Review: Essence Beach Cruisers Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner

Hey Beauties!

So I initially thought I wouldn't buy anything from this Beach Cruisers LE. But when I saw it in the store, I was impressed by the color of the liquid liner. Since it's a very wearable shade, I decided to get it.

It's a classic Essence plastic packaging. I like that the packaging is the same color as the product. Makes thing easier. It contains 3 ml of product and costs 2.49€

The applicator is a short brush. If you put on a little pressure, you get a thin line and if you put more pressure, the brush flats and creates a thicker line.

It's described as a waterproof glitter eyeliner. Now, I wouldn't describe it as a glitter liner, at all. It's actually more of a metallic effect to me. It's shiny, but there's no obvious glitter seen, while wearing. The glitter shows, when you decide to take it off. It's definitely very long lasting, but not waterproof. It reminds me of Catrice liquid liner. Once it dries, it won't move, until you decide to take it off. 

I really like the color. I would describe it as a copper bronze or brown gold. It goes nice with my hair color. I think it's a very wearable liner that would suit many and the quality is not bad at all. The shade is called 01 Sun, Fun & Copper!

Here I went a bit overboard with it, creating more of a night time look.

Did you get any of the products from this LE?


  1. zelo lepo ti paše! <3 :)
    ne vem, zakaj se meni pogosto dogaja, da me katera kolekcija v živo ne pritegne, potem pa vidim na blogih kaj zanimivega in mi je žal, da nisem vzela. :/
    no, upam, da še najdem kje tole črtalo, je čisto po mojem okusu. :)

    1. Hvala:)) Ja to se meni tudi pogosto dogaja:) Včasih se ti ne zdi dovolj zanimiv, dokler ga ne vidiš na neki osebi:) Zagotovo ga še kje dobiš. Poglej bolj po trgovinicah, ki so manj obiskane:)

  2. Prekrasen odtenek! Sploh ne spremljam več teh kolekcij od Essence, ampak tole je pa res lepo. Imam en podoben odtenek svinčnika za oči od UD (Baked) in je eden izmed tistih odtenkov, ki naredi moje oči bolj modre :)

    1. Zagotovo ti zelo pristaja:) Se mi zdi to tak odtenek, ki izgleda super na modrih, zelenih in rjavih očeh. Tak univerzalen odtenek, pa tudi zelo nosljiv:)

  3. wow I love how this looks on you!!!!

  4. Tole je pa tudi mene mikalo da bi vzela. Pa un smaragdno zelen je bil tut ful lepe barve:) Res ti paše na tvojo barvo las!

    1. Jaz se nisem mogla odločiti, pa sem na koncu vzela tega, ker se mi je zdel bolj nosljiv. Me pa še zdaj mika tisti drugi:). Hvala:))

  5. Mene pa odtenek v živo ni prepričal, se mi pa zdi, da tebi res pristaja. :)

  6. wow, wow! Res ti pristaja! :) Jaz sem ga imela že v nakupovalni košarici, pa sem ga potem dala ven, zdaj pa mi je čist žal, da ga nisem kupila, ker je res lep :)

    1. Hvala:)) Ja, odtenek je res lep. Mogoče ga pa še najdeš v trgovini:)

  7. Joj ne govori, ko sem videla swatche sem se zaljubila v eyelinerje in potem jih nisem več dobila, sem prav žalostna. Sicer po drugi strani je ok ker noro nakupujem zadnje čase.

    1. Jaz sem danes kupila še turkiznega in so imeli še oba. Tako, da če si katerega ful želiš povej, pa ti ga pošljem;)

    2. Včeraj sem jaz videla še oba v DMu na Trdinovi:)

  8. Res dobro izpade! Jaz sem za trgovino naročila raznorazne barvne tekoče linerje in komaj čakam, da pridejo, da bom lahko malo eksperimentirala. :)

    1. Super:) Barvni linerji so super za poletje! Jaz jih takrat uporabljam kar namesto senčil:)

  9. Uau! :)

    Kako je lep, tako arabsko izpade!

    BIG BIG BIG like! :D

    1. Hvala:)) Ja pa res deluje neke arab inspired:)

  10. Whoa, tvoj nanos je perfekcija! Všeč mi je tudi barva, imam že nekaj takega doma, Rich Mahogany od Beatuy UK je praktično identičen in je med mojimi najljubšimi eyelinerji. Zelo lepo ti pristoji.:)

  11. oh my lord you ARE STUNNING! Love this liner style on you! I would totally buy three of these if I could because it looks so lovely!

    1. Oh thank you:)) It really is lovely. I actually went back and bought the other shade as well (blue green) :)

  12. Krasen je, res ti super paše na oči in polt.
