Hey Beauties!
Today I'm back on hair products. I was never a fan of dry shampoos, because they didn't work well on me. Well, I finally found the infamous Batiste and, I too, fell in love.
It's a dry shampoo like any. It's in a spray form. I spray it on the hair when they feel getting greasy and just brush it out. It does a really good job of refreshing my hair. They look a lot less greasy and they have more volume too. Of course dry shampoo adds texture to the hair, making them a bit thicker and fluffier. Batiste really is a good dry shampoo. I really like that my hair feels fresh the whole day, sometimes two. It also depends on when you use it. If the hair is very greasy, it won't become suddenly totally fresh, that's normal. The shampoo is used to refresh in between washes. It's great after workout or days when your hair feels that extra greasy. I also like using it right after washing and blow dying the hair to just add texture and volume. It may also prolong the freshness of the hair.
The spray is white and there could be some white residue if you don't brush it out properly or have very dark hair. Batiste also has some dry shampoo for brunettes. I haven't tried it yet, but maybe it's transparent. I actually don't mind the whiteness. I can brush it out pretty well. I also like that it's pretty dry, because some dry shampoos tend to be way too liquid.
I got the Tropical scent, which smells...well tropical. It says it's coconut and exotic. I definitely smell coconut, but mixed with something else. It's not bad at all. A lot better than some other dry shampoos.
If you haven't tried Batiste yet, I highly recommend. It really is worth the money in my opinion. I bought it on Asos for 4.20 € (5.63$ or 2.99£). It contains 200 ml of product and it can last you quite a while, if you use it rarely. If you use it everyday it will have a shorter life, of course.
Definitely the best dry shampoo, I've had so far.
Have you tried any of the Batiste shampoos? Which one do you like the most and why?
Definitely the best dry shampoo, I've had so far.
Have you tried any of the Batiste shampoos? Which one do you like the most and why?
Meni je ful fajni tale :3 Najboljši suhi šampon izmed vseh, ki sem jih sprobala :)
ReplyDeleteSem pa ga kupla na razprodaji in sem dobila za isto ceno 400 ml :)
Oh kako super:) No saj tudi drugače se mi zdi, da ni nekaj pretirano drag, glede na to, da dejansko naredi to kar mora:)
DeleteSe strinjam. Enkrat ko najdeš Batiste, ne greš nikoli več nazaj :) Do zdaj sem sprobala tole verzijo, Original in Blush, in mi je zaenkrat Original najljubši :)
ReplyDeleteKakšen vonj pa ima original? Je kakšna razlika v delovanju med tema, ki si ju ti preizkusila?:))
DeleteBatiste je res dober :) Sem se že kar naveličala tega Tropical vonja, mi je preveč podoben nečemu za pojest, bi kakšen lepši vonj imela.
ReplyDeleteHehe:) Meni je zaenkrat zelo všeč vonj. Zdaj sem videla na Asosu, da imajo tri mini Batiste šampone skupaj, pa so mi tako luštkani, da bi kar kupila:) Pa še uporabni za prenašanje:)
DeleteBatiste suhi šamponi so že tako dolgo na moji WL, da komaj čakam, da jih probam. Trenutno imam Lushevega, ki ga verjetno ne bom porabila celo večnost, ampak so mi ljubši suhi šamponi v spreju kot v prahu.
ReplyDeleteMeni so tudi ljubši v spraju, ker so bolj priročni za uporabo:) Mene je res prepričal tale Batiste:)
DeleteBoš videla, da se splača:) Meni je res top!:)
ReplyDeleteBatiste je res the best. Jaz sem preizkusila že vse vonje razen enega in moram reči, da mi je tale zaenkrat še najbolj všeč.
ReplyDeleteNo potem sem jaz dobrega izbrala za prvo izbiro:)
Deletesuper objava. :) jaz si jih tudi že dooolgo želim sprobat, upam, da mi bo enkrat le uspelo priti do njih. :)
ReplyDeleteHvala:) So res dobri:)
DeleteRes je najboljši!