Spring haul

Hey Beauties!

Another haul post. I've grown to love these, as I can feature some new products and my thought on them. Because a lot of products never get on my blog, so this is nice. Mateja, Sandra and I, recently ordered some products from Kiko. We decided to split the postage and ordered some really nice products. I also decided to finally invest in Depend Gellack nail polish system.

Starting with Kiko, I knew I had to get some of their nail polishes. I only have one nail polish from Kiko and that one impressed me so much that I wanted some more. I got this very bright yellow Quick Dry nail polish in the shade 853. It actually has a lime green shine to it. It's very bright, perfect for spring and summer. I also got one of their regular nail polish line in the shade 322, which is a really nice light milky brown shade. I also really wanted to get their 3 in 1 Mat top coat. I haven't tried it yet, so I can't report on it.

Kiko Quick Dry Nail Lacquer 853 Pearly Light Yellow, 3.90€
Kiko Nail Lacquer 322 Caffe Latte, 1.00€
Kiko 3 in 1 Mat Fortifying Fast Dry Base Coat, Top Coat, 4.90€

I think all of us got at least one shade of their Long Lasting Stick 8 Hour No-transfer Eyeshadow. I got the shades 06 and 21. 06 is taupe bronze brown, it's actually very similar Maybelline Color Tattoo in 35 On and On Bronze. 21 is an interesting shade. It's a mixture of peach and pink. It looks very bright on the eyes. I won't go too much into detail, because reviews of these products will be in another post soon.

Kiko Long Lasting Stick 8 Hour No-transfer Eyeshadow 06 Golden Brown, 6.90€
Kiko Long Lasting Stick 8 Hour No-transfer Eyeshadow 21 Passion Fruit, 6.90€

Mateja was so nice to actually send me some huge testers of some of the products that she has and I've mentioned in the past that I would like to try. You gotta give it to her, she did not hold back when pouring these products for me. Seriously over-sized testers! :) 

I've only tried this Dove Purely Pampering Oil with Shea Butter and Vanilla once on my hand. It smells so lovely fruity sweet. The oil gives a beautiful subtle shine to the skin. I don't find it very greasy, but my skin is very dry these days. I think this will be amazing for summer. The shimmer in it is so small, that I don't even detect it on my skin. It just gives a really pretty sheen. 

I've already tried The Body Shop Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil a few times and I love it. The smell is so nice and comforting. The oils works great, removes all of my makeup and makes my skin feel very soft and nourished. I really like it and will sure get it, when I have the chance. 

Estee Lauder Double Wear Maximum Cover Camouflage Makeup for Face and Body, it's a good coverage foundation. I know Mateja uses this as a concealer and I tried it for that too. It works great. It is a very good coverage and the shade seems to match my skin tone really good. It's especially nice for under the eyes, since it is so light. I only used it on my face once and I loved it. Would need to try it more, to report on it.

She also included MAC Vanilla pigment, which surprised me. I always thought it has an obvious pink shine to it, but it's actually very light white golden shade, that has a pink and gold shine to it. It's just such an amazing mixture of shades. It's now on my wishlist.

Aquolina Pink Sugar perfume is a-m-a-z-i-n-g! This was the first thing I noticed when I opened the package. It didn't spill or anything, but the smell was somehow present in there. It's such a sweet vanilla caramel scent, that will make you wanna eat it. I've decided, I definitely need to get this one. It's just so sweet and so good.

I've had the old version of Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation and since I used it up, I decided I need to get the new one. Lately, my skin has been very dry and this foundation is the only one that looks really good on me and also moisturizes it. I have to say, I think the new formulation is darker. Don't know why, but it just seems way too dark. I haven't notice any other differences, but then again, I haven't been using it for a long time.

Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation 51 Light Vanilla, 14.99€

As I've mentioned before, I finally decided to splurge on Depend Gellack nail polish system and I admit, my heart felt a little uneasy spending that much money for a starter kit, but it is worth it. I also had a coupon for 30% off, so it was a bit cheaper. Starter kit includes their before and after cleanser, base coat and top coat. It also has UV light, which helps to dry the nail polish faster and some nail file and those cuticle wooden remover. I think it's worth for the UV light if nothing else, because I dry my other nail polishes underneath it and it really helps to make nail polish dry faster. I'll have to use it more, to decide if it also prolongs the wear of nail polish.

Depend Gellack Starter Kit, 46.99€

I only bought one shade of nail polish and that was black. It's my most versatile shade and I decided I'll just paint something on black to make it more interesting. I'm sure I'll expend my color range in the future. I wanted to add some other brands of nail polish, which I can buy on Ebay for a very cheap price.

