro+ Nail Enamel (White, Yellow, Raw and Rosie Gold)

Avon's Nailwear Pro+ nail range got a bit of a metallic update. They've added four metallic shades to their regular range. If you're looking for a high shine metallic nail polishes, look no further.

There's four shades to choose from: Yellow Gold, White Gold, Rosie Gold and Raw Gold.

These come in a regular square glass bottle with plastic black top. In each is 10 ml of product and the regular price is 5.90€. Currently you can get them for 2.90€ (Slovenia).

Brush is regular. It's not too wide and it's straight cut. It makes the application easy and it doesn't particularly leave stripes. Formula is just the right consistency, well maybe a bit on the wet side.

For full opacity you will definitely need at least two coats. I always apply one light layer and then go over it with a second thicker coat, as you can see on photos below.

Every formula has some shimmer in it. It looks like they all have a fairly transparent base with lots of very small shimmer that gives nails that lovely metallic shine. The formula actually looks a bit more unique than my other metallic nail polishes which don't have that much shimmer in them and they can dry a bit uneven. These dry quickly and even

They have a good lasting power. On me these last for about 4 days. I think the shimmer in the formula definitely makes it last longer.

White Gold is surprisingly my favorite shade of these all. I never thought I would say this for a silver color. It's essentially a very light silver color and it's cool toned. I love it, because this one is the lightest and therefore also the most shiny and the most metallic of them all. In fact, it really reminds me of that mirrored effect powder that I see a lot on the internet. From afar it looks exactly like it, but just not as clear.

Yellow Gold is a light yellow based gold cool shade. This one is unique in color, because it's really yellow toned and it's also shiny, but not as much as White Gold.

Raw Gold is medium silver with just a hint of green undertone. It's also cool toned and looks like a darker version of White Gold. This one too me looks the most industrial looking.

Rosie Gold is like a warm mix of rose and copper. It's actually a bit more coppery based but has that hit of rose in the mix. This is my second favorite shade, because I love coppers and this one is a unique one in my collection. I find that it's the least shiny of them all. It's probably because of the color. Silvers and light colors always look shinier.

These are lovely metallic nail polishes. Usually I use metallic nail polishes as a accent nails or for nail art. I don't really like to wear them on their own. White Gold is an exception. I adore this shade, because it has such a high shine and it just makes a statement. So, if you're planning on buying at least one shade, I advise you to get White Gold. Other shades are just as pretty, is just about finding the right shade for you. Formula is lovely and it applies easily. They dry fast and have a good lasting power. I love the shimmer in them, which makes them really shiny and bold.

Check out Metka's swatches and her two super pretty manicures made with these shades.

*Products were sent to me.

Avon je v svojo linijo Nailwear Pro+ lakov dodal kovinske lake. Dodali so štiri kovinske odtenke. Če iščete lake s kovinskim videzom in visokim sijajem, vam ni treba več iskati.

Izbirate lahko med štirimi odtenki: Yellow Gold, White Gold, Rosie Gold in Raw Gold.

Imajo kvadrataste stekleničke s plastičnim črnim pokrovom. V vsakem je 10 ml izdelka in redna cena je 5.90€. Trenutno jih lahko dobite za 2.90€ (tukaj).

Laki imajo običajen čopič, ki ni preveč širok in je ravno odrezan. Čopič omogoča lahek nanos, ki ravno ne pušča črt kot je to včasih značilno za druge kovinske lake. Formula ima ravno pravo konsistenco. Mogoče je malo bolj tekoča.

Za popolno prekrivnost morate nanesti vsaj dva sloja. Jaz vedno nanesem en tanek sloj nato pa grem čez z še enim debelejšim slojem. Kako to izgleda lahko vidite tudi na fotografiji.

Vsaka formula vsebuje zelo majhne bleščice. Izgleda kot da imajo laki dokaj prosojno podlago z veliko majhnimi bleščicami, ki laku dajejo ta kovinski sijaj. Formula je unikatna, če jo primerjam z drugimi mojimi kovinskimi laki. Ti nimajo toliko bleščic in se večkrat posušijo precej neenakomerno. Avonovi se sušijo precej hitro in enakomerno.

So dobro obstojni. Na mojih nohtih ostanejo približno štiri dni. Bleščice v formuli so tiste, ki pripomorejo k daljši obstojnosti lakov.

White Gold je moj najljubši odtenek izmed vseh. Kar me je presenetilo, ker gre za srebrn odtenek. V bistvu je svetlo srebrn hladen odtenek. Všeč mi je, ker je najsvetlejši odtenek in je zaradi tega tudi najbolj sijoč in najbolj kovinski. Spominja me na tisti prah, ki nohtom daje sijaj ogledala. Od daleč izgleda zelo podobno temu, ampak sijaj ni tako jasno viden.

Yellow Gold je svetlo zlat odtenek z rumenim podtonom. Je unikaten odtenek, ker je precej rumenkast. Ni tako sijoč kot White Gold.

Raw Gold je srednje srebrn odtenek s čisto rahlim zelenkastim podtonom. Je hladen odtenek in izgleda kot temnejša verzija White Gold. Meni osebno deluje najbolj industrijsko.

Rosie Gold je topla mešanica roza in bakrene. Je bolj bakren odtenek, ki pa ima roza pridih. To je moj drugi najljubši odtenek, ker obožujem bakrene odtenke in ta je precej unikaten v moji kolekciji. Zdi se mi najmanj sijoč od vseh. Predvidevam, da zato, ker so svetlejši in srebrni odtenki vedno bolj sijoči oziroma vsaj tako delujejo.

So čudoviti kovinski laki. Po navadi uporabljam kovinske lake bolj kot dodatke k drugi manikuri ali pri kakšnih dizajnih. Same po sebi jih ne nosim. White Gold je postal izjema. Obožujem ta odtenek. Ima res zelo sijoč sijaj in je pravi odtenek, ki pritegne poglede. Če nameravete kupiti vsaj en odtenek, vam pripročam ravno tega. Ostali odtenki so prav tako zanimivo. Najti si morate odtenek, ki vam najbolj odgovarja. Formula je dobra in se lepo nanaša. Sušijo se hitro in so dobro obstojni. Všeč so mi bleščice v njih, ker so zaradi njih zelo sijoči in bolj zanimivi.

Lake poglejte tudi na Metkinem blogu. Ustvarila je tudi dve čudoviti manikuri.

*Izdelki so mi bili poslani.


  1. Super odtenki :) Najlepša sta mi Rosie Gold in Raw Gold.

    1. Dobre izbire. Me zdaj mika Raw Gold za kakšen nail art :).

  2. Woow kok so hudi! Sicer si tudi ne predstavljam da bi jih mela samostojno, ampak na kšnem nohtu ali kot dodatek perfektni. :)

    1. Čisto praznični so :D. Jaz jih tudi bolj kombiniram z drugimi dotenki. Sem zdaj dobila kar nekaj nail art idej :).
