Bioderma Sensibio H2O
While I was in France (read more about it here), I had to visit a few French pharmacies. There're known for having a lot of french skin care brands at lower prices. A lot of those pharmacies also carry larger sizes at a lower price. I got Bioderma Sensibio H2O micellar water, because it was 1+1 offer. This is my absolute favorite eye makeup remover, because it's the most sensitive micellar I've ever tried.
Batiste Wild Dry Shampoo
No, I still don't have enough of these. I think the obsession is getting ridiculous. Whenever I see one of these, I just grab it. To be honest, Wild is my favorite scent and I can't get it in our country, so it was worth buying it.
Too Faced Semi-Sweet Chocolate Bar Palette
This was one of the biggest purchases ever and I'm still not sure it was worth it. It's a lovely neutral palette. There's combination of warm and cool tones and one pop of blue. Some are already my favorites. In general, I don't think this is worth the price, at least not to me. I prefer Zoeva eye shadow textures and I think I might just buy those in the future (unless they decide to go up with their prices again). If the palette would have more my kind of shades, I would probably think differently about it.
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion Original
This has already impressed me so much. It's very sheer and looks like nothing on the lids, but it holds eye makeup so well. Whenever I wear this underneath, my eyeshadow never creases. I might even need to consider buying a full version.
Benefit They're Real! Mascara
I've grown to love this. At first I hated it, because it was just too wet. Actually it still is. I take most of it off and build it up slowly. It gives nice volume, but too much can make my lashes look a bit clumpy. I love the fact that it also makes my lashes a bit longer and it holds the curl well.
Kiko Flawless Fusion Bronzer Powder 01 Natural Tan
I love this magnetic packaging so much that I just had to get another product and it was bronzer. Shade 01 is pretty light and it's too light for my summer tan now. It's neutral, almost a bit more redish based than orange and it doesn't look flat out matte, which I like. So far I'm loving it.
Kiko Nail Lacquer (L to R): 479 Pearly Golden Sesame, 511 Metallic Mercury Purple, 372 Nude, 338 Light Lavender and 497 Pearly Indian Violet
Kiko nail polishes are probably my favorite nail polishes of all time. They have a huge selection of colors and they last fairly well on my weak nails. When I saw that these were on sale for only 1€, I had to get them. I chose a lot of shimmery shades, because I already have a lot of creamy shades at home and those looked more unique. I love that Kiko makes interesting unique shades that you can't always find among other drugstore brands.
Plantae Sea Buckthorn Berry Night Cream*
I haven't fully made up my mind about these two products. This night cream has an interesting very natural herbal scent. It's lightweight and absorbs well into the skin. I'm not sure if this will be enough for colder months, but for now it nicely nourishes the skin
Plantae Bitter Orange Blossom Spritz*
I love the scent of this spritz. It's very bitter orange, very natural. It feels refreshing and adds slight layer of moisture to prepare the skin for further skin care. I love the feel of it on my face and I usually spritz quite a lot of it on. It's also great as a moist base that helps to absorb other products better.
Rimmel Lasting Finish 1000 Kisses Stay On Lip Contouring Pencil in 071 Cherry Kiss and 011 Spice
I bought a few Rimmel products, because they were also on sale. In colder months, especially in fall, I love to use darker lipsticks and I love to line my lips with lip liners. I've tried these in the store and the formula seemed really buttery, but not too creamy. I got one purple shade for all my plum lipsticks and one darker peachy nude for all my neutral lipsticks. I haven't tried them on my lips yet.
Rimmel Lasting Finish Soft Colour Blush in 010 Santa Rose
I saw this blush on Mateja and knew I had to get it. It's very pretty light peachy blush with almost brick undertone. It has very small silver shimmer in it that gives it a lovely sheen. The thing I like the most about it is how light it is. You can go from barely there blush to a bit more intense look.
La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Levre Barrier Repairing Balm
Since colder month are inevitably approaching, I'm already thinking of my lip care. I tend to get really dry cracked lips and it's always mission impossible to find products that repair them as quickly as possible. I saw this repairing balm on sale and decided to give it a try. It's a thicker transparent cream that leaves a rather moisturizing buttery layer on the lips. I haven't used it a lot yet.
Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Swivel Stick
Another Mateja enabled purchase. She swears by it and since it was on sale, I gave it a go. It's actually a really light, buttery but not sticky formula. I love the scent of it, which kind of reminds me of cocoa. When I was reading about best natural remedies for cracked lips, cocoa butter was mentioned a lot. I have cocoa and coconut butter at home and it actually worked really soothing, so I like this one too. It's not a heavy duty lip balm, more so a good regular daily balm.
Catrice Lash Dresser Comb Mascara
This was a surprise. I knew I wanted it, when I saw that it has a comb like brush. It defines the lashes for a very natural, but defined look. It can absolutely give you volume as well, but you'll need more than just one coat. Too much of it can look a bit clumpy. I love this for definition, because it really makes the lashes look defined and separated.
NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in London
I adore mousse texture of these. They're in my opinion best matte liquid lipsticks for those that have dry lips. They're lightweight and don't dry out the lips. I wanted yet another nude shade - London. It's a perfect warm peach based brown. I adore it.
Catrice HD Liquid Coverage Foundation
I've heard that some people love it and on others it oxidizes. I've been mixing it with other foundations, because shade 01 is too light for me right now, so I need to test it out a bit more. But so far I like semi matte finish of it and the fact that it feels very lightweight on the skin. It also lasts really well on my skin. I'll have to check if this oxidizes on me, when my skin gets a bit lighter. I also don't find it completely matte. Maybe it's because I use very moisturizing creams underneath it.
Rose Gold Brush Set
I saw these on Makeupsavvy and ordered some for myself. It was a purchase out of curiosity. They looked pretty and I am a bit obsessed with makeup brushes. Since I own some Zoeva brushes, I can safely say that the quality of these is absolutely not the same. Some are better than others.
Buffing foundation brush is soft, fairly dense and does a nice job of blending out foundation. I haven't tried cheek and contour brush yet. Small shader is lovely for underneath lower lash line or for detailed work. It's dense and fairly soft. Angled liner brush is too long for my liking and not dense enough. White shader is a bit fluffier than I expected it too be and scratchy in my opinion. I haven't tried brow brush, because it's too big for my liking. Blending white brush is also scratchy as white shader and I don't like it at all.
got2b 2 Sexy Big Volume Spray Powder
It's basically like a texturizing spray. It's like a mix of hair spray and a bit of dry shampoo. The scent of it is very sweet and smells like artificial raspberries. It actually gives a bit of volume and texture to the hair, but it's till very lightweight.
Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Top Coat
I bough this in hopes of finding a good Seche Vite dupe. I only tried it once so far. It dries really quickly, doesn't smudge base color and makes my nails slightly stronger. I don't know how long lasting it is yet. Hopefully, this is as long lasting as Seche Vite, but we'll see.
Sleek Highlighting Palette in Solstice
I heard so much about this palette and was sure that I wouldn't like it. Shades in the pan look totally different and scarily colorful. But once you apply these on the skin, they all look very white based and very reflective. I haven't tried all the shades yet, but those that I have, have impressed me. What I find the most interesting about this palette is the fact that all highlighters have really reflective quality to it. They don't seem heavy on the skin, almost a bit transparent and invisible. You don't see that usually heavy powder swatch, but once you move your head this shines like crazy. It's a really bright in your face highlight and I love it.
Avon Nutra Effects Velvet Soft Moisture With Shia Seeds For Body, Face and Hands*
Avon Nutra Effects Hydration Daily Cream is my favorite face cream. I use it every day and I must be on my third or fourth pot. They also have gel version, which is better for hotter days. I was super excited to see that they also made a larger version for body, face and hands. I've only tried it on my hands so far. It's almost like a mix of daily and gel version. It has a subtle, almost a bit natural scent to it. I like that it's buttery and leaves a bit of that moisturizing layer on my hands. So far I love it.
*PR products
Pa ti maš Batistov zdaj že več kot Müller :D Wild se tudi pri meni skriva nekje v omari, ampak ga redkeje uporabljam, ker mi je zelo zimski vonj :)
ReplyDeletePotem ti je kul Swivel Stick? Zdaj sem našla dve druge labele v predalih in se mi niti približno ne primerjajo s Palmer's. Ta mi res super ustreza :)
Catrice HD na meni celo ne oksidira, mi pa ni tako poseben kot je očitno večini. Lepo se nanese, ampak se mi zdi, da bi se lahko malo lepše nosil čez dan. Pa tudi pri meni ni čisto mat.
Kateri se ti zdi, da se hitreje posuši - Seche Vite ali Sally Hansen? Pa kateri je bolj šajni? Meni je samo to pomembno, ker mi laki že tako ali tako dobro zdržijo?
Več vonjev sigurno :D. Wild je res tak precej močan, ampak meni še vedno najljubši. Poleg Tropical, ta pa je bolj za poletje :).
DeleteJa dober je. Lepo vlažilen, samo za čez noč bi mi bil premalo. Takrat še vedno prisegam na Elizabeth Arden. Kakavovo maslo je itak super za ustnice :).
Jaz zdaj težko še ocenjujem, ker vročina še ne popušča in sem vedno precej mastna čez dan. Me pa zanima kako bo v mrzlih mesecih. Mogoče zna za takrat biti premalo vlažilen. Meni se je pa zdelo hecno, da nekateri z mastno kožo trdijo, da je popolnoma mat, ker imam sama bolj mešano pa sploh ni.
