Avon already has True Colour lipstick range. For the holidays they've decided to add red collection. A perfect red lipstick for every woman. They also added True Colour Perfect Reds Pro+ nail polishes to their regular Nailwear Pro+ range. I actually like this range of only reds. Red is such a classic lip and nail shade that I think everyone should own at least one. It's also a beauty staple, because it goes with everything.
Avon True Colour Perfect Reds offers 7 shades of lipsticks. I have 6 of them. They have a classic plastic shiny black packaging with a silver detail. I love the writing on it. It adds a lovely touch. Top of cap is transparent which makes it easier to spot the shade.
In each lipstick is 3.6 grams of product and the regular price is 8.50€ (Slovenia).
Poppy Love - light orange based red. It will look amazing on light warm skin tones.
Lava Love - light pink based red. This is perfect for light cool skin tones. It has a very vibrant pink tone to it.
Berry Berry Nice - classic medium cool toned red with a hint of berry pink in it. This shade would probably look good on most light to medium skin tones. It's the only shade that has blue shimmer in the formula.
Scarlet Siren - medium warm red. It's perfect for medium skin tones. It also has a somewhat brown tint to it.
Perfect Red - dark brown red. This one has a very brown base to it and is perfect for medium to dark skin tones.
Cherry Jubilee - dark berry red. I would almost say it's more berry than a red shade. It has a purple warm undertone to it. It's perfect for medium to dark skin tones.
Formula is very buttery. It says that it's oil enriched formula with vitamin E. It's definitely sheerer and more buttery than for example Avon 3D Plumping lipsticks. The feel of it is similar to Avon Ultra Colour Indulgence lipsticks, but those are a lot sheerer. I adore the feel of it on the lips. They feel moisturizing, soothing and not sticky. It doesn't dry out my lips, it almost nourishes them. It's a very lightweight formula and not as creamy as some that tend to feel heavy on the lips because of thicker formulas.
They all have a shiny finish which stays that way through the day. I also appreciate the fact that it doesn't particularly enhance dry patches. It's so shiny that those don't even look that noticeable.
Pigmentation is good, but not full on. You need to go over the lips at least two times to cover them. I only find the problem with Cherry Jubilee which needs to be layered a bit more, because it can look patchy if you don't apply it evenly.
Because of the creamy formula and shiny finish they can be tricky to apply. I wear them without lip pencil, because they don't bleed. I do apply them with lip brush to get that perfect edge. If you have nicely shapes lips, you can just put it on straight from the bullet. They transfer and may go on your teeth if you don't clean up the inner edges.
This formula is not long lasting. They start to fade in about two hours time. You will need to reapply them. They fade fairly evenly. It's important to apply them evenly in order to wear off that way too. Otherwise it can look a bit patchy. Darker shades leave a lovely stain. You can also just wear them as a stain or blot them for a more matte finish. If you layer them up in thin coats they will last longer. If you want a more opaque look, I recommend applying lip pencil all over the lips and then going over with the lipstick for an added color and shine.
I like the scent of these lipsticks. They have a sort of fruity sweet scent and it's actually subtle enough.
There's 7 nail polish shades to choose from and I have 6 shades. Nail polishes come in their classic square glass bottle with black top. In each is 10 ml of product and the regular price is 5.90€ (Slovenia).
I forgot to include the photo of nail polish brush, but it's a regular straight cut not too thin, not too thick brush.
Tangfastic - light orange red.
Red Bombshell - light pink red.
Ruby Slipper - medium classic cool toned red with pink and silver shimmer.
Real Red - medium warm red.
Royal Red - darker medium brown based red.
Cherry Jubilee - dark berry red.
All nail polishes have a creamy finish. The only exception is Ruby Slipper, which has a bit of shimmer to it, but it's not all that visible. They are all well pigmented but need at least two coats to cover the nail. Shade Cherry Jubilee is the least pigmented and would probably need three coats. I applied two coats on all of these photos.
