Nanshy Marvel, a new brand that came into our country. It's a brand that makes cruelty-free brushes and makeup sponges. I got to try their makeup blending sponge and really liked it.
Spodaj tudi slovenski prevod za slovenske bralke.
The sponge comes in a cute paper box with plastic front. Inside is mint colored soft makeup sponge. It costs 7.49€ on Click2Chic and 5.95£ on Nanshy site.
I really like the shape of the sponge, especially the fact that it has a cut of top from the side. This makes it really easy to use it in the inner corner of your eyes. It's great for blending in concealer under the eyes or even going into the edges around your nose. The round bottom part I use to tap in the foundation on the rest of my face. The very tip of the brush is great for blending in concealer on small surfaces like pimples and such.
I decided to compare how the sponge looks like dry and wet. It grows in size immensely, once you get it wet. It's a good thing, because you can cover more of the face surface. It also gets extremely soft.
I used a few foundations with this sponge and then tried to clean it. I used hard soap to rub sponge against. It got most of the foundation out. I would say it depends on the foundation. On of the most full coverage foundations - Revlon Colorstay is of course harder to clean out as some other lighter foundations. I would say don't put foundation on the sponge, because it will swallow it and you'll loose a lot of the product. I like to put dots of foundation on my skin an then blend it in with the sponge, bouncing the sponge against the skin to tap it in.
Of course you can use it with other makeup products as well, like cream blushes, bronzers and highlighters. I personally like it for foundation and concealer, because I don't use many other cream products, which I think benefit the most with this kind of application.
I've bought a few cheap makeup sponges and let me tell you that they are not as nearly soft and big as this one. If the sponge is softer, it means it will also blend better. It might soak up more foundation, but just apply it on your face first and it will solve most of the problem.
I love using makeup sponges with my foundations, especially thicker full coverage foundations. Sponge technique gives you the most natural and air brushed finish. No brush, in my opinion, can make your foundation look as natural as a makeup sponge.
So, if you haven't used a sponge yet and are interested in one, I highly recommend this one, since the price is pretty affordable and you get a really soft good size of a makeup sponge. Clean it right after each use and dry it thoroughly and you'll be using it for a really long time.
I was sent this sponge by Click2Chic online store. Thanks for introducing me to a new brand. Now I'm kind of curious about their brushes.
V Slovenijo je prišla nova znamka Nanshy, ki ponuja čopiče
in makeup gobice. Danes bom opisala izkušnjo z njihovo Nanshy Marvel 4 v 1
makeup gobico za zabrisovanje.
Gobica pride skupaj z lepo škatlo iz kartona. Sprednji del
je plastičen. V škatlici je mint obarvana mehka makeup gobica.
Zelo mi je všeč oblika gobice, še posebej zgornji odrezani
del. S tem lahko zlahka dosežem notranje kotičke očesa. Je odlično za
zabrisovanje korektorja pod očmi in celo v kotih okrog nosu. Spodnji okrogel
del gobice uporabljam za preostalo površino obraza. Gobico odbijam od kože, da
lepo zabrišem podlago. Čisti vrh gobice je odličen za zabrisovanje korektorja
na majhnih površinah obraza kot so na primer mozolji in podobno.
Če primerjam gobico suho in mokro, ugotovim, da zmočena zelo
zraste. Postane ekstremno velika in mehka. Priročno, saj lahko pokrijem večji
del obraza v enem potegu.
Preizkusila sem nekaj različnih podlag s to gobico. Nato sem
jo oprala tako da sem jo zdrgnila po trdem milu. Večina podlag je šla brez
problema iz gobice. Seveda je povsem odvisno od podlage. Tiste, ki so bolj
prekrivne in goste, se bolj zažrejo v gobico. Vsekakor ne priporočam, da bi
podlage dajali direktno na gobico, saj bo gobica dobesedno požrla večino
izdelka. Jaz raje nanesem podlago na obraz s prsti in nato zabrišem z gobico.