Gellack Depend 039 Black as Night, 6.99€

And since I was at it, I also got their Remover Oil, because I already made my nails with this kit once and I did have a bit of trouble getting the nail polish off. It left my nail surface a bit uneven, which is not what I want in the future. 

Depend Gellack Remover Oil, 2.99€

My coworker has this system and she landed it to me once, so that I could try it before I bought it. My nails stayed nice for about a week. I think the wear time might get longer with more uses. I love changing up the nail polish colors and all that, but sometimes I just don't have time to reapply the nail polish. This will come in handy for when I want my nails to stay pretty for a longer time. Think summer vacation, long working weeks and such. 


  1. I love that Bourjois foundation! :D
    So cool that you ordered some Kiko stuff, great idea to split the shipping costs ;)
    Mateja is such a sweetheart for sending you those samples :D

    1. I love it to. Now more then before, since I feel like my skin has gotten drier:). It just sort of happened and it's great, because the shipping costs can be sometimes pretty expensive. Mateja is awesome!:D

  2. Nekako sem se ti morala zahvalit za moje rojstnodnevno presenečenje :D Avonovo olje mi je super :) Se ga dala še sestrični za sprobat (imava podobne lase) in je rekla, da so bili njeni lasje občutno manj suhi drugi dan. It gets our seal of approval.

    Me veseli, da je toliko stvari všeč :). Pink Sugar je itak zakon, škoda da nimajo to tudi v naših drogerijah. Če ti ne bo uspelo do TBS-ja pridt, mi je od L'Occitana Immortelle olje še boljše od tega :). Očisti enako in tekstura je praktično identična, samo lepšo kožo imam po njem, ampak je pa skoraj dvakrat dražji. Vanilla pigment pa čisto preveč šparam :D

    Moj post o Kiku bo tudi danes gor, samo še enkrat ga preberem preden objavim :) Me zanima kako izgledata obe senčili na tvojih očeh :)

    1. No super, me veseli, da vama je všeč:))

      Ma čisto vse mi je všeč. Zdaj imam samo še daljšo wish listo. Če ne bi vsega sprobala, si niti ne bi želela:P :D. Ja sem slišala veliko dobrega o L'Occitanovem, ampak me cena odbija. Na sploh se mi zdijo njihovi izdelki precej dragi:/. Ti verjamem, da ga šparaš, jaz bi ga tudi. Bom zagotovo tudi naročila tester iz tiste strani, ko bom kaj naročevala. Res me je presenetil. Sem pričakovala, da bo bolj očitno roza:).
      Sem že obe senčili sprobala. Tista Passion Fruit je...zanimiva?! Nekako ekstremno barvito seva iz mojih vek, haha:).

  3. I have both of these. I love Revlon for when I need super stay for a whole day, it works great for that. I know what you mean on daily basis, for that is better Bourjois, since the finish is more natural and not so full cover:). You should try it if you want a new foundation, I've had it for a really long time and still like it, even more now:) Thanks ;)

  4. I'd like to test Bourjois Healthy Mix but it might be too dark, if you say it does look dark :( I'm really pale, although I suffer from redness on my face, it's just some health issue. I also got a couple of Kiko nail polishes in the newly-opened store in my city, they're nice :) I've had some experience with Kiko earlier, as my friend lives in Italy and she sent me something from time to time :)

    1. Yes, I was surprised by how much darker it seems compared to the older formula. If you mix it with some white foundation, it should be good. Or maybe for summer tan:). Oh, you're lucky, I never get to Italy, so online order was needed:D.

  5. Same zanimive stvari*.* Laki me sicer ne interesirajo, vse ostalo pa zveni super :D In ja, tudi meni se zdi da je novi Bourjois temnejši. Resno potrebujem nekaj čimbolj belega za mešanje.

    1. No dobro, očitno nisem edina to opazila.:) Sem mislila, da se mi samo dozdeva. To mi gre zdaj res na živce, ne vem zakaj je bilo potrebno potemnit:/ Bom jaz tudi morala mešat malo. Imam zdaj od Makeup Revolution The One bel odtenek, pa bomo videli, če bo to funkcioniralo.

  6. Meni se tudi zdi (oz. sem kar 100% prepričana:D), da je HM odtenek ful temnejši od starega. Tako da ga niti nisem več kupila, odkar je ta novi v ponudbi. Meni je res škoda, da nimamo KIKO pri nas, je res dobra kvaliteta..

    1. Če bi to prej vedela, jaz tudi ne vem če bi kupila. Mi gre to rahlo na živce! Kiko je odličen, se strinjam s tabo:)
