Can you believe that I've found foundation that is too light for me? I know, I can't! And that is Maybelline Affinimat foundation, which I have discovered in our stores, just a few weeks ago.
This is a foundation suitable for combination to oily skin. The name says it: affini-mat. The foundation is very watery, which is a problem when you combine such formula with this type of packaging. The packaging is plastic tube, which is really inappropriate, since the foundation ends up running all over the tube. It's just way too messy. You also can't control how much comes out. You can, if you squeeze it out evenly, otherwise you may get too much. I just don't get it! Is it so hard to make a nice packaging to go with a nice product?
Like I said before, the foundation is very watery. It's what I would consider light to medium coverage. It's a little less opaque as Healthy Mix foundation. I love medium to full coverage foundations, but surprisingly I really like the outcome of this one. It covers minor redness and imperfections, but for anything more then minor, you will need to use concealer. I have combination to oily skin and I have to say I like it better then Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation, because it keeps my skin matte for a lot longer than Bourjois did. I wouldn't say it will keep you matte all day, as it says on the packaging, but for a few hours, depending on how oily your skin gets. I tried it on my hands, which are very dry and the finish was completely matte. I wouldn't recommend this for those with dry skin, at all. It also contains SPF of 17.
It costs around 8 € for 30 ml of product.
I have it in the shade 03 Light Sand Beige (but underneath this label it says 30 Sand Beige-so I guess look for one of these). Now here is when it gets weird. The swatch on the hand dries to some sort of orange toned color. Which is weird, because I wore it for 2 weeks and it didn't look orange on me at all. What's even weirder, if you disturb it while it's drying it becomes lighter again. Weird isn't it? I have used it with my hand and with foundation brush and it always looked fine on me, maybe a bit yellow, but I have yellow undertone. What's even weirder, it is actually too light for me?! Bare in mind that I NEVER get the right color of foundation, because almost every single one of them is too dark. As a comparison: Bourjois Healthy Mix in 51 Light Vanilla - slightly too dark, Revlon Colorstay foundation in 150 Buff - also a bit too dark. I guess, I would recommend to go in the store, put it on your entire face and you'll see what happens to you - for me it works great :).
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Top: Maybelline Affinimat 03 Light Sand Beige, bottom: Bourjois Healthy Mix 51 Light Vanilla |
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Top: Maybelline Affinimat 03 Light Sand Beige, bottom: Bourjois Healthy Mix 51 Light Vanilla |
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Left: Maybelline Affinimat 03 Light Sand Beige, right: Revlon Colorstay 150 Buff |
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Left: Maybelline Affinimat 03 Light Sand Beige, right: Revlon Colorstay 150 Buff |
Recommend to: anyone with combination to oily skin, anyone with very minor imperfections, for anyone with a pretty light skin.
Super, da si to objavo napisala :) Zdaj te lahko zasujem z vprašanji :P
ReplyDeleteJaz sem tudi tale puder gledala v DM, ampak se nisem mogla odločit za odtenek, tako da ga nazadnje nisem kupila. Nisem pa pričakovala da bo tako zelo tekoč in sem si z njim popacala hlače takoj, ko sem ga odprla -.-
Če ti je ta presvetel, misliš da bi ti odtenek temnejši bolj ustrezal? Ti Revlonov CS za dlje časa matira kot tale?
:)) oh šment:/ Ne odtenek, ki je temnejši od tega, pa mi je spet mogoče malo pretemen. Zdaj ga uporabljam tako, da ga kombiniram z Bourjois in je odtenek ravno super:) Veš kako je to, rabil bi tisti vmesen odtenek, ki pa ga ni, ker imajo samo enih 5 verjetno:) Meni se zdi, da je ta mogoče celo malo bolj mat kot Revlonov. Ali pa vsaj nekje tam skupaj sta. Revlonov je zelo prekriven, zato izgleda hitro cakey. Tale pa je prav dobra osvežitev, ker je rahlo prekriven, saj itak vse drugo zakrijem s korektorjem:)
DeleteTudi jaz sem ga kupila pred kakim tednom in mi je ful všeč, razen embalaža je zelo nepriročna, kar je škoda.
ReplyDeleteRes škoda. Človek bi si mislil, da se lahko malo bolj potrudijo pri embalaži:/
DeleteRavnokar sem ga gledala v ¨mullerju in se mi je takoj zadopadel najsvetlejši odtenek. Kr mali čudež, da je nekaj tako svetlega pri nas. Se strinjam glede embalaže, tester je bil čisto umazan od pudra. Bi kar kupila, že zaradi odtenka :)
ReplyDeleteSe popolnoma strinjam, sploh ni za verjeti:)) Embalaža pa res ni priročna. Sploh kakšno prenašanje v torbici, bi lahko bilo katastrofalno.
DeleteAh pa ti sploh ne rabiš pudra!:) Embalaža je pa res brezvezna. xx
ReplyDelete:)) Oh, hvala..ampak ga rabim;) Res ne morem verjeti, da je tako težko vložiti v dobro embalažo, če je že izdelek dober. Potem pa je vedno nekaj, da ne moreš reči, da je popolno:/
DeleteO vav, čudovito izgleda na tebi! Ne vem, zakaj naj bi rabila močno prekrivne pudre, tvoja koža izgleda zares flawless:)
ReplyDeletePuder na roki je pomoje postal oranžen zaradi oksidacije, če ga malo obrišeš pa ostraniš oksidirani del. Za swatch si verjetno nanesla debelejšo plast in je zato samo tam postal oranžen. Tako si jaz razlagam:) No, važno, da na obrazu dobro izgleda;)
Oh, hvala:) Ne vem, zelo dolgo sem bila navajena na Revlonov CS in sem se navadila, da mora bit puder močno prekriven:)
DeleteJa imaš prav, oksidacija. Saj verjetno bi se isto zgodilo če bi ga zelo na debelo namazala na obraz, ampak tam nihče noče kile pudra:)
Kako imaš lepo kožo!
ReplyDeleteYou added some good pictures. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteLets follow each other.
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Love this post ;)
DeleteYou look perfect! I'm thinking of buying it for 3 weeks now...hmm...
ReplyDeleteThanks:) I know how it is;)
DeleteThank you so much for review!!I saw it in store but couldn't find a reviwew in language I understand and google translate the way you can't actually read it:D Thank you so much! Still on hand it doesn't look lighter that healthy mix, I own healthy mix in 51 and now you confused me what to take I was going to take 02:)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you like it!:) I know it totally doesn't. But I see the difference while wearing it, healthy mix seems to oxidase a little on my skin, because I have pretty oily skin (therefore it tends to get a bit darker). What I would recommend is to try healthy mix and maybelline on the hand, if you have a chance to try both in the same store and then you'll see if you need lighter our darker;)
DeleteOh, ti si pa potem skoraj take polti kot jaz! Se mi zdi, da sem navtralna, ampak mi je tudi HM pretemen :D škoda, da je ta puder tako mat, nisem fanica :)
ReplyDeleteJa potem si nekje tu kot jaz :) Jaz pa sem bolj kot ne topel podton, ker imam kar precej rumene v polti, poleti sem pa spet popolnoma olivna. Ironija, glede na to, da sem tako svetlopolta :) Če imaš suho kožo, res ne bi bil najboljši :)
Deleteactually it doesn't seem to be too light - but maybe just on the pictures! i swatched it but it was a little bit too "matt"
ReplyDeleteNow it's perfect. At the time I was a bit more tanned:) Yes, it's pretty matte, but for me maybe not even enough, since I do get really oily:)