They dry fairly fast like most Avon nail polishes and have an averagely good staying power. On me they last for about three days which is normal wear time for my weak nails.
Because all the shades are red, be prepared for some staining of the nail and skin around it. Especially with the darker shades. I highly recommend you to apply some sort of base coat underneath.
I decided to pair lipstick and nail polish shades to show them how they look like applied on my skin tone. When I'm browsing for swatches, I always appreciate some demonstration on actual skin.
My absolute favorite lipstick shades are Poppy Red (you know I love me some orange), Perfect Red (absolute favorite because of brown undertone) and Scarlet Siren (a lovely classic). From nail polish shades I like best Real Red (the most classic one), Royal Red (perfect amount of berry undertone), Tamgfastic (because of that orange) and Ruby Slipper (because of a twist with that shimmer).
I compared these reds to some of my other lipsticks. I especially wanted to swatch Poppy Love next to MAC Lady Danger just to see the difference. Lady Danger is a lot more orange, in fact it could just be called orange and not so much red orange. Poppy Love has that same orange undertone to it, but looks in fact cooler compared to Lady Danger.
I also didn't find any dupe for Lava Love. It's similar to Avon Ultra Colour Indulgence lipstick in Red Tulip. It also has very similar texture and finish. Red Tulip is darker and a bit more berry pink while Lava Love is a brighter and lighter pink red.
Berry Berry Nice is the only shade that I had more than one similar shades to compare to. Avon 3D Plumping lipstick in Hot Pants is the lightest and the most bright vivid pink of these all. Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte lipstick in Ravishing Rose is the closest to being a dupe. Because it's matte it's a lot more pigmented. Shade is very similar, although Ravishing Rose might be just slightly brighter, but the undertone is really similar. It also might be slightly more pink. Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte lipstick in Ruby Kiss is also similar, but it's again brighter in shade and slightly more warmer pink toned than Berry Berry Nice.
Scarlet Siren is similar to Avon Ultra Colour Lip Crayon in Red Haute. It has that same brownish red tone to it, but Red Haute is a lot sheerer and looks lighter. It's also slightly more red and not as brown based as Scarlet Siren.
I didn't find a dupe for Perfect Red, but I wanted to compare it to one of my favorite reds NYX Matte Lipsticks in Alabama. They are similar in tone, but Perfect Red is a shade or two darker and is a deeper red while Alabama looks more brown than actually red.
I don't have anything similar to Cherry Jubilee. All my other lipsticks are either more purple or brown based, but this one is a unique dark red with purple and brown mixed in one.
I also compared some of my red nail polishes. Tangfastic is similar to Avon Gel Shine in Fire Cracker. Fire Cracker is more orange. Maybelline Colorama in 150 also looks similar, but is a bit too red to be a dupe.
Real Red is very similar to Avon Gel Shine in Roses Are Red. You have to look really close to see the difference. Roses Are Red is like a half shade darker and slightly more vibrant red.
Royal Red looked similar to Maybelline Colorama in 15, but it turns out 15 is a bit more brownish.
Ruby Slipper instantly reminded me of Avon Magic Effects Mineral Crush in Ruby. Ruby has a lot more dense glitter and instead of being silver, it's actually gold shimmer. It is also more pink based and obviously has a different sand finish.
I love the fact that Avon offered nice range of reds for fair skin tones as well as darker skin tones. Lipsticks have a lovely comforting formula with shine. The formula is definitely a winner for me and all of those that may have problems with dry lips and are looking for a comfortable wear. You need to make an effort at application, but they definitely make a statement. If you're a bit afraid shiny red, you can still wear them as a stain or layer and blot them for a matte finish. If you're looking for something super opaque and long wearing, I would stay away from these.
I also love red nail polishes. The formula applies lovely, they are pigmented enough, last well and you have a wide range of red shades. It's such a classic that you can't really go wrong with it.
