My makeup storage

Hey Beauties!

I've promised show you my humble makeup storage. Recently I've cleared some of my drawers and made place for my makeup. I also purchased some of dividers from Ikea and my boyfriend made me the cutest drawer for my (very ugly and bad looking) desk. So here it is. It's a very humble collection for a beauty blogger, but probably huge for ordinary person, who's not as crazy about makeup as most of beauty bloggers and enthusiasts.

Here is my desk with my makeup drawer. The desk itself needs a makeover, but the drawer is perfect. As you can see, I also have makeup brushes on my desk, so that I can reach them when needed. I apply my makeup on the left side of my table, where I have a mirror and huge window for nice natural light.

In this drawer I have two of transparent dividers that I got from Ikea, which I have showed you here. I got them in the pack of three for 9.99€. 

In this drawer I keep product that I use daily or at least very often. In my first section are some creams, foundations, serum, primer, powder, highlighters and blushers. As you may see I really like rotating between different blushes and highlighters. 

In the back I have deodorant and creams, which I use on daily basis. Afrodita Chamomile moisturizing cream is my favorite. 

Those two Makeup Revolution and I Heart Makeup palettes are my most used palettes. I also seem to have misplaced my Avon True Color Quad, which should also be here.

More foundations and primers to use up or refill my stock with. And two really cheap sponges. I love them for putting on foundation, but I hate the fact that they get dirty so fast. How do you clean them? I never seem to clean it to look really fresh.

Here is my endless collection of Maybelline Color Tattoos, eyeliners, concealers, mascara and some lip pencils. 

In between I also keep my Shu Uemura eyelash curler.

I keep my brushes in a really heavy glass, which was actually a candle. It's very heavy and therefore sturdy and it holds the brushes that I use on a daily basis. I have other brushes stored away, because I don't use them that much. I know this might be too much of brushes to use on a daily basis, but I really like using multiple eye brushes for when I do my makeup. As well as highlighting, contouring, powdering...each has its own brush to use it with :).

The rest of my makeup is stored in and on top of my chest of drawers. On top I have my daily used jewelry and display of some of my lipsticks as well as perfumes that I use every day.

I got this acrylic lipstick holder on Ebay. It was pretty cheap. It holds 24 lipsticks. I also have my favorite perfumes, which right now is Britney Spears Midnight Fantasy and some Refan perfumes. My favorite one being Dior Hypnotic Poison replica. All of this is on a third plastic divider from Ikea.

In my first drawer I have some of the eye shadows, eyeliners, bronzers, blushes and lip products. The dividers are from Ikea and I have showed them here. Each costs 0.99€ and they have two compartments. 

Here are highlighters, bronzers, powder blushes and cream blushes, that I don't use very often anymore.

I love love Avon lipstick testers and my collection is always growing. Those testers cost 0.25€ each and it's the simplest way of trying different shades to see which really suit you in general, not only among Avon lipsticks. Plus, if you like to experiment with your makeup, you can have different shades of lipsticks, which you'll only use once or twice in your life and not feel sorry for buying the whole lipstick.

In this compartment I also have some old bronzer and powder, as well as my eyeliners and brow products.

My collection of lip glosses, lip creams and such, should really be cleared out. I'm aware that most of the products have surpass their shelf time, but I just can't seem to part with them.

The last compartment here is my single or double eye shadows and some forgotten products. I rarely use a lot of these, but keep them for the sake of shades. Seems, I prefer makeup palettes, because they are more practical in my opinion.

In my second drawer I have some eye palettes, pigments, sponges, creams, nail polish removers, some skin care products and some skin care testers. 

My leftover eye shadow palettes and some skin care.

In the back I have some Essence pigments and other similar eye products as well as sponges. 

I also have a bunch of testers that I never seem to use up. I just never remember to use these.

Skin care that seems to get forgotten in my skin care regime. 

In the middle are also some creams and my favorite Ebelin nail polish remover. 

