Review: I ♡ (Heart) Makeup - I am Naked palette (Makeup Revolution)

Hey Beauties!

Online store has again treated Slovenian bloggers with a new Makeup Revolution line called I Heart Makeup. I also got a beautiful eyeshadow palette along with a lipstick. I've already had a chance to try all the shades and the lipstick and I really like it. It's a perfect nude everyday palette.

The packaging is shiny black. Attracts fingertip prints like nobody's business. It has a purplish pink name on it, as it's the shade of lipstick, which is seen on the outside of the packaging. Inside there are 6 matte and shimmery shades. The packaging is pretty sturdy and small enough to be very good for travelling. It opens up with a little push on the button - so it's pretty secure. It also has a mirror inside, so very handy to travel with, indeed. 

It contains 6.5 grams of eyeshadow and 3 grams of lipstick. It costs around 9€ in Slovenia (right now it's on sale for around 6€) and 6£ on the official Makeup Revolution site. 

The packaging of the lipstick is also very shiny an purplish pink. There's a clear plastic in the middle, so the shade is seen through. At first the shade looked really brown, so I was scared it was going to be too dark. It's actually a really pretty nude shade with a peach tone to it. I would call it peachy brown nude. I really really like the shade, it's something new in my collection. The lipstick is very creamy. It gives some shine and it sits on the lips very well. It's moisturizing, but still pigmented enough. It will stick on the dry patches. I actually think the formula is pretty nice. It's something to wear on a daily basis and not worry about dry lips or smudging. It won't survive the meal, though. 

The eyeshadow range is gorgeous. It's just my type of shades. I would say it's more warm based. In my opinion, this is my kind of neutral palette

The first shade on the top left is a matte yellow toned white. It's a really nice matte shade for brightening up the eyes or brow bone. 
The one next to it is a very pale gold shade with tiny shimmer in it. It's such a gorgeous champagne like gold shade, that I love to use in the inner eye. 
The last one on the top is a perfect matte taupe shade. It has that grey undertone to it, but it looks brown. It's matte so perfect for contouring the eye. 

The first shade in the bottom half (going from left side) is a very gorgeous shimmery warm toned brown. It actually looks slightly orange toned and it's one of my favorite colors in this palette. I just love those kind of shades.
The one next to it, is again my favorite. It's a true yellow toned gold shimmery shade. You know me, I love gold. This is just the perfect gold and the shimmer in it is amazing.
The last shade is a dark chocolate brown shimmery shade, which has a definite red undertone to it. It's a great shade for darkening up the look or just using it in the outer corner of the eye.

The matte white and matte taupe shades are a bit less pigmented, as with any matte shades. The matte white shade is the least seen on the photo, also because it's the lightest. All the shades feel very silky, especially matte shades. The shimmery shades are extremely pigmented and have a heavier wetter feeling to them. I think the quality of the shades is very good and the palette has a really nice range of shades. It's a fool proof palette, even for someone who doesn't know much about make up. All the shades look very cohesive and all combinations would work. 

On the photos below I used the pale gold shade with tiny shimmer in the inner corner of the eye. I put a true gold shimmery shade all over the center of the lid. In the crease I used taupe shade. I darkened the outer corner with the dark chocolate brown shade and I also used a bit of matte white on the brow bone. I also used the matte taupe shade on the lower lid.

I'm also wearing the lipstick from this palette. 

Here I'm wearing the shimmery brown shade all over the lid. I also used matte white in the outer corner of the eye and matte taupe shade on the lower lid.

I love this palette. The shades are exactly my kind of shades, the pigmentation is good, the shades apply like a dream and I'm also very much liking the peachy nude lipstick, which is a nice change in my nude range of lipsticks. I highly recommend this palette to anyone who wants a basic travel friendly neutral palette. The price is also not bad, if you get it on sale - even better.

Now here's the surprise. were kind enough to offer my readers FREE POSTAGE (use the code BLOG-POSTNINA) until the end of August. So, now's the time to dig up those favorites on your browser and finally order them. I know you probably have something looked up, I know I do too.

Thank you Ličila again, for a really nice treat;).

What do you think of this palette? What's your favorite shade here?

Za vse slovenske bralke še kratek prevod. Od trgovine Lič smo blogerke pred kratkim prejele novo linijo Revolution Makeup makeupa. Jaz sem dobila I Heart paletko v odtenku I am Naked. 

