Hey Beauties!
I needed to write a review about this product, because once you get it, you'll never want to use the regular nail polish remover again. And the fact that it's pretty affordable, it won't hurt either. Read more to find out why is it so amazing and why you need it asap!
There's been a long time since a product made such a good impression on me. For the first time I used this, I couldn't believe how easy removing the nail polish can be. I am one of those persons who hates, and I mean HATES, removing nail polish. I love doing designs and changing my color often, but when it comes to removing it... It's just not fun and it takes to much time.
This Ebelin nail polish remover is not one of its kind. There a lot of similar ones from other brands. What I like about it, is the price, 1.99€ for 75 ml. I think it's the cheapest I found in our drugstore.
It's a bottle and in it is black sponge. The sponge has a hole in the middle into which you can put your finger and swirl it around, so the sponge takes of your nail polish. The sponge is soaked with nail polish remover, which doesn't contain acetone. I find the sponge to be really nicely soaked and think that there's a lot of nail polish remover in the bottle. So once it starts to get dry, I'll just shake the bottle and the sponge will get soaked again. The bottle is also a very friendly bottle. I know this one is going with me on holidays:).
I love the extremely easy system. You just take a finger, dip it into the sponge and voila - no more nail polish. The only thing I would change is make the hole a bit smaller. It's a bit big, which means when you try to swirl the nail left and right, the sponge swirls with you. I then tend to pull my finger up and down, so the nail polish gets in touch with the sponge more.
It cleans the polish really fast and really easy. I've also tried removing layers of nail art designs and it did it well. It takes longer to remove it, because it removes layer by layer, but it's still quicker then using a regular nail polish remover with cotton pad. The only thing that it's hard to remove with this one, is glitter. But glitter is hard to remove with any nail polish remover.
The nail polish remover has a specific smell, which I can't decide what it is. It smells very sophisticated to me, almost a bit too much for a nail polish remover. I would say it reminds me of a perfume, maybe some sort of unisex perfume:).
I highly recommend you purchase this one, if you have a chance. It's time saver and probably nerve saver, if your impatient like me. It's affordable and does the job really well. One of those products that I see myself repurchasing it over and over again.
Yup, imaš čisto prav - ko enkrat uporabiš tako vrsto odstranjevalca laka ti niti na pamet ne pade, da bi spet uporabljal vatke. Pure genius je tole.
ReplyDeleteRes je. Jaz sem imela najprej od Essenca, zdaj imam pa tega - se mi zdi da je veliko boljši in da hitreje odstrani lak. S tem je res užitek lakirat nohte, v 30 sekundah odstraniš vse in si ready to go! :D
DeleteJa res odličen izdelek!:) Pa tako preprosta rešitev:)
DeleteSuper ocena, si me prepričala. :P Sem bila vedno malo skeptična do takih odstranjevalcev, zdaj pa bom ga zagotovo kupila. Ker sem ista kot ti - odstranjevanje laka se mi zdi res čista izguba časa, pa tako dolgo traja. :) Pa še super je, da bom porabila manj kozmetičnih vatk in jih raje izkoristila za odstranjevanje makeupa. :)
ReplyDeleteNo če si kot jaz, potem se boš zaljubila v ta izdelek:). Res je odličen, ti ga priporočam;)
DeleteMene tovrstne zadeve res mikajo, in tale od Ebelina je res ugodna, ampak se sploh ne razumem z Ebelinovimi odstranjevalci, navadno mi čisto uničijo nohte, podobne težave imam z Essence odstranjevalci. In verjetno je notri Ebelinov odstranjevalec, drugo bi bilo nelogično. :) Prisegam na Afroditine odstranjevalce, so edini, ki mi na dolgi rok ne izsušujejo nohtov, kar je kar pomembno, ker je odstranjevalec pri meni res potrošna roba. :)
ReplyDeleteRes? Jaz pa večinoma njihove odstranjevalce kupujem. Jaz ne opazim, da bi mi uničeval nohte, ker imam že same po sebi dokaj slabe:/. Mogoče pa lahko preizkusiš kakšnega drugega. Mislim,da ima več znamk tak ostranjevalec:)
DeleteTole je res super! V bistvu sem ravno pred kratkim nekje zasledila tutorial, kako se čisto enostavno naredi doma - samo v posodico daš kuhinjsko gobico, naliješ notri malo najljubšega odstranjevalca in je. Ampak glede na to, da je tale tako super za to ceno … :D
ReplyDeleteOdlično:) Jaz sem že tudi razmišljala, da se to zagotovo da naredit doma:) Je pa res ja, da ta tudi ni preveč drag. Mogoče pa si lahko v tega vlijem druge odstranjevalce, ko tega porabim:)
DeleteI've seen these types of nail polish removers everywhere, but I never tried one! They look so easy and fast, so I might give them a try! :)
ReplyDeleteThey are really easy and fast, you should definitely try it. You'll probably never want to use the usual one again:))
DeleteUhhh kak dolgo si že hočem to zadevico kupit, pa vedno pozabim ali pa me druge svetleče zadeve zamotijo :D Moram zdaj dat to na wishlisto, ko bom naslednjič v drogeriji da vzamem :)
ReplyDeleteHehe..svetleče zadevice:)) Ja no daj si na wish listo - you need it!:))
DeleteJa superr je :D jaz trenutno uporabljam istega od Essence in je tudi super :D
ReplyDeleteSe mi je zdelo, da ima Essence tudi:) Res odlična zadeva:)
DeleteJaz sem imela verzijo od Bourjois ampak sem bila razočarana, ker je bil popolnoma zanič potem ko sem enkrat odstranjevala lak z bleščicami. Bom pa preiskusila tega, da vidim če mi bo ljubši :)
ReplyDeleteOh škoda. Jaz sem s tem že odstranjevala bleščice, ki sicer niso šle ravno dol, sem ji morala popraskati iz nohta, tako da niso ostale v steklenički:)
DeleteMeni je tudi super odstranjevalec. Morm si kupit se enega, ker sm si zadnjic odstranjevala blescice in sm ga celega umazalaa, tako da imam povsod bleščice. ..
ReplyDeleteHehe:) Zdaj vem, da ne bom bleščic odstranjevala z njim. Saj sem že enkrat poskusila, pa niso kaj preveč šle dol, sem jih pa nekaj res našla kasneje v odstranjevalcu:)