Here are more of cheap dividers for my drawers. It's this cute baroque pattern gift box. I got it for my birthday and love to use it to hold my palettes. You can find such boxes in stores like Kik and Tedi for a really cheap price.

I also love using those tissues that come in a box. The boxes I reuse to hold my makeup. That's called recycling ;).

Again another basket type of box that I bought in Tedi for, I think it was, 1€.

I also have a bunch of these plastic baskets that I purchased from Tedi a while ago and still seem to use them here and there.

My third drawer was recently cleaned out, so now there are just some random products. I have my glitter nail polishes here, giveaway price and some product that I haven't opened up yet or have already used up completely.

My fourth and final drawer holds my nail polishes. Well, some of them, not all. I do have some in a separate storage, because I don't use them that often. My nail polish collection is pretty humble, compared to some nail lovers collections. I have them stored by a brand. In front are those that I love to use the most. You know my favorite brand of nail polishes is Maybelline Colorama, because they seem to last the longest on my nails. Here are also some other random brands, such as Calcin Klein, Alessandro, Revlon and Essie. You can see those on the left in front. In the back are Avon and Lovely nail polishes. On the right in the back are Essence and Catrice nail polishes and in front are my nail care, top and base coats. 

I like to take a little square of stickers and paint nail polish on them. Then I stick it to the top of the nail polish to see the shades better. 

That's it. If I had better storage, I would probably displayed my makeup more, but I did what I could with what I have. I will say that those drawers seem to be my favorite drawers of all the room. You'll know what I mean, if you love makeup as much as I do. Let me know if you have any other dividers or boxes that I can use in my drawers. I'd love to hear more suggestions and let me know what do you use to store your makeup in.


  1. Koliko vsega! <3 Pa super imaš urejeno.. Meni nikoli ne uspe, ko se pripravljam za ven na koncu predal zgleda kot bi se s stvarmi v njem igral majhen otrok, ki za seboj ne zna pospravljat :D Pa oba stojala za nakit sta mi noro všeč, moram si omislit nekaj takega, ker imam vse skupaj v košarici nametano in najti določen kos nakita v kratkem času je mission impossible.

    1. Oh saj moje sploh ni vedno tako urejeno:). Jaz imam po celi sobi razmetan makeup, ko se urejam in morem potem ko pridem domov vse pospraviti, da grem sploh lahko spat:D. Ja to z nakitom pa vem kak je. Jaz sem se odločila, da bom imela tisto, kar večkrat nosim kar tukaj zunaj. Drugače je pa to stojalo za cupcakse - v Tediju so ga imeli za neko res nizko ceno. Sicer pa to najdeš v več trgovinah, če imaš željo za kaj podobnega;).

  2. tud jaz imam namen pokazat mojo zbirko, čeprav je verjetno manjša in v različnih predalih v želim, da bi imela vse v predalnikih v eni mizi, ampak v sobi nimam nikoli vredu svetlobe za ličenje tako da odpade na žalost :D

    1. Škoda. V sobi bi ti bilo verjetno res bolj priročno. Jaz imam na srečo okno in balkon, da imam dovolj svetlobe:). Se že veselim ogleda tvoje zbirke;). Verjamem, da bo na koncu večja kot si misliš - ker s temi stvarmi je po navadi tako:)).

  3. Res imaš vse organizirano in urejeno! In očitno super fanta, da ti je naredil tak dober predal ;) Sem se med branjem že spraševala, če bo zmanjkalo prostora za lakce, ampak vidim, da imaš tudi to urejeno. Pa super ideja, da si na ppokrovček nalepiš barvo in vedno veš kje je kaka barva :)

    1. Hvala:)) Ja super fanta:)) je še ostal en predal za lake:). Ja se mi je zdelo to lažje, ker sem drugače vedno morala vakega vzeti ven, da sem se spomnila kateri odtenek je:).