Seveda lahko gobico uporabljate tudi z drugimi makeup
izdelki kot so kremna rdečila, bronzerji, osvetljevalci in podobno. Jaz jo
najraje uporabljam z podlago in korektorjem.
Pred to gobico sem kupila nekaj izredno poceni makeup gobic
in ko sem to primerjala z njimi sem ugotovila, da so vse ostale veliko bolj
trde na dotik in manj raztegljive. Če je gobica bolj mehka, lepše zabrisuje
izdelek. Že res, da bo vpila več podlage, ampak če jo prej nanesete na obraz, o
tudi ta problem rešen.
Sama imam izredno rada nanašanje podlag z gobicami, še
posebej polno prekrivne goste podlage. Se mi zdi, da tehnika z gobico daje koži
najbolj naraven in zabrisan finiš. Po mojem osebnem mnenju, noben čopič ne more
narediti podlago tako brezhibno naravno kot gobice.
Torej če še niste uporabljali makeup gobic in vas zdaj
zanimajo, vsekakor priporočam Nanshy Marvel 4 v 1 makeup gobico za
zabrisovanje. Cena se mi zdi dokaj ugodna, gobica je izredno mehka in precej
velika za makeup gobico. Če jo boste oprali po vsaki uporabi in dobro posušili,
jo boste imeli dolgo časa.
I own this sponge too! And I love how soft it is.
ReplyDeleteRight? So soft:). I love makeup sponges in general, because they give such a nice effect to the skin:).
DeleteMoja se pa ne opere čisto, pa tudi uporabljam trdo milo. Sem jo preizkusila že z vsemi pudri in se mi zdi, da se z Rimmelovim pudrom še najbolj obnese. Mi te gobice še vedno niso pretirano všeč, vsaj ne za nanos pudra, ker me živcira to, da ga toliko vpije, ampak je pa fina za končno blendanje, da naredi podlago manj očitno. Mi je pa mentolno zelena barva zelo všeč :)
ReplyDeleteJaz sem skoraj vse ven spravila iz nje. Na določenih področjih kjer sem imela na prstih podlago in sem pomotoma prijela gobico, tam je preveč podlage v njej, da bi jo lahko ven izprala. Vse ostalo pa je šlo:). Jaz pa jih imam zelo rada, ker mi čopiči včasih delajo črte po obrazu in mi to ni všeč. Z gobicami se pa super zblendira, sploh gost in močan Revlon Colorstay, ki lahko hitro izgleda cakey:).
DeleteI didn't know Oriflame has its own sponge. Interesting:) I've only tried sponges from ebay, which are really cheap, therefore also pretty hard and not as soft as this one:).
ReplyDeleteBere se super. :)
ReplyDeleteTudi jaz najraje nanašam puder z gobico, ker je puder res dosti manj opazen. :) Včasih sem prav 'sovražila' pudre, ker se mi zdi, da so bili malo preočitni na moji problematični koži, ampak mi je na srečo makeup gobica rešila te probleme (sploh pri Revlon Colorstayu). :) Zaenkrat mam samo tisto iz Tedija, ampak ko bo razpadla, definitivno poskusim to. :)
Jaz sem tudi kupila eno iz Tedija in eno iz Ebaya. Sta praktično enaki. Ampak s to res ni za primerjat, ker je veliko bolj mehka. Se popolnoma strinjam s tabo, mislim da je gobica odlična za Revlon Colorstay. Ker ta lahko hitro izgleda cakey:)
DeleteJaa, te gobice so super. Moram pa še dodati, da je tvoj ten polti in nasploh tvoja koža popolna. Waw!
ReplyDeleteOh, hvala:))
DeleteJst sem ji to tudi naročila in je ne morem prehvalit, zeloo je dobra!
ReplyDeleteSe strinjava:)
DeleteMeni najljubša je beauty blender sponge. Glede na to, da pa je ta dosti cenejša, mogoče poizkusim še to :)
ReplyDeleteJa Beauty Blender je itak bila prva. Ta je verjetno res dobra alternativa. Sicer tiste ne poznam, mi je pa ta zelo všeč:).