A while ago some of bloggers got a chance to experience L'Occitane's new Peony range and with it came a lot of free samples and this CC Cream. As you may know, I like medium to full coverage foundations and I've never been a fan of those BB, CC and what not creams. But I have to say I was surprised by how much I like this one.
The product is called Peony CC Skin Tone Perfecting Cream. I have the shade Light. It also has a broad spectrum SPF of 20.
It says that it has a fine hydrating texture and during the application the texture transforms to create an ultra-natural finish. It should make your complexion look even and transparent, leave fresh and luminous skin tone, blur any irregularities in skin texture and complexion and make skin comfortable and protect it from the sun. The skin should stay fresh, luminous and unified until the night.
It comes in a very hygienic squeezable red tube. The opening is very tiny, so you can easily control the amount you want to come out. The package is small enough and very travel friendly.
CC cream looks very white and thick. It has tiny specs inside, which I think are the particles that actually give you a bit of color and luminosity.
When you apply it on the skin it's very white and I was surprised by that. But as soon as you start to massage it in, it turns to a very light skin like color and it almost disappears. The thickness of it makes it a joy to massage it in (if you're like me and love the feeling of a thick cream on your skin), but it quickly looks like nothing and feels very lightweight. It leaves behind a very natural luminous glow to the skin. I wouldn't even say it's glow, it just reflects the lighting really nicely.
The coverage is very light (especially for me). It just evens out the skin tone and adds natural luminous feel to your skin. This won't cover any red patches or under eye circles, it will just give you a very sheer even skin base.
It has a nice floral scent to it. It's not annoyingly overpowering, it just smells nice if you come really close to the place of application.
I have to say I was surprised by this cream. I'm used to having heavy foundations on and covering every little bit of my skin. When the girl in the shop applied it on me, I went shopping with my boyfriend. Even he told me how nice my skin looks and he doesn't comment on things like that often. It felt so lightweight, which was a new feeling for me. I tried it on occasions where I wanted a very natural makeup look and I was pleased with the results. I did use concealer to conceal my under eyes and where I have a bit of redness, but I was completely fine with this luminous sheer base.
It actually becomes more natural looking through the day. I think it's because it mixes with your natural oil production and it just becomes a part of your skin. I find it to have a good lasting power for such a light coverage product. Of course it fades through the day, especially on parts where you get oily or sweat a lot.
You can see how it looks like on the skin. On the top photo I have nothing on and on the bottom photo I have this CC cream on.
And that is how I do a very natural makeup. I did also use concealer on parts where I have redness.
Some recommendations for those who are interested in this. I showed this to my two friends and they immediately loved it. I think this is a great product for those that don't want to wear foundations, but want a tiny bit of coverage. If you're skin is dry, please use a separate moisturizing cream underneath it. I always do that, because it just looks a lot better on hydrated skin. If you have oily skin, you can probably get away with just using this, although I'm not sure if the luminous look will be for you. The luminous feel is great for normal, dry or combination skin. It also depends on what kind of finish you prefer. You can always apply powder on the areas that look too luminous or that get oily through the day. This could also be a primer, because it's light enough and offers that luminosity.
The cream costs 28.50€ and it contains 30 ml. I will say the price is off putting to me. But it's because this is not my everyday products. It's more for the natural makeup occasions. If this is within your budget and this will be your everyday product, then try it, because it's a really good product. It surprised me and I don't even like BB and CC creams. Maybe I'll even consider other lighter coverage products from now on :).
Meni je tudi super tale krema :)
ReplyDeleteJe pa res da je cena odbijajoča, še posebej za take z budgetom ;)
Res ni poceni za 30 ml. Ampak, če uporabljaš v svoji dnevni rutini, potem se še nekako opraviči cena. Jaz pa samo tu in tam :).
DeleteJaz sem še vedno čisto obsedena z njo, sploh ne uporabljam več nobene druge BB/CC kreme :) Je pa cena res dokaj visoka, ampak jaz jo recimo zlahka upravičim, ker kremo skoraj vsak dan uporabljam :)
ReplyDeletep.s. Že tretjič pišem tale komentar, ker mi ga sploh noče objavit -.- :D
Jaz nisem pričakovala da bom navdušena, ker na sploh ne maram teh krem, pa je res super :). Ja če vsak dan uporabljaš potem res opravičiš ceno. Jaz pa samo tu in tam, ker sem navajena na bolj pigmentirane podlage. Čeprav ko rabim kaj naravnega, pa je no brainer tale odlična:).
DeleteOčitno me Blogger sabotira :D
Ooo zgleda super. Sicer tudi jaz ne uporabljam teh BB in CC krem, vendar imam zelo rada naraven izgled z malo makeupa in tvoja koža po nanosu zgleda točno tako kot bi jaz rada. Bo treba poskusit! ;)
ReplyDeleteRes je zelo naraven izgled. Ta zdrav sijaj pa daje tak luksuzen finiš, vsaj za moje pojme...ker je to zdaj tako "in" :)
DeleteŠe ena oboževalka te CC kreme tukaj! :)
ReplyDeleteJaz sem pa ravno obratno od tebe - ne maram polno prekrivnih pudrov, ampak bolj nekaj lahkega, ker na meni skoraj vse deluje kot maska in se ne počutim dobro. :P Zato ponavadi uporabljam samo kakšno BB kremo (pudre le za redke priložnosti), da malo zakrijem rdečico, manjše nepravilnosti in na srečo sem našla dobro pri Sorayi. Ampak odkar sem dobila to CC kremo, uporabljam samo še to in sem res navdušena. Uporabim še malo korektorja, na vrh CC kreme še matirni puder, malo rdečila, L'Occitane meglico za obraz (namesto fixatorja) in sem ''good to go''. :)) Ravno včeraj sem spet uporabila Sorayino BB kremo in ugotovila, da mi je CC krema vseeno ljubša, tako da bom jo to poletje vsekakor več uporabljala, kot BB kremo. :))
Nimam čisto nobene pripombe, celo moji mastni kožo paše. :D Ko mi je zmanjka (upam, da še dolgo ne, ker je ne uporabljam čisto vsak dan), jo definitivno spet kupim. Za stvari, ki mi odgovarjajo, mi ni škoda denarja. :P
No potem je ta krema res čisto po tvojem okusu:). Jaz tudi upam, da bo dolgo držala glede na to da jo redko uporabljam:) Si ravno povzela mojo misel za ceno izdelka. Če ti je vredno kot tebi, da ti res odgovarja in je čisto po tvojih željah potem se ti res splača nakup:).
DeleteIt looks like an amazing product! Your skin looks fantastic, girl ;)
Thanks girl ;) It's a pretty amazing product:)
In ja, še ena navdušenka....mislim, da težko dobimo katero, ki ji krema ni ok :)
ReplyDeleteJaz bi si prva upala trdit, da mi ne bo všeč, prej kot bi sploh probala. Pa bi se zmotila:). Očitno so se res potrudili pri formuli:).