Hey Beauties!
I finally found another hair jewel. It's Avon's hair oil, which is surprisingly not silicon based. I have tried the infamous Morrocan Oil in their Light version and didn't like it really. I think it's overrated. Today's version is a lot cheaper and surprisingly it should be for all hair types.
Avon's Advance Techniques Morrocan Argan Oil comes in this paper box. It's a hard glass bottle and it has a nice pump on top of it.
It contains 30 ml and it costs from 6.50 to 3.30€. You can get it really cheap on sale.
The pump works really nice. You can control the amount you want to come out and it's really well made. The hole is just big enough. I usually use one and a half pump, because I do have really dry hair.
Here is the ingredients lists for those, who are interested.
Oil is yellow and pretty runny. The scent reminds me of typical bubble gum Avon scent mixed with some oriental strong notes - which might just me the natural scent of argan oil. Don't expect the scent to last on the hair for days.
I have very dry and very thin hair. My roots get greasy quickly, but my ends are very dry. Most of the oils can feel too heavy on my thin hair, but this one doesn't at all. I think you can overdo it, so don't put more than one and half to two pumps, if you have fine hair. It says to apply it on towel dried hair, which I do. I also may put some on after I blow dry my hair, if they feel super dry.
The effect that I like the most from using it, is that my hair feels really soft. It seems to make them a bit more smooth and healthy looking in general - more moisturized. I have to say the effect doesn't last long on me, but that's just because my hair get really dry the second day.
Highly recommend this oil to everyone. If you're hair is healthy, this is just a good way of keeping it this way. If you have damaged and dry hair, this will at least temporary make them look better. It might even benefit from it in a long run, since argan oil is one of the best oils for hair. The price is also amazing.
Have you tried it? Do you like it too?
Meni ga je že zmanjkalo in moram najti novega posrednika, ker se punca, ki mi je do zdaj Avonove stvarce prodajala, ne ukvarja več s tem :( Je pa meni ta oljček daleč najboljši (poleg Orofluida), da ne govorim o super ceni!
ReplyDeleteCe ne najdes nobene,jaz sama narocam. Pa ti lahko po posti posljem. Ce bos zelela mi napisi na mail:) cena je res odlicna:)
DeleteSliši se res super. Jaz se ravno ugotovila, da mi silikoni ne učinkujejo več na laseh, olja so mi pa po večini pretežka in mi zmastijo lase. Imam tudi jaz izredno suhe konice, lasišče se mi pa hitro zmasti. Bo za stestirat. :) Edino to s tem naročanjem bi Avon res lahko malo spremenil - kakšna običajna spletna trgovina bi bila super! :)
ReplyDeleteMeni je tudi večina olj pretežkih. To je izjema. Vsekakor preizkusi, če boš imela priložnost. Ja Avon in pač njihova politika. Se mi zdi, da bi veliko več prodali, če bi imeli kakšno spletno trgovino:).
DeleteSem ga tudi že imela in je res super :)
ReplyDeleteJaz sem tako dolgo brala dobre komentarje, da sem zdaj končno kupila in mi ni žal:).
DeleteAh, sliši se super. :)) O tem olju res berem samo dobre ocene. Bi ga že zdavnaj kupila, ampak ne poznam nobene 'posrednice/ka'. Škoda, da imajo tak način naročanja, bi že marsikaj naročila. :)
ReplyDeleteJaz sem tudi brala samo dobre ocene. Če imaš res željo kaj naročit, ti lahko jaz naročim. :) Ja to je res samosvoja politika Avona, ki več ljudi izključuje kot vključuje.
DeleteJe tudi mene prijetno presenetil :) Fructisov, ki ima podobno ceno (tisti je 100 ml), je kot voda proti temu in mi zato sploh ni všeč. So mi vedno bolj všeč gostejša olja, ker jih tudi zato manj porabiš. Pa pumpica je velik plus. Moram ga še sprobat na mokrih laseh pred sušenjem, Orofluido naredi kar veliko razliko na meni ko ga uporabim tako :)
ReplyDeletePS. True Match sem sprobala in je prav vidno oranžen na meni :O Dosti svetel, ampak podton je pa prav bad. Še dobro, da si mi tester poslala, da nisem še en napačni nakup naredila. Tekstura je pa perfektna, eden izmed redkih pudrov, ki ne izgleda čudno na koži in se ne usede takoj v pore/gube :)
O super;).
DeleteRes? Jaz pa ne opazim, mogoče zato ker imam bolj topel podton. Meni je zanimiv kar se tiče teksture, kot da bi si tekočino mazala gor. Zelo redek za moje pojme. Izgleda vredu, samo za moj okus premalo prekriven. Pa tudi čez dan se mi začne mastit koža. Kar se pri kakšne Colorstayu, skoraj ne zgodi. Drugače pa mi je všeč, kot moja "lažja" verzija podlage:). No sem ti prihranila nekaj denarcev;).
Se podpišem pod tale post. Tudi meni je najboljše olje za lase, kar sem jih probala. Sicer trenutno uporabljam enega drugega, ampak se zagotovo vračam k temu. :)
ReplyDeleteDobro, da sem ga tudi sama odkrila:).
DeleteI've tried a shampoo from the Moroccan Argan Oil line, but I didn't like it at all. It caused heavy dandruff on my skin and left a kind of sticky white layer on my hair. Anyway, I'd like to check this oil :)
ReplyDeleteI've heard the hair mask is also amazing for dry hair. I would definitely recommend the oil. You can't go wrong with it. Just don't put on too much, if you don't have particularly dry hair.:)
DeleteJaz ga tudi kar malo šparam zaradi tega njihovega naročanja, ker mi je super haha na meni se ta vonj obdrži kar kake 3,4 dni. Mi je ravno zadnjič prijateljica s faksa rekla, ko sem sedela pred njo (imela sem lase v čopu, ker so se mi začeli mastit, ampak konice imam suhe) in se je ona igrala z mojimi lasmi, da ful dišijo. Upam, da ni od blizu vohala :D
ReplyDeleteRes? Na meni pa v enem dnevu izgine vonj:). Haha, potem ji je že dišalo;D
DeleteI'm not feeling this product. I prefer the Balea Hair Serum, this one did not wow me. It's not bad, I just find it that other products suit me better.
ReplyDeleteToo bad. I like it for its simplicity:).