Hey Beauties!
I was very excited, when I was looking through the new products for fall and winter from Catrice. One of the products I wanted to get, was Ombre Top Coat, so I bought it. To say, it didn't live up to my expectations, is an understatement.
The packaging is a standard Catrice nail polish, with a plastic top. You get 10 ml of nail polish for 3.29 €. Not the cheapest, may I say.
The shade is named 01 Colour of Change. On the back it says that it works with all light colours of nail polishes. The shade that they used on their youtube tutorial was pretty dark, so I used a similar shade, which is also Catrice nail polish. I thought it would work better. So I used Catrice nail polish in the shade 200 From Dusk To Dawn. It's a taupe shade.
The process goes like this. You use colored nail polish all over your nails. Then you use the ombre top coat on every finger except thumb. Then you put on a second coat on every finger except thumb and index. Then you use third coat on every finger except thumb, index and middle...and so on. You get the drill. At the end you have zero coats of top coat on thumb, you have 2 coats on index, 3 coats on middle, 4 on ring and 5 on pinky. That is supposed to give you the so called ombre effect.
Let's start with the brush. I think it's clearly seen on the photo that the brush is completely unevenly cut. Some hair is longer and some shorter. The brush is very hard, which means it leaves streaks on the colored nail polish which you apply first. I used it in the way, that my brush was very wet and I tried to touch nail very lightly. It still left stroke marks on the nail polish, but they were less visible. The problem was also, that because I had so much nail polish on the brush, it literally leaked all over my nail and made an ugly pool of top coat all over my cuticles. Just no!
The nail polish is very liquid and it's basically transparent red. To me it looks like a red food dye. What an innovative concept?! Not really! The red shade made my nail polish color look violet. I also tried it on a white nail polish and didn't like the shade that came out, either. It's apparent that any nail polish shade would have a red tone to it. Plus the difference of the shades wasn't all that. So..no!
I mean...I was just really really dissapointed with this product. I wish I would rather buy chocolate for that money, because I really don't see any use in this top coat. If the brush was cut evenly or at least to make a rounder shape and it wouldn't be so damn hard, I would still accept the whole food dye concept. But this is just not working at all.
For me it didn't work. I can't say all the nail polishes are wrongly cut and have hard brushes. But even if they don't, I don't think the concept is done right. So, I hope I can spare you some money.
Tole sem šla pa prav googlat ko sem prišla domov iz Müllerja, ker se mi je zdela tako čudna trditev, da deluje na vseh barvah lakov, a v trgovini je izgledal pa rdeč. Mi je bilo takoj jasno, da tole ni "what it claims to be" :)
ReplyDeleteSaj jaz sem isto tako vrgla stran denar, samo v moje primeru je bil tisti Essence lak, ki se sveti v temi. Moram ga že enkrat stran vržt.
Ja res ni to to. Sama zadeva je narejena kar tako, nič posebnega in univerzalnega. A ta je bil tudi fail? Zanimivo no:).
Deletejaz sem ga tud gledla v drogeriji in sem ga že misla kupit, ampak še dobro da ga nisem. Škoda, da ne deluje tako kot bi mogel !
ReplyDeleteJaz sem tudi pričakovali več od tega laka. Žal me je popolnoma razočaral.
DeleteSuper objava, si nam prišparala nekaj eurou. Kako zavajajoče včasih delujejo nekateri izdelki :/
ReplyDeleteNo me veseli, vsaj nekomu. Ja res ni vreden denarja.
DeleteJoj kakšen čopič :( Ideja je dobra, škoda ker v praksi ne deluje
ReplyDeleteMeni je bila ravno ideja všeč. Ampak praksa se je izkazala za pogubno.
Deletehm, palec in kazalec sta skor enaka po barvi, za ostale tri je pa res povleklo na neko čudno barvo, bi si človk mislil da bo pač enaka barva with more depth :) ampak barve se sploh ne povezujejo. precej bedno, glede na to da se grejo nek wannabe poceni razred, ki to že od nekdaj ni več.