  4. I love how you stored everything, it's very tidy and organised! :)

  5. I love your stuff, but I'm surprised you don't have these organizers from Ikea

    1. Yes, I saw these as well, but decided to get the white ones, purely because they were cheaper:).

  6. Super imaš organizirano, ta veliki predal je izjemno praktičen :) Take objave so mi ene izmed najbolj zanimivih, ker potem še sama dobim kakšno idejo. Sem pravzaprav pričakovala, da imaš manj stvari kot jaz, ne vem zakaj, sama imam dejansko samo dva 3/4 polna predala, kot se vidi na instagramu in tistih par stvari na mizi.

    1. Me je premamil ta predal, ampak ker nisem želela kupiti nove mize (čeprav bi že bil čas), sem dobila potem vsaj predal:). Jaz tudi rada pogledam take stvari. Se mi zdi, da je moj največji užitek oragniziranje stvari. Verjetno bolj čistiš svojo zbirko. Jaz imam že res stare izdelke v teh predalih. Bi že bil čas, da se ločim od njih, saj jih večino niti več ne uporabljam. Potem pa priden enkrat na leto neka ideja in dejansko še kaj uporabim - stupid pač :). Jaz bi z veseljem videla tvoje predale, če boš imela kdaj željo napisat objavo ;D. Tisto nad mizo sem videla in je čudovito. Jaz bi tudi imela take poličke, samo nimam ravno prave razporeditve v sobi.

  7. Dobre ste te ki imate tako organizirano, jaz mam ful beden način, čeprav meni ustreza. Mi je lepo videt tako vse spravljeno, samo meni je ful nepraktično. Jaz mam neki malega od ličil kar uporabljam na dnevni bazi v kopalnici, ostalo imam v sobi. Zraven mam pa vedno v torbici SOS torbico z osnovnimi stvarmi. Zato se mi včasih niti ne zdi da imam toliko, ko dam pa na kup...

    1. Seveda, moraš imet tako, da tebi ustreza:). Meni je zdaj lažje kaj najti, prej je bil problem. Pa še "pozabila" sem, da kaj imam:)). Meni pa je hecno, da jaz pa nikoli ne nosim s sabo nobenega makeupa. No razen korektorja in tone label in šmink. Ostalo pa gre vse na obraz samo zjutraj oz. ko grem pač kam ven:).

  8. Meni je tudi super takšne objave prebirat, pa zelo mi je všeč ta ideja z nalepkami na lakih :)
    Drugače je pa meni nekaj časa nazaj Maja (Pink Mascara) svetovala, da se te gobice najlažje umije z trdim milom, in je res. Samo zmočiš, podrgneš in gre vsa ''umazanija'' dol :)

    1. O hvala za nasvet. Jutri preizkusim:). Sicer se mi zdi, da ni problem v gobici ampak v pudru. Ker večinoma Revlon Colorstay uporabljam z gobico, ta pa je res trpežen:).

  9. Maš pa fajn vse to urejeno, jaz mam vsepovsod pomalem razložene zadeve :)) živim iz toaletnih torbic :D drugače mam pa jaz lake tudi tak organizirane, da mam jih polepljene na vrhu da.lažje.barve najdem :)

    1. Hehe. Saj jaz sem tudi vedno imela vse nametano eno nad drugim, pa nič našla. Super je to z laki. Vsekakor bolj priročno:)

  10. Joj kok imaš lepo urejeno. Pri meni je prava bomba (oz imam po večih predalih in celo v dveh različnih stanovanjih). Moram s etudi jest spravit pospravt vse. Sem pa glih zadnjič, ko sem dobla idejo o pospravljanju, gledala une košarice v Tediju :D

    1. Ja saj jaz sem tudi dolgo imela v neredu. Zdaj pa vsaj pospravim vedno vse na svoje mesto, ker končno ima vse svoje mesto:). Tedi ima veliko teh raznih košaric, ki so zelo priročne. Odvisno od predalov in višine izdelkov, za katere se odločiš;).
