I have to say I didn't plan on getting anything from this LE, but when I saw it in the store I sort of fell in love with two products.
I have been on a hunt for a highlighter ever since fresh dewy skin became fashionable. I don't like dewy foundations, but I LOVE highlighters. And finding one in a drugstore? - mission impossible. When I saw this baby - hell yeah! - I had to buy it. I also bought their metal effect nail polish in gold color. If it's supposed to be fashionable, I should give it a try, right? :)
Let's start with the nail polish. It costs 1.99 € and the bottle holds 8 ml of nail polish. I won't lie, I am not a fan of those kind of finishes. However, I have been getting into it this fall. It grew on me. The nail polish shade 04 Gold Digger, is gold - so you see, I was sold :). The shade is a very soft almost white gold and it feels like there are two pigments mixed in it, light gold and light silver. I like the shade a lot. Those sort of finishes can make all of your nail flaws look even bigger, but if you put a few coats and a nice top coat it will look nice. I like it. It won't stay on for a long time, since it is Essence, but it will be great for nail art and such.
My favorite thing of this collection is their highlighter in shade 01 Gold Digger. The packaging is a basic plastic pot and you get 9 ml of product for only 3.29€. Now, that is a good price! I have to say, I am not a fan of packaging, since I have wrecked many such - so be careful with it. I LOVE, LOVE the highlighter. What I like the most about it is the fact that it is a nice nude gold based color. Finally! Not all fair skins have cool undertones! And I am one of these. The gold shimmer in it fits perfectly with my yellow/olive skin tone and I highly recommend it. I was surprised since the shimmer in it is pretty small and really shiny. It gives you some serious highlight. Love, love!
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Keep in mind, this is a heavy swatch |
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Lighter application |
Nail polish: nice color, standard packaging, gives what it says - metal effect, cheap.
Highlighter: awesome price for the amount of product, not sturdy packaging, great shade (especially for warm, yet fair skin tones).
Do you like any of those two products? Did you get anything from this LE?
Ta highliter sem tudi jaz gledala, ampak ga nisem vzela. Mislim pa da bom šla ponj, ker je res krasen :)
ReplyDeleteNo super;)
DeleteZdaj mi je pa kar žal, da nisem highlighterja vzela, ker je prečudovit. Kupila sem le zlat topper, čeprav tudi tega sprva nisem nameravala, ampak mi je všeč, ga imam ravno na nohtih. Laki pa me niso prepričali, ker nekaj podobnih že imam, uporabljam pa jih samo za nail art ali štemljanje, ne pa kot manikuro. :)
ReplyDeleteJa jaz sem tudi želela vzeti tipperja, ampak tako zelo ne maram čiščenja bleščic, da sem se nekako prepričala, da ne bom vzela. :)
Deletethanks for posting this! I am also a fair skinned gal without a pink undertone! I will definitely have to look for this :)
ReplyDeleteCheck it out, I think you'll like it ;)
DeleteWow, highlighter je zelo lep, mi je kar žal da ga nisem pograbila, samo imam slabe izkušnje z njimi ko se gre za Essence - ponavadi je polno shimmra v izdelku, na koži se pa nič ne vidi... Sem pa vzela isti lak (ki je res eden lepši in popoln za jesen) in pa zlat topper :)
ReplyDeleteSe strinjam, večina je res takih površnih in z ogromnim shimmerom, ampak ta je pa pozitivno presenečenje :) Lak je super za jesen, jaz sem itak nora na zlato barvo :)
DeleteZlatega highlightra pa še res nimam in tale je čudovit.!
ReplyDeleteRes ni slab, sploh za tako ceno:)
DeleteHighlighter je čudovit!:) xx
DeleteJaz sem tudi vzela highlighter, ampak ga še nisem stestirala, še ni bilo priložnosti :P
ReplyDeleteNo upam, da ti bo všeč;)
DeleteHighlighter je čudovit, upam da ga bodo ju3 še imeli :)
ReplyDeleteDržim pesti!;)
DeleteZdaj je pa tudi meni žal, da nisem vzela highlighterja. Morem še enkrat v DM :)
DeleteHighlighter je pa res lep! Jaz imam samo enega v tekoči obliki, tako da že dolgo nameravam enega v prahu kupiti. Upam, da ga še kje najdem. Iz te kolekcije sem pa drugače ful tist zlat topper hotela imeti, ampak sem šla že na štiri različne konce pogledati pa je vsepovsod razprodan... :(
ReplyDeleteSandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life
Škoda za topper :/, te LE včasih prehitro zmanjkajo. Ja jaz imam tudi večinoma tekoče, tako, da je to ena pozitivna sprememba. :)