ReplyDeleteJaz sem tudi tako mislila. In ker je zelo tekoč je še težje namazati enakomerno. Se popolnoma strinjam z vsem:).
DeleteČist nič ombre ne zgledajo -.-"
ReplyDeleteIn tile njihovi čopiči. WTF?!? Kako si naj s tem človek sploh lepo nalakira? Vedno slabši so z laki..
In hvala za objavo, itak nas je vse mikal tale lakec.:)
Bila sem zgrožena nad čopičem. Sem mislila..pa zakaj sem morala ravno jaz tega kupiti. Ker sem uvidevna in v trgovini ne odpiram in mažem lakov, če niso testerji. Ja no...toliko o tem. Ni za kaj;)
DeleteSem ga ravno zadnjič hotela kupit, pa sem si rekla da bom počakala na tvojo oceno. Še dobro!
ReplyDeleteMe je pa nasmejalo, ko si napisala da bi si raje čokolado kupila za ta denar :D
Kaj naj rečem, imam zelo rada čokolado :D. No lepo, da sem ti prihranila nekaj denarja, zdaj pa si le kupi kakšno dobro čokolado ;).
DeleteLoving the HM bracelets...saw them in store, thought they looked GORGEOUS!
ReplyDeleteThey are gorgeous, but like most of H&M jewelry it oxidized already on me. The gold ones did, the colored ones are still fine. It's not that bad, but still... I hate when that happens. I also want to buy all the shades, even the rose gold ones:).
DeleteGet this product (but in TRANSPARENT colour, you can also get it extra glossy): http://www.motipdupli.de/uploads/pics/Tuning-Transparent-150ml_05.jpg and spray the jewelry with it (you can find these in stores where they sell paint for the walls, etc.). You have to spray from 30-50 cm away (not closer), and do it outside, and let it air dry. It will create a safety layer and it will stop oxidation. I suggest trying it on old jewelry first, to make sure there are no mistakes. This way it will last a long time (you just have to spray the part that touches your skin, for necklaces that has to be both sides). the spray is cheap, only 5 euros. Also, forgot to say that I was excited about this polish, but I read a few reviews before it arrived and saw it was horrible, so thankfully I avoided it.
DeleteYou can easily clean oxidized jewelry with mixture of water, baking soda and salt :)
DeleteDoes that work? I always thought that water (sweat) was the cause of oxidation. What ratio of water, baking soda and salt do I need?:)
Deletehere is the tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYe-jVrbCcw
DeleteI used room temperature water and I didn't use aluminum foil (not sure, why you need it) and it also worked :)
They say, you can also scrub it with toothpase and rinse it with water... but I haven't tried that yet :)
Thank you:) I'll definitely try it;)
DeleteTale čopič pa res grozno izgleda :( Meni se pa zdi, da je malo viden ombre učinek, samo barva, ki nastane je čudna.. poskusi kakšen roza ali lila odtenek, ki ima že v osnovi v sebi rdečo barvo
ReplyDeleteSaj malo je, ampak je nanos tako težaven in neenakomeren, da te prej vse mine. Ja taki odtenki bi zagotovo bolje izpadli. Mogoče preizkusim, če me še kaj prime:))
DeleteUh se strinjam.. Tako navdušenje,pol pa tako razočaranje :( definitivno ni vredno nakupa.. in bog ne daj da ga uporabiš na belem laku.. groza..
ReplyDeleteJa res. Katastrofa..pa sem se tako veselila:/
DeleteNekaj podobnega se mi zdi, da je mel par let nazaj Essence … Črn nadlak, ki ti potemni barvo laka. Malo bolje je izgledal kot tale, ampak meni se je zdej nemogoč za enakomeren nanos. :(
ReplyDeleteOčitno so vse te formule take, da jih je res nemogoče enakomerno nanesti. Bo treba očitno izboljšat:)