You can also check out lovely swatches of nail polishes on Metka's blog.
*Product were sent to me.
Avon že ima linijo šmink imenovano True Colour. Za praznike so se odločili dodati rdečo kolekcijo. Popoln rdeč odtenek za vsako žensko. Svoji Nailwear Pro+ liniji lakov za nohte so prav tako dodali True Colour Perfect Reds lake. Meni je ta rdeča kolekcija všeč. Rdeča je najbolj klasičen odtenek šminke in laka za nohte. Vsak bi moral imeti doma vsaj en odtenek. Je lepotna stalnica, ki paše k vsemu.
Perfect Reds ponuja 7 odtenkov šmink. Jaz jih imam 6. Embalaža je klasična sijoča črna plastika s srebrnim detajlom. Všeč mi je rdeč napis šminke, ki doda nekaj zanimivosti. Vrh pokrova je prozoren. Zaradi tega lažje najdete pravi odtenek šminke.
V vsaki šminki je 3.6 gramov izdelka in redna cena je 8.50€ (tukaj).
Poppy Love - svetlo rdeča z oranžnim podtonom. Izgledala bo odlično na svetlih toplih polteh.
Lava Love - svetlo rdeča z roza podtonom. Ta je popolna za vse s hladno svetlo poltjo. Ima precej živ roza podton.
Berry Berry Nice - klasična srednje rdeča s hladnim podtonom. Ta odtenek bi verjetno izgledal odlično na večini svetlih in srednjih polti. Je tudi edini odtenek, ki ima v formuli majhne modre bleščice.
Scarlet Siren - srednje topla rdeča. Je perfekten odtenek za srednje polti. Ima rahlo rjavkast podton.
Perfect Red - temno rjavo rdeča. Ima zelo rjav podton in bo odlična za srednjo do temno polt.
Cherry Jubilee - temno jagodičasto rdeča. Jaz bi jo skoraj bolj uvrstila pod vijolične odtenke, ker ima precej vijoličnega podtona. Je perfekten odtenek za srednjo in temno polt.
Formula je zelo mazljiva. Je obogatena z olji in vitaminom E. Vsekakor je formula bolj prosojna in bolj mastna kot na primer Avon 3D Plumping šminke. Po občutku je formula podobna tisti od Avon Ultra Colour Indulgence šmink. Ampak te so še bolj prosojne. Obožujem občutek formule na ustnicah. Ustnice so navlažene, pomirjene in niso lepljive. Nikoli mi ne izsuši ustnic, kvečjemu imam občutek, da jih celo nahrani. Je zelo lahka formula in ni tako zelo kremna. Včasih kremne formule delujejo težke zaradi večje pigmentiranosti.
Vse šminke imajo sijoč finiš, ki ostane tak skozi ves dan. Nisem opazila, da bi formula zelo pudarjala suhe predele ustnic. Bolj kot ne so ti neopazni zaradi zelo sijočega finiša.
So dobro pigmentirane, vendar ne bi rekla, da izredno. Vsekakor boste morali šminko nanesti v vsaj dveh slojih, da popolnoma prekrijete ustnice. Edini odtenek, ki se mi zdi problematičen je Cherry Jubilee. Tega je potrebno nanesti malo več, ker lahko izgleda neenakomeren, če ne pazite pri nanosu.
Zaradi kremaste formule in sijočega finiša, je lahko nanos težaven. Jaz jih nosim kar brez svinčnika za ustnice, ker sama barva ne uhaja v tanke linije okrog ustnic. Jih pa vedno nanesem s čopičem, da dobim ostre robove. Če imate lepo definiran rob ustnic, jih lahko nanesete kar direktno iz embalaže. Barva se prenaša in vam lahko gre tudi na zobe, če ne poskrbite za popolne notranje robove ustnic.
