Review: NYX Powder Blush (Taupe)

Hey Beauties!

One of the most raved about cheap prized contour products for fair skin is NYX's Powder Blush in shade Taupe. Of course, I was curious enough to finally order it from Ebay and try what all the fuss is about. I can't say it worked for me.

The blush comes in a plastic black packaging with transparent lid. You can easily see the shade and it's an average standard packaging. I got it for around 5€, but the prices vary from one seller to another. Inside the packaging is 4 grams of product. 

Here is also the ingredients list.

The shade to me seems a bit too brown to pass as a taupe shade. It kind of has that grey sheen to it in the packaging, but on my skin I only see red undertone, which is not what I wanted. Most contour products should have grey undertone to imitate natural grayness of a shadow. The red undertone in it, makes me look flushed and almost a bit irritated around the edges of my face, where I like to use it. I guess the name was promising, but the shade itself is not what I expected. 

The texture of the blush is pretty dry to the touch, but very well pigmented. It's also completely matte.

You can even see on the swatch below, how much browner and warmer the shade looks on my skin.

I decided to compare this shade to some of other eyeshadow shades that were pretty similar. 

The swatches from left to right: Essence I Heart Nude eyeshadow in 05 My Favorite Tauping, NYX Powder Blush in Taupe and L'Oreal Color Riche L'Omre Pure in 106 Breaking Nude.

Essence eyeshadow is the most what I wanted this NYX blush to be. It's a lot more grey and sheerer, so perfect for a very light contour on a light skin tone. NYX blush is way too brown and warm toned to pass as a contour on me. L'Oreal eyeshadow is too pigmented to be used as a contour and in my opinion a bit too dark and muddy looking for fair skin tone. To my surprise, I really like Essence eyeshadow as a contour shade for me. If you're looking for something similar, maybe try this one ;).

I also photographed the product on my skin. I didn't use any blush, just highlighter and NYX Taupe on the cheeks. But you can see that it looks like I have blush on.

I'm disappointed, because I seriously thought that this would be an amazing shade for contouring. A lot of people said that this is a really good cheap product and that this shade suits fair skin tones. I disagree. In my humble opinion, you'd probably be better with that Essence eyeshadow, if you want your contour to look cool toned and still fair enough.

After reading the comments I feel like I need to stress this. I think this shade didn't work for me, because of the very obvious yellow undertone of my skin. You can see how it looks like on Mateja. She also has fair skin, but cooler skin tone. It's a common misconception that fair skin is always cool toned or neutral. Well, I think I am proof enough that you can have fair skin with warm undertone.

Sara also pointed out that the formula might have been changed and it's gotten more brown that it used to be. You can see her swatch here.

So keep all those things in mind. I actually think if your a cooler or neutral undertone, this might work for you. If you have an obvious yellow undertone or olive, stay away.


  1. Tole pa, mislim, da je prva negativna ocena tega izdelka. :) Jaz ga še nisem probala, ampak je visoko na WL. :D

    1. Verjetno res:) Z mojim podtonom se res ne razume. :D

  2. *jaw drops on the floor* Zakaj izgleda na tebi tako rjav?! Na meni je Taupe popoln "faking shadow" odtenek. Da pa tvoj topel podton naredi ta odtenek rjav ne bi pa nikoli pričakovala :/ Sem ga sprobala enkrat ko sem bila fake zagorela s posledičnim bolj toplim podtonom in je na meni izgledal preveč sivo. Očitno je to res bolj za nas nevtralne/z hladnim podtonom in svetlo kožo točno tako kot sem previdevala že prej.

    Sem kar linkala tvojo objavo v mojo o Taupe blushu, da bo komu v pomoč, ki ima tako topel podton kot ti :)

    1. Imaš prav. Sem pozabila omeniti, da imam zelo očiten rumen podton. Hvala za tole, sem zdaj dodala še tvojo objavo za vse neutralne in s hladnim podtonom:) Očitno res bije moja rumenkost skozi ta izdelek.

      Hvala za link;)

    2. Hvala še za tvoj link ;) Novi HD Blush v istem odtenku naj bi bil hladnejši/bolj siv. Mogoče bi ti tisti bolj ustrezal?
      Ampak itak praviš, da ti je Essence senčilo kul :)

    3. Ja Essence mi je trenutno super, tudi ker sem svetla. Sicer ne da sem kdaj temna, haha, mogoče ko pridem z morja:)). Hvala za tole;)

  3. Se strinjam z Matejo. Pa mogoče je še krivo to, da so vmes spreminjali izdelek. Moj prvi Taupe je bil odlično siv, naslednji pa vsi bolj rjavi in z sheen-om, kot tvoj. Bom pa Essence senčilo pogledala, nujno :)

