Hey Beauties!
Feelunique had a discount on this brush set from Real Techniques and because you never have enough brushes, I decided to buy it. Let's just say, I expected a lot more, because of how popular those brushes seem to be among others.
The set of brushes comes in a plastic box. Each brush has its own place in the foam that's in the bottom of the box. The set includes 6 brushes: multi-task brush, buffing brush, essential crease brush, setting brush, pointed foundation brush and fine liner brush.
I got it for 27.29€ on Feelunique (it was on sale, otherwise it costs 38.99€).
The handles are plastic, different colors and the hair is synthetic.
Multi-task brush
I guess this is one of those brushes that can be used for a lot of things. For powder, blush or bronzer. It's not as big as their blush brush, which means it can really be used for everything. It's soft, but I expected it to be super soft. I find that it's also pretty dense, which means a high coverage application.
Buffing brush
This brush is supposed to be used to buff in the foundation. I guess you can also use it for any cream products. I have tried to use it with my foundations. That being said, I've tried it with more liquid, with more heavier foundations, to see if there's a difference. I find the hair to be too rough. It's pretty dense. My problem with this one, beside not being soft enough, is that whenever I apply foundation with it, it leaves strokes all over my face. It just doesn't seem to blend the foundation in the skin. It looks like it's just dragging the foundation all over the skin. This is probably my least favorite brush from this set.
I actually have a fake, inspired by Real Techniques or what ever brush from Ebay, which is a lot softer than this original one. Go figure.
Pointed foundation brush
I might be subjective with this one, because I really hate those flat foundation brushes. I see no use with them, except when using it for Halloween makeup?! Let's just say I don't like them. This one is very small for foundation brush. I would dare to say it's better to be used for concealer. The pointed cut is great for reaching smaller corners of the face. Again, very dense and not really soft brush. I like to apply concealer with it, but then I use my fingers to blend it in.
Setting brush
I wanted this set mostly because of this brush. It's one of those brushes that can be used for a lot of products. I find it to be great for setting under the eye area or around the nose. I also love to use it as a highlighter brush, although it might be a bit too dense for this. It could even be used as a contour brush, if you want a really small and harsh line. Maybe even to blend eye shadow. The hair is pretty soft and I like the shape in which it's cut. It makes it really easy to blend products, while your applying them with this brush.
Essential crease brush
On the packaging it says, that this one is set exclusive. It's a very small brush, that is meant to be used in the crease of the eye. The hair is pretty soft and fluffy. If you use it in the crease, you can create a pretty intense crease, because of how small it is. In comparison to Zoeva petite crease brush, this one is a lot smaller, which means harsher line. I also love to use it around the lower lash line. It's just small enough to fit in there.
Fine liner brush
My opinion with liner brushes is always the same - they are too thick, which means you can not get extremely thin liner. The hair is of course a bit thicker and harsher. I find that less of it would be better. Maybe even a bit shorter, for a really good precision. Don't get me wrong, you can still get a pretty thin line, but I just like to have even thinner line. I can always make it thicker, but I can't make it thinner if the brush is not thin enough.
I guess those brushes dissapointed me. Before I only had their blush brush and am still head over heels with this one. I expected all the brushes to be as soft as the blush brush, but they were far from it. I really like setting brush and essential crease brush. Multi-task brush is also good, but nothing spectacular. As for all the others, I probably wouldn't purchase them ever again, because I wouldn't miss them.
I'm thinking of investing in some sets from Eco Tools, which have not let me down. I would love to get my hands on some of the Zoeva brushes, but I can not seem to bring myself to pay for their postage costs. If you recommend any sets or brushes that are really soft, let me know in the comments below.
Meni se pa premehki čopiči, kar se tiče očesnega mejkapa in nanosa pudra ne dopadejo. Zame morajo biti gosti, ker če so premehki grejo samo narazen ko kaj nanašaš in blendajo prepočasi. Za blush in nanos pudra so mi pa všeč. Buffing brush je meni najboljši za nanos pudra in tale essential crease brush mi s tvojih slik izgleda super zame in moj (neobstoječi) crease :) Me kar mika tale st, edino pointed foundation brush je pa totalni miss tukaj notri :)
ReplyDeleteE.l.f. Powder brush bi ti mil morda všeč, ker je zelo mehek :)
Verjetno misliš buffing brush za kremna rdečila? To bi verjetno še šlo, ampak ne vem, ker skoraj nikoli ne uporabljam kremna rdečila:).Ja essential crease je res majhen, zato ti takoj ustvari kar grobo črto, kjer bi naj bila guba.Te foundation brushes so meni totalen miss v vseh setih. Čista nepotreba, sploh za nekega normalnega človeka, ki ni makeup artis.
DeleteHvala za nasvet, bom zagotovo preizkusila glede na to, da so res poceni:).
Buffing brush imam samo za puder, kremne blushe vedno nanašam s prsti :)
DeleteVidiš, meni se to zelo dopade, da naredi ozko črto, ker jaz imam tako malo prostora, da drugače sem že pri obrveh. Kakšen 217 za nanašat v crease pri meni odpade, ga imam samo za blendat.