Formula ni dolgo obstojna. Odtenki začnejo bledeti že po dveh urah. To meni, da jih boste morale nanesti večkrat čez dan. Bledijo dokaj enakomerno. Pomembno je, da jih nanesete enakomerno, samo tako bodo tudi enakomerno zbledele. Temni odtenki pustijo madež in jih lahko nosite tudi kot rahel madež. To naredite tako, da nanesete tanek sloj šminke in ga zmasirate v ustnice kar s prsti. Če boste šminko popivnali z robčkom, lahko ustvarite dokaj mat finiš. Če šminko nanesete večkrat v tankih slojih, bo ta bolj obstojna. V primeru, da si želite bolj močnega odtenka pa priporočam da najprej nanesete svinčnik za ustnice po celotni ustnici in nato dodate šminko, ki bo dodala barvo in sijaj.
Všeč mi je vonj šmink. Je sladkasto saden, vendar ni preveč moteč.
Laki imajo klasične kvadrataste stekleničke s črnim pokrovom. V vsakem je 10 ml izdelka in redna cena je 5.90€ (tukaj).
Pozabila sem vključiti fotografijo s čopičem. Vsi laki imajo klasičen ravno odrezan čopič, ki ni preveč debel, niti preveč tanek.
Tangfastic - svetlo oranžno rdeč odtenek.
Red Bombshell - svetlo roza rdeč odtenek.
Ruby Slipper - srednje klasično hladno rdeč odtenek z roza in srebrnimi bleščicami.
Real Red - srednje toplo rdeč odtenek.
Royal Red - temnejši srednje rjavkast rdeč odtenek.
Cherry Jubilee - temno jagodičast rdeč odtenek.
Vsi laki imajo kremni finiš, razen Ruby Slipper, ki ima dodane bleščice. Čeprav te niso preveč vidne. Vsi so dobro pigmentirani, čeprav boste potrebovali vsaj dva nanosa, da prekrijete celoten noht. Odtenek Cherry Jubille je najslabše pigmentiran in bi verjetno potreboval tri nanose. Na vseh fotografijah sem nanesla dva sloja laka.
Sušijo se precej hitro, kot vsi drugi Avonovi laki. So dokaj dobro obstojni. na mojih nohtih zdržijo tri dni, kar je dobra doba za moje krhke nohte.
Ker so vsi odtenki rdeči, bodite pripravljene na rdeče madeže na nohtih in okrog kože. To še posebej velja za temnejše odtenke. Vsekakor priporočam, da pod njih nanesete kakšen podlak.
Moji najljubši odtenki šmink so Poppy Red (saj veste, da obožujem oranžno), Perfect Red (absoluten favorit zaradi rjavega podtona) in Scarlet Siren (čudovita klasika). Od lakov za nohte so mi najbolj všeč Real Red (najbolj klasičen), Royal Red (ima perfekten dodatek jagodičasto vijolične), Tangfastic (ker je pač oranžen) in Ruby Slipper (zaradi zanimivega finiša z bleščicami).
Moje rdeče odtenke šmink sem primerjala z novimi. Poppy Love sem želela primerjati z MAC Lady Danger. Lady Danger je veliko bolj oranžna in sploh ne izgleda rdeče v primerjavi s Poppy Love. Poppy Love ima enak oranžen podton, vendar izgleda tudi bolj hladno kot Lady Danger.
Tudi za Lava Love nisem našla enakega odtenka. Je precej podoben Avon Ultra Colour Indulgence odtenku Red Tulip. Podobna sta si tudi v samem finišu in teksturi. Red Tulip je sicer temnejši odtenek in ima bolj jagodičast roza podton, med tem ko je Lava Love bolj živ odtenek in rahlo svetlejši roza.