Pa kolikor se spomnim se mi zdi, da se oba nekje isto hitro posušita. Tukaj ne vidim nekih groznih razlik. Ti pa podrobneje javim, ko več preizkusim. Šajni je pa definitivno Seche Vite bolj. Sally Hansen je tak lahek nadlak, bolj tanek, med tem ko je Seche Vite heavy tak že skoraj kot gel. Kar je meni všeč, samo to, da se mi strdi me zdaj že res moti. Ker potem moram zraven kupovat še tisti thinner in je dvojni strošek. Jaz pa samo upam, da bo dolgo obstojen. Drugo mi ni pomembno. Ampak nekako dvomim, da lahko prekosi Seche Viteja. :/
I really want to try the Bioderma micellar water since I have quite sensitive skin and I know some other ones can be quite harsh.
ReplyDeleteAleeha xXx
I can't say enough good things about this Bioderma. It's really sensitive and I only use it to take off my eye makeup, because I have really sensitive eyes. Maybe ask for a tester and try it out before you buy the whole version. But we can also get 100 ml version, so that's not a waste of money, if it won't suit your skin. ;)
Tudi jaz bom kmalu testirala nočno od Plantae, me res zanima kakšna mi bo, sicer pa tudi če bo "premalo" je vedno še serumček, ki pomaga dodati piko na i.
ReplyDeleteSem kupila tudi jaz od Sleeka paletko, hihi. Mogla sem! :D
Ja skupaj s serumom je super. Ker ta serum je res odličen, že sam po sebi :).
DeleteHehe, vse se bomo šajnale :D
Petra jaz sem tudi zmešana nad tole Sleek paletko, imam še kremno verzijo zj za jesen in zimo in oh ves ta sijoč look, odsev, love it. Bioderma je moj lajf trenutno, zvečer sem tako utrujena, da sem prav srečna ker me čaka, ker vem, da bo hitro odstranila vse in še tako vlaži kožo, da sploh ne bi več drugega rabla (imam modro verzijo). Batiste pa me tudi rešuje zadnji mesec tako zelo, da grem v nabavo po novega.:)
ReplyDeleteTa paleta je res za vse ljubitelje norega sijaja :D. Bioderma je tudi moja stalnica. Odkar sem jo prvič kupila je ne zamenjam za nič drugega. Jaz jo predvsem uporabljam za odstranjevanje očesnega makeupa, ker imam bolj občutljive oči. O modri sem tudi slišala same pozitivne stvari :). Mislim, da zdaj vse rabimo malo Batisteja. Vreme je še kar poletno :D.
DeleteSovražim Batiste, verjetno edina. :D Oči me pečejo, koža me peče, vse me peče ko ga nanesem.
ReplyDeleteToo Faced paletke so vredne vsakega centa, poleg UD edine ki bi jih še enkrat kupila <3
Sleek paletko moram preizkusiti, sliši se odlično!
Oh uboga. Mene včasih srbi lasišče po njem, ampak to mi je logično, ker si itak vedno preveč našpricam, potem pa mi odstrani vso maščobo in plast na lasišču. :D Ti si torej fanica? Jaz še vedno ne vem...razmišljam, da je Zoeva meni bolj všeč :). Sleek mi je super. Res zanimiva formula, lahko je taka bolj prosojna, lahko pa full on. Odvisno od nanosa :).
DeleteMeni je pa najbolj v oči padel suhi šampon od got2be, kje si ga pa kupila? Jaz sem ga imela lani ali pa mogoče pred lani in mi je bil najboljši (še boljši od Batista) pa sem potem ugotovila, da jih ni nikjer več...
ReplyDeleteKupila sem ga v Kik v Avstriji na oddelku za kopalnico in te zadeve. Sem slišala, da se ga več nikjer ne najde. Jaz ga drugače prej nisem nikoli preizkusila :). A potem ga uporabljaš kot suh šampon? Mi ni bilo čisto jasno za kaj je. Po opisu sodeč se mi je zdel bolj texturizing spray.
DeleteUau, u Kiku? Nazadnje sem slišala da naj bi jih imeli v L'eclercu v Lj. (jaz jih nisem našla).
DeleteMeni se je obnesel kot suhi šampon, texturizing spreji na meni ne delujejo preveč ker imam zelo tanke in svilnate lase brez kakršnega koli oprijema, je fajn ker se mi ni treba česat ampak o volumnu pa lahko samo sanjam ;)
Ja, nisem mogla verjet, da tam to imajo :D. Jaz imam iste lase in sem ga zdaj že ene 3x preizkusila in imaš prav. Ne doda ravno ogromno teksture, sicer meni vseeno malo volumna da, kot vsi suhi šamponi. Je pa res, da malo osveži lase, čeprav ni pudrast kot večina suhih šamponov - npr. Batiste :).
DeleteMeni so tele micelarne vodice od Bioderme tudi zakon, najbrž jih bom kupovala do konca življenja :D
ReplyDeleteJaz isto :D.