Embalaža je sijoče črna z vijoličasto roza napisom. Tak je tudi odtenek embalaže šminke, ki je vidna skozi paleto. Znotraj se nahaja 6 mat in svetlikajočih odtenkov senčil in en odtenek šminke. Embalaža se odpre s pritiskom na gumb in je precej trdna, ter super za potovanja. Vsebuje tudi ogledalo, kar je izjemno priročno za na pot.

Šminka je čudovit marelično nude rjavkast odtenek. Ima topel oranžkast podton. Odtenek mi je izjemno všeč, ker nimam nič podobnega v svoji nude zbirki. Tekstura šminke je zelo kremasta, lahka za nanosi in dobro vlaži ustnice. Ustnicam daje sijaj. Zagotovo šminka, ki je primerna za vsakodnevno uporabo.

Senčila so odličnih nevtralnih odtenkov z toplim podtonom. Prvi odtenek od zgoraj (od leve proti desni) je mat rumeno baziran bel odtenek. Naslednji ima rahel shimmer in je rumeno baziran svetlo zlat odtenek. Zadnji v zgornji vrsti je zopet mat in sicer perfektna rjava, ki ima sivkast podton. Spodaj (od leve proti desni) je čudovit rjav odtenek s shimmrom. Naslednji odtenek je zopet zelo svetljikajoč in sicer čudovit rumeno baziran zlat odtenek. Zadnji odtenek v tej vrsti je rjava v odtenku temne čokolade, ki ima rahlo rdečkast podton.

Vsi odtenki se odlično nanašajo, so zelo svilnati na dotik. Predvsem mat odtenka. Svetljikajoči odtenki so seveda bolj pigmentirani kot mat in delujejo bolj "težko" oziroma dajejo občutek mokrote v primerjavi s satenastim občutkom mat odtenkov. 

Paleta mi je izjemno všeč in menim, da je super za vsakogar, ki si želi nevtralno paleto z doličnim naborom senčk in nevtralnim odtenkom šminke za zraven. 

Paletko lahko kupite na Lič Vsebuje 6.5 gramov senčil in 3 grame šminke. Po navadi je cena paletke okrog 9€, zdaj pa jo lahko dobite za 5.95€. 

Pa še presenečenje...Lič so prijazno ponudila bralkam mojega bloga BREZPLAČNO POŠTNINO (uporabi kodo BLOG-POSTNINA) do konca avgusta. Zdaj pa le pohitite in pobrskajte po zaznamkih, kaj vse ste si želele kupiti. Ni boljše priložnosti kot zdaj. Sama imam prav tako nagledanih nekaj izdelkov;).

Hvala Ličila;)


  1. Ta je pa res lepa! :))
    Mi je pa najbolj padel v oči prvi look, celotna kombinacija barv je prečudovita in je točno to, kar bi tudi sama nosila. :D

    1. Meni so tudi odtenki, popolnoma po mojem okusu. Očitno imava enak okus;)

  2. Šminka mi ni preveč všeč, čeprav tebi res pristaja, paleta je pa zelo luštna. :)

  3. waw...šminka je full lepa. res ti paše...tut paletke se ne bi branila!

  4. Šminka res scary zgleda, ampak je ful luštna :D Pa paleta in look tudi :)

    1. Ne vem kako to, da izgleda tako zelo temno, v bistvu pa sploh ni:) Sem se kar ustrašila:)

  5. Sminka je res lepe barve :) tudi v moji paletki so matte senčila slabse pigmentirana, ampak je res ful dobra paleta :))

    1. Se mi zdi, da je to z vsemi paletami tako. Je pač tako, še vedno pa so zelo dobre kvalitete:) Se že veselim podrobnejše ocene tvoje palete:)

  6. wow, the finished look is really impressive! I really like that nude color. Hope US citizens will be able to get our hands on Makeup Revolution products soon!

  7. lepa barva šminke, lepa paletka, lep make up, lepa ti :))

  8. Wow, res je bila kombinacija ustvarjena zate, čudovito ti pristojita tako makeup look kot šminka. Sicer za moj okus vse skupaj preveč nevtralno (tega imam doma že dovolj), ampak za ljubiteljice tovrstnega videza, ki še nimajo doma zaloge bi bila pa ta paletka kot naročena.

    1. Hvala:)) Se strinjam s tabo. Jaz imam kar problem, ker vedno kupujem neka senčila v podobnih odtenkih kot so ta:) Včasih je pa dobro it malo ven iz svoje navade:)

  9. Hvala:) Meni je tudi zanimiva sprememba odtenka:) Jaz tudi obožujem take nevtralne odtenek. Vsak dan imam kakšen podoben odtenek na očeh:)

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