Berry Berry Nice je edini odtenek za katerega sem našla več kot en podoben odtenek. Avon 3D Plumping šminka v odtenku Hot Pants je svetlejša in bolj živa različica izmed teh roza odtenkov. Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte šminka v odtenku Ravishing Rose je najbolj podobna Berry Berry Nice. Ker je mat, je bolj pigmentirana. Odtenek je podoben, čeprav je Ravishing Rose rahlo bolj živ odtenek. Imata pa podoben podton. Mogoče je tudi rahlo bolj roza. Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte šminka v odtenku Ruby Kiss je prav tako podoben odtenek. Je malo bolj živ in malo bolj topel roza podton.
Scarlet Siren je podoben Avon Ultra Colour Lip Crayon v odtenku Red Haute. Oba odtenka imata rjavkasto rdeč podton. Red Haute je bolj prosojen in svetlejši. Je tudi rahlo bolj rdeč in ni tako zelo rjav kot Scarlet Siren.
Nimam nobenega odtenka, ki bi bil enak kot Perfect Red. Sem ga pa želela primerjati z eno mojih najljubših rdečih odtenkov in sicer NYX Matte šminko v odtenku Alabama. Imata podoben podton, vendar je Perfect Red za odtenek ali dva temnejši. Alabama izgleda skoraj bolj rjavo kot rdeče.
V svoji zbirki nimam nobenega odtenka, ki bi bil podoben Cherry Jubilee. Vsi drugi odtenki so ali preveč vijolični, ali preveč rjavi. Ta je res unikatna mešanica temno rdeče z malo vijolične in rjave.
Primerjala sem tudi svoje rdeče lake. Tangfastic je podoben Avon Gel Shine laku v odtenku Fire Cracker. Fire Cracker je bolj oranžen. Maybelline Colorama v odtenku 150 je prav tako podoben, ampak je malo preveč rdeč.
Real Red je podoben Avon Gel Shine laku v odtenku Roses Are Red. Pogledati morate zelo blizu, da sploh opazite razliko. Roses Are Red je za pol odtenka temnejši in rahlo bolj živo rdeč.
Royal Red izgleda podoben Maybelline Colorama laku v odtenku 15, ampak 15 je malo bolj rjavkast.
Ruby Slipper me je takoj spomnil na Avon Magic Effects Mineral Crush laku v odtenku Ruby. Ruby ima več bleščic, ki so zlate namesto srebrne. Je tudi bolj roza in ima sand finiš.
Všeč mi je, da je Avon ponudil dokaj širok nabor rdečih odtenkov, ki so primerni za svetle polti, prav tako pa za temne. Formula je zagotovo zmagovalna. Sploh za vse tiste, ki imate probleme s suhimi ustnicami in si želite šmink, ki so izredno udobne za nošenje. Pri nanašanju se morate rahlo bolj potruditi, vendar je končen efekt čudovit. Če se bojite rdečih sijočih odtenkov, jih lahko nosite kot rahel madež. Če si želite bolj mat finiša, lahko sijaj odstranite z robčkom in nanesete več tankih slojev. V primeru, da iščete nekaj zelo prekrivnega in obstojnega, vam odvetujem nakup le teh.
Tudi rdeči laki so mi všeš. Formula se lepo nanaša, so dovolj pigmentirani, obstojni in Avon ponuja lep nabor rdečih odtenkov. Rdeč lak je tako klasična zadeva, da z njo ne morete zgrešiti.
Čudovite odtenke rdečih lahkov si lahko ogledate tudi na Metkinem blogu.
*Izdelki so mi bili poslani.
Zadnja dva najtemnejša odtenka sta mi najbolj všeč :)
ReplyDeletePerfect Red je tudi moj najljubši. Oba sta čisto jesenska :).
DeleteMeni je šminka super, sploh nisem pričakovala, kako me bo navdušila. Zdaj vem, zakaj že nekaj mesecev berem same pohvala o Avonovih šminkah. :D Super se občutijo na ustnicah, me mika še kakšen odtenek.
