Review: Maybelline Master Precise liquid eyeliner

Hey Beauties!

Eyeliner happens to be one of my favorite makeup product, along side the concealer and foundation. I love nothing more then a winged eyeliner and a bold colorful lips. I browsed through Feelunique, when they had Christmas sale, I think, and found this Maybelline's Master Precise Liquid Liner in Black. Since the range of liquid eye liners is pretty poor in our drugstores, I ordered it.

The liner is in the shape of the pencil, which makes the application really easy. It has like a foam tip that produces enough color to evenly spread on the lid. The tip is ultra fine with 0.4 mm. I started realizing that the very tip of that applicator seems to not get as much color on, as it did before. But since I use pen horizontally positioned along side the lid or lash line, this isn't a problem. I just drag it along and it still reproduces a pretty even line.

As far as the application goes, you can make fine or bolder line, depending on what pressure you use. It's pretty black and I like that it dries pretty quickly. It's not one of those extremely liquid liners that you have to wait and not blink, in order to get it dry enough so you can wear it out. It dries nicely and doesn't pull on the lid, like my Essence liner. Once it dries, it stays all day. It's also very easy to clean, since it's not waterproof.

I really like it, more than most of the Essence ones, which I've tried. It cost me around 7 €.

What's your favorite liquid eyeliner?


  1. ful lepo ti paše eyeliner :))

  2. Sliši se super, meni je bil tudi eden od Maybelline najljubši ampak so ga menda ukinili...

    1. Ah ja..kdo bi razumel:) Meni se tudi zdi, da sem že imela enega od Maybelline, ki mi je bil super, ampak je tako daleč nazaj, da se niti več ne spomnim katerega:)

  3. Vau, ful fajn izgleda. Meni sicer ti svinčniki niso najbolj pri srcu, imam raje tekoče ali gel eyelinerje.
    Jaz sem zadnjič kupila en Essence svinčnik in bi bilo boljše, da ga ne bi. Pigmentacija povprečna, pustil pa mi je tak stain, da ga 3 dni nisem spravila dol. :/

    1. Ojej:/ Jaz sem enkrat kupila takega v svinčniku od Catrice in katastrofa, mislim, da se je posušil kar v dveh dneh. Jaz imam tudi rada gel linerje, ampak sem rabila malo spremembe:)

  4. Winged liner looks amazing on you! :)