    1. Hvala za tole omembo, sem dodala v objavo. Nisem vedela, da so spreminjali formulo. Sem očitno prepozna z nakupom in nisem več dobila sivkastega:/ Essence senčilo ej super. Vsaj zame bolj funkcionira kot Taupe. Všeč mi je tudi, da je svetlejše-ni tako očitno:)

  4. Wow sm ga že črtala iz WL, mislm da zaradi mojega podtona tudi zame nebi bil :( Bom pa z Essence senčko sprobala, čisto za foro :D

    1. Če imaš zelo topel podton, potem res verjetno ne. Jaz sem svetla, pa imam ekstremno rumen podton. Pa ja, Essence se plača sprobat. Mogoče ti bo všeč;)

    2. ja takle čas v letu sem še dokaj svetla, podton imam pa zelo rumen :/ Essence senčko imam doma in jo bom takoj zjutraj sprobala kako se obnese :D

    3. Potem si kot jaz:) Poročaj kako bo;)

  5. Tudi jaz sem ga črtala iz WL. Jaz imam topel podton in mislim, da bi tola prišel preveč rjavkasto. Ravno zadnjič sem ga hotela naročiti, še dobro da nisem :)

    1. Jaz sem si ga tudi tako dolgo želela, zdaj pa mi niti ni všeč:) Če imaš rumenkast podton in če je res, da so kaj spreminjali odtenek, potem ti res ne priporočam.

  6. Jaz sem ga ravno zadnjič naročila zaradi samih dobrih ocen in upam da bo na meni vseeno izpadel bolj sivkasto, ker imam nevtralen/hladen podton.

    1. Potem bo verjetno super:). Poročaj kako se obnese na tebi;)

  7. Ufff super za tole oceno. Jaz sem tudi imela Taupe že dolgo na wishlisti ampak sem ravno tako bleda s toplim/rumenim podtonom. Zaenkrat uporabljam kar Catrice senčilo Go Charlie Brown

    1. Še dobro da delajo senčila v takih odtenkih:D Jaz tudi zdaj bolj tisto senčilo od Essence uporabljam:)

  8. I had the same problem with this "bronzer". Even though I'm pale cooler type it seemed reddish on my face... I'm still using it but not that often :(

    1. Huh, interesting. You must have confirmed our theory that they've change the shade and it really is more redish now. Shame.:/

  9. Na meni je bil prvo bolj sivkast, potem je pa z uporabo spremenil barvo. Sem ravno par dni nazaj študirala da je obupn na meni. Tak oranžkasto rjav. Mogoče res celo rdečkast.. -.-" Imam pa oliven podton. Verjetno zmagovalna kombinacija :(

    1. Potem je na tebi enak kot na meni. Res izgleda oranžkasto, je pa bolj kot ne rdeč v živo. Ja k olivni polti verjetno res ne paše rdeč podton:/

    2. Na zacetku je bil pa res tak svetu sivkast, res senca. Sem bla full zadovoljna. Mogoce je oksidiral? Ker se je sigurno spremenil. Odprt je pa prbl. sele pol leta.

    3. Nemogoče da bi oksidiral. Moj je od začetka tak. Edino kar si lahko predstavljam je, da je bila zgornja plast bolj siva, pa ko si zgornjo plast porabila si prišla do bolj rdečkaste. No..možno je:)

  10. Jaz sem ga tudi imela na WL, ampak ga bom zdaj tudi raje preskočila. Itak sem ful zadovoljna z Illamasqua Sculpting duom...Morem pa sprobat tole Essence senčko, mi sploh ni kapnalo, da bi bila lahko za contour tudi primerna :)

    1. Illamasqua ima verjetno odlične odtenke za nas svetlejše:) Ja se mi zdi, da je tak dober odtenek za contour:)

  11. Oh man, I missed reading your blogposts! :)
    I've heard so many great things about this blush, can't wait to try it out if I ever get my hands on it!

    1. Aw, thank you Astrid:) I missed reading your comments:D I hope you'll like it more than I do;)

  12. On my skin this blush looks so grey, I look like a zombie! I think that a perfect thing for me is theBalm Bahama Mama.

    1. For some reason it's too warm on me. Funny product. :) Bahama Mama looks super pretty :).

  13. Thanks for this! What do you use for highlighter? Our skin tone is similar and some highlighter shades are...the same color as my normal skin. :/

    1. My favorite is theBalm Mary-Lou Manizer. It's not super fair, but it still works with my skin tone. Subsolar from Sleek Solstice Highlighting Palette is really fair and looks stunning as well. I also sometimes get some shimmery eyeshadows and use them as highlighters. If most of the highlighters are too dark for you, I'd definitely look these up. Just any light shimmery eyeshadows :).
