Hey Beauties!
My second product I got from Farmasi is this Kajal Secret Eyeliner Pen. Don't let the Kajal mislead you. It' not wax based pencil, it's actually a liquid liner in a marker form.
It has black shiny packaging with silver writing on. I have it in black and that is the only color available. It costs 5.90€, but Farmasi members can get it for 3.90€. Unfortunately it doesn't say how much product is in it.
It has a sponge like marker kind of tip that gets saturated with the color. I will say I'm so used to L'Oreal liner, which has a very thin tip and I really like having thin tip, because I can make a very precise and thin end when creating my flick. This is my problem with this one. I can't create a very thinned out flick. I actually do my winged liner and then I take one of those cosmetic cotton swabs and dip it into makeup remover and perfect the end.
That being said the applicator is nicely saturated with color. It hasn't dried out yet and I've had it for about one and a half month.
Here is the ingredients list.
The color of liner is a true black with shiny finish. It's pretty liquid and it dries really quickly.
I decided to compare it with my trusty L'Oreal Super Liner Perfect Slim in Black. As you can see L'Oreal liner tends to settle into skin cracks, while Farmasi doesn't. I think that's because Farmasi dries faster. As far as the color goes they both look black to me.
L'Oreal liner also smudges quicker than Farmasi. I rubbed my hand and L'Oreal started smudging like crazy, while Farmasi didn't even move. Farmasi liner is really long lasting. It never budges on my eye and I don't ever need to reapply it.
I do have a problem with application though. Because of the marker form it has, you have to put very little pressure on the skin if you want to create a really thin line. It takes a lot of patience to get the end of the flick really thin and as you may see, it's still not as thin as I like it to be. Ok, you can correct that with cotton swabs, but it's just a hassle. Maybe it's my fault, because I put too much pressure. I feel like the quicker I do it, the better. Just don't think to much and don't be too precise.
Sometimes I do create a descent line, but it seems like it's a hard work some days :).
I love how long lasting and black this liner is. I think the price is also really affordable. What I don't like is the tip of the applicator (actually this marker form in general I don't like) and the fact that it almost dries a bit too fast, since you can't really correct it going over it, because you start to erase it. Not a bad product, but just not my kind of form. Maybe I need to still get used to those marker things, because I always preferred brush or felt tip liners.
I also reviewed some of the other Farmasi products: Eyebrow Styling Powder, Shine Rush 2 in 1 and Eye Brow Pencil.
Moj drug izdelek od Farmasi je Kajal Secret Eyeliner Pen. Naj
vas ne zavede ime kajal. Ne gre za voskast svinčnik, ampak je v resnici tekoč
liner v obliki flomastra.
Ima sijočo črno emabalažo s srebrnim napisom. Moj je črn in
to je tudi edini odtenek v katerem si ga lahko kupite. Stane 5.90€, ampak
Farmasi člani ga lahko dobijo za 3.90€. Na žalost ne piše koliko izdelka je v
Ima gobast aplikator v obliki flomastra in aplikator je
dobro navlažen z barvo. Jaz sem zelo
navajena na L'Orealov liner, ki ima zelo tanko konico in z njo lahko narišem
res tanko linijo na koncu mojega linerja. In to je moj problem s tem linerjem.
Ne morem narisati črte, ki bi bila na koncu res tanka. Po navadi narišem črto
in potem vzamem eno izmed teh kozmetičnih bombažnih palčk in z odstranjevalcem
ličil popravim konec črte.
Aplikator je drugače odlično prepojen z barvo. Ni se mi še
nič posušil in ga imam en mesec in pol.
Seznam sestavin.
Barva linerja je prava črna s sijočim finišem. Je precej
tekoč, vendar se zelo hitro posuši.
Odločila sem se, da ga bom primerjala z mojim najljubšim
L'Oreal Super Liner Perfect Slim linerjem v črnem odtenku. Kot lahko vidite se
L'Orealov liner bolj usede v majhne razpoke na koži med tem ko Farmasi ne.
Mislim, da je to zato ker se Farmasi hitreje suši. Kar se tiče barve sta oba
L'Orealov liner se tudi hitreje razmaže. Na roki sem imela
oba linerja in ko sem drgnila kožo je Farmasi ostal skoraj nespremenjen, med
tem ko se je L'Oreal kar hitro razmazal po roki. Farmasi linerja mi nikoli ni
treba ponovno nanesti ali popravljati.
Imam pa problem s samim nanosom. Ker je Farmasi liner v
obliki flomastra moram res narahlo pritiskati, če želim ustvariti zelo tanko
črto. Da dobim zelo tanek konec črte se moram zelo potruditi in biti
potrpežljiva in kot vidite, še potem ni perfekten konec. Ja res je da lahko to popravite z bombažno
palčko, ampak to je že dodatno delo. Mogoče je problem v meni, ker preveč
pritiskam. Zdi se mi, da hitreje narišem, boljše je. Ne smem preveč
premišljevati in biti preveč natančna.
Druga zelo moteča zadeva je da včasih ko grem preko črte, ki
sem jo narisala, črto izbrišem namesto dodatno narišem. Na črti ustvarim packe,
kjer mi manjka linerja. Ne morem iti večkrat preko črte tam kjer sem jo že
narisala. Mislim da je razlog zato ta, ker se zelo hitro posuši in ustvari
sloj, ki je podoben foliji. Ko grem potem še enkrat preko tega sloja, ga začnem
brisat oziroma se skoraj olupi dol. Tako da je, vsekakor ni najlažji liner za
nanos. Seveda ko je enkrat narisan, ostane popoln in se nikoli ne premakne.
Včasih ustvarim kar spodobno črto, ampak zdi se da so
nekateri dnevi težji kot drugi J.
Zelo mi je všeč kako dolgo obstojen in črn je liner. Tudi cena se mi zdi
primerna. Flomaster oblika linerja mi ni
preveč všeč (v bistvu mi ti linerji v obliki flomastrov na sploh niso všeč) in
dejstvo da se skoraj prehitro posuši, saj ne morem popravljati črte, ker jo
začnem brisat. Ni slab izdelek, ampak ni čisto po mojem okusu. Mogoče se še
moram navadit na novo obliko, ker sem na sploh vedno preferirala linerje s
tankim aplikatorjem ali čopičem.
Več o njem in podjetju si lahko preberete tukaj. Ocenila sem tudi nekaj drugih Farmasi izdelkov: Eyebrow Styling Powder, Shine Rush 2 in 1 in Eye Brow Pencil.
Več o njem in podjetju si lahko preberete tukaj. Ocenila sem tudi nekaj drugih Farmasi izdelkov: Eyebrow Styling Powder, Shine Rush 2 in 1 in Eye Brow Pencil.
My liquid eyeliner always seems to fade after half a day of wear, so this seems like a good alternative. Although I don't like the idea of it coming off when you try to go over a the line... I basically have to do my eyeliner in tiny lines to make it even hah!
ReplyDeleteI suppose your going over the line a few times, if you do it by connecting the dots. Then I wouldn't recommend you this one. Although I do like that it stay for the whole day:)
DeleteIt is enchanting how you explained about Farmasi Makeup and I really enjoyed it.. Thanks!!