ReplyDeleteFormula teh je res odlična. Prav udobno se nosijo na ustnicah. Tudi meni je zelo všeč :). Avonove šminke so na sploh res vredne svoje denarja. Po navadi jih dobiš za 3€ nekaj in formule so vedno odlične :).
DeleteEvery single red lipstick looked amazing on you! You looks so great with it <3
ReplyDeleteThank you Astrid :). <3 I love red lipsticks. They just go with everything.
Deletemoram ti povedati, da si res top blogerka! Potrudiš se maksimalno in tvoji zapisi ter fotografije so občudovanja vredne :D Meni se zdi, da se namantram, ko naredim pet fotografij, ampak ti pa res daš vse od sebe in ustvariš vsebino, ki jo z največjim veseljem prebiram in spremljam. Kar tako naprej in hvala ti, da se trudiš za nas bralce ;) Šminkice in lakci pa so res čudovitih barv! Rdeča je vedno prava izbira :))
ReplyDeleteHvala Špela :) <3 Ti komentarji mi veliko pomenijo. Je res delo s tem, ampak bi rekla, da postaneš utečen, ko to delaš večkrat :). Hvala ti za komentar ;). Rdeča je res taka klasika, ki vsakemu paše.
DeleteTole ti je pa vzelo zadnjih nekaj dni dela :) Veš da vsi zelo cenimo tvoj trud, swatche, full-face slike in primerjave odtenkov <3. Sama dobro vem koliko je to dela, me pa vedno bolj jezi pomanjkanje kvalitetnih swatchev, saj skoraj nihče se več ne potrudi tako kot ti (sem iskala za Colourpop zadnje tedne in na svetlih tenih dobrih swatchev enostavno ni). Tebi bi moral Avon plačevat za tako odlično delo.
ReplyDeleteOdtenki so krasni, čeprav niso najbolj unikatni, sicer pri rdečih ne moreš ravno izumljat tople vode , bi pa lahko pri šminkah dodali kakšen temnejši bolj hladen odtenek, oba zdanja se mi zdita preveč rjava. Najbolj mi izstopata Berry Berry Nice in Scarlet Siren, pri lakih pa Royal Red in Cherry Jubilee, čeprav slednji so vsi krasni. Zate je pa Poppy Love popolna, ti pa prav vsi odtenki pašejo :)
I feel you girl :D Se popolnoma strinjam z vsem kar si napisala. Hvala Mateja :) <3 Cenim tvoj komentar.
DeleteA ti si tudi kaj naročila na Colourpop? Ker sam sem prav tako ta teden iskala swatche za njihove šminke in bila enako razočarana kot ti. Sploh temnih odtenkov nisem nikjer našla na svetlih polteh.
Jaz sem tudi razmišljala, da pri rdečih ne moreš nekaj čarat. Imaš pa prav, se mi zdi, da je kar veliko toplih odtenkov. Premalo kakšne temne hladne. Berry Berry Nice se mi je zdel čisto tvoj odtenek. Me je takoj spomnil nate :D. Hvala :).
Naročila sem Littlestitious, clueless, Sollow, More better, Dopey, Alyssa, Bianca in od Stixov Cami. Dobila sem že prve štiri in razen More Better so bili na swatchih čisto drugačni, v bistvu so v živo lepši. Več temnih si pa nisem upala naročit, ker so večinoma izgledali preveč vijola ali preveč rjavi.
DeleteSem včeraj videla na Instagramu. Komaj čakam tvoje swatche. Si vzela take nosljive odtenek. More Better mi izgleda zanimiv :). Jaz se nisem mogla odločit za niti en odtenek. Sem pa želela Satin kupit. Na koncu sem vzela raje dve senčili :D.
DeleteThis shade suits on you very nicely. Loved it. want to try this out.
Thank you :)
DeleteUh, objava pa pol <3
ReplyDeleteČudovite so, temnejše so slajše so!
Hvala :). Se strinjam ;).