Aha:) Očitno jaz ne znam zblendirat s tem. Al pa so moje podlage krive:)
DeletePotem bi ti bil ta zagoto všeč. Škoda, da se ne dobi posebej, izven seta. Ja jaz imam 227 od Zoeva - ki j praktično kopija 217 - in ga tudi samo za blendiranje uporabljam. jaz tudi nimam veliko prostora na očeh, ampak s tem RT je pa res ekstremno definirana:).
Za pointed foundation brush sploh ne morem verjeti, kako je majhen čopič, čisto premajhen za nanos podlage, drugače pa taki čopiči niti meni niso preveč pri srcu. Setting brush pa sem kupila samostojno in mi je odličen čopič. Imam tudi čopič za rdečilo, ki mi je ok, ampak mi Ecotools dosti bolje odgovarja, ker lepše zblenda rdečilo. :D
ReplyDeleteJa, bi kar nekaj časa porabila, da bi si s tem čopičem nanesla podlago :D. Očitno imaš ravno prave čopiče, tisti ki so res nekaj vredni in všečni:) Jaz pa tudi raje kupim še kakšnega EcoTools, ker se mi zdijo vedno odlično narejeni in mehki:).
DeleteMeni je Buffing brush tudi super za nanos pudra ali pa BB krem, Setting brush je eden mojih najljubših čopičev, se pa strinjam da je Pointed foundation brush čist nepotreben. Jaz ga občasno uporabljam za concealer okoli ustnic, ko hočem bolj strogo linijo :)
ReplyDeleteMi je pa njihov Nic Pick's set zelo všeč :D
Setting brush je res dober. Me kar spominja na manjšo verzijo blush brusha:). To pa sploh nisem pomislila, okrog ustnic...no sem našla še vsaj eno uporabo:). Meni je tudi všeč ta drug set. Ampak, ko sem kupovala tega še ni bilo. Nekako mi tukaj vsi čopiči izgledajo bolj fluffy:).
Deletejaz sem dobla tale komplet na feelunique znižanju za 20 € in so mi čopiči kar fajn :)
ReplyDeleteNe zdijo se mi edino najbolj mehki kar me je presenetlo.
Tale Pointed foundation brush uporabljam samo pod očmi, ker je tako majhen. Drugače pa tega fine liner čopiča sploh ne uporabljam ker je čuden :P
Najprej mi ful ni bil všeč Essential crease brush zdaj pa sem se tako navadila na njega, da ga skoz uporabljam :) Drugi 3. čopiči: Setting, Multi-task in pa Buffing brush so mi pa fajn oblikovani in jih skoz uporabljam :)
Jaz sem bila enako presenečena, ker sem mislila, da bodo vsi kot blush brush:). Jaz za liner najraje uporabljam kar čopič iz seta za nail art, ker je res odlično tanek in super za detajle:). Očitno sem jaz edina, ki ne maram tega buffing čopiča:D.
Deletedrugač pa ti priporočam kakšne BH čopiče. Jaz imam tiste ko so "bambus" al neka eko kolekcija in so fuuuul fajni :) ..mam sicer tud ene cele črne, pa so mi bambus boljši :)
DeleteBH pa sploh pomislila nisem. Si bom zapomnila, hvala:)).
DeleteMeni je pa buffing brush super, bi mi pomoje šel ful na živce, če bi bil mehkejši in bi hodil narazen, ko bi nanašala puder :D se pa strinjam za ta poited 'foundation' brush, kr neki. Meni je uporaben edino včasih za korektor po tem , ko imam že eye make up narejen, oz. za popravke, če kaj zaj... :) Drugače pa ne vem, kaj bi ti priporočila, ker nimam ravno veliko čopičev :D
ReplyDeleteHehe, ja saj premehek verjetno res ne bi bil uporaben. Jaz imam nekaj s tem, da morajo biti mehki, ne vem od kod obsesija:). No saj približno vem kaj bi rada imela, samo moja denarnica se ne strinja z mano:D.
DeleteMeni je Ponted čopič tudi popolnoma brezvezen, ni čudno, da je na voljo le v teh setih, ker sicer se tak ne bi prodajal :P Mi je pa Buffing odličen in najboljši za Lily Lolo podlago, in tudi meni ne bi bil všeč, če bi bil mehkejši :) Me pa ful moti, ker ni na voljo posebej! x
ReplyDeleteImaš prav :D Najboljše bi itak bilo, da bi si lahko sam sestavil set, ampak potem enih čopičev sploh ne bi prodali. jaz sem ugotovila, da raje kupim posebej, če ni set ravno po mojem okusu. Lesson learned:)
DeleteIt's hard to find a good crease brush, this one looks amazing! :)
ReplyDeleteIt's a really precise crease brush. Shame they don't sell it separately:)
DeleteI would recomend any of the Sigma brushes they are amazing! But, they are costly.
ReplyDeleteThanks:) I have heard a lot of good things about Sigma brushes, but they are a bit pricey, you're right:).
DeleteMeni osebno je pri RT čopičih tako...nekaj jih obožujem, nekaj pa sploh ne uporabljam. Eyeliner in foundation čopič sta mi na primer čisto mimo. :D
ReplyDeleteSe strinjam. Zame je še vedno največji hit blush brush:)