Hey Beauties!
I've never done a haul before, so this is a first. Because I was never buying a lot of stuff at once, I never felt the need to show what I bought. This Saturday me and my boyfriend went to Seiersberg and Graz in Austria, so I did get a few more things than I normally buy. I will make a detailed reviews for all the products in the future. You can also expect my makeup organisation post, because I did get a few things for that specific purpose in Ikea.
First I went in Douglas to buy some MAC and NYX products. Online I also saw that they had Zoeva brushes, but they didn't have them in the store. I was disappointed, because I really wanted to buy the brushes without the additional postage that comes with ordering them online.
From MAC I bought two lipsticks, one concealer and because I had that Zoeva-leftover-money I also bought one blush.
It's a Sheertone Blush in shade Pinch Me. In the pan it looks like a mauve shade, but it's actually a really nice sort of orange pink red. I can't explain it. It's a very natural matte shade. I wanted something that I can wear again an again. Very versatile and natural.
Price: 22.95€ click
I also got lipstick in the shade Patisserie, which has a luster finish. It's a very well known shade, that is a nice mixture of pink, brown and peach. Also a very wearable my lips but better shade. I like that it's not typically pink, but looks more brown based on me.
Price: 19.95€ click
The next lipstick I bought is Velvet Teddy, which has a matte finish. I admit, I'm loving the 90s trend of brown lipsticks that is coming back this season. I guess you may have seen Kyle Jenner rocking this MAC Velvet Teddy lipstick on daily occasions. I loved the shade on her and since I love brown lipsticks in general, I decided to get it. It's beautiful warm peach based brown, that would be my lips but better shade for darker skin tones. On me it's pretty dark.
Price: 19.95€ click
I also got Pro Longewear Concealer in NC15. A while ago, I bought NC20, which is way too dark for me. I admit, I didn't like it under the eyes, but I do love the medium to full coverage that it gives every else on the face. So I decided to buy lighter shade and maybe mix it with the darker shade for the summer.
Price: 18.95€ click
Douglas also had NYX products. Since I also can't get these in my country, I was very excited. I really wanted their blush in Taupe, but of course it was sold out. Such a shame. I saw their butter glosses and bought one. I did hope to find their matte versions of lip glosses, but no luck.
I got one of the NYX Matte lipsticks in the shade Alabama, which is a beautiful dark red. I needed something like this for this fall.
Price: 7.45€ click
I also got Butter Gloss in the shade Apple Strudel. Decision was pretty hard, because all of the lip glosses looked very pink and I am not a fan of pink. So, I went for the most peachy shade among them. It still looks a bit too pink for my taste. But hey, at least I got one. Maybe I'll find a use of layering it over some lipsticks.
Price: 6.95€ click
I also saw that they have the Color Show range of nail polishes and got two shades for fall. One is called 549 Midnight Taupe. Names Maybelline? How refreshing to see:). It's a basic taupe shade.
Price: 2.39€
I also got it in the shade 677 Blackout, which is a regular black shade.
Price: 2.39€
You may know I'm obsessed with Maybelline Color Tattoos. When I saw the golden shade called 05-Eternal Gold, I got it. It's a beautiful a bit too much yellow based gold shade. I hope the formula is just as good as other shimmery tattoos.
Price: 6.39€
I also thought that there will be The Body Shop, but it was closed. Damn you. I was so excited for nothing. Maybe next time..
You can not go to Graz and not stop at Ikea. This was only my second time in Ikea, so I was excited. The problem was, that we got their a bit late, so a lot of quick browsing and walking was involved in the process. I need a whole day, to see it all and process it. I did have a list of things I wanted and I actually found it all.
This is a three piece sort of organizational insert for drawers. I am planing to keep my makeup in this.
Price: 9.99€ (9, 15$) click
Those are the same things, but a bit cheaper and have only two departments. I am also planing to use this to organize my makeup in the drawers.
Price: 0.99€ (0.80£, 1.99$) click
I also got a table mirror, which is a lot larger than I expected. I guess I'll be able to do my makeup and actually see all of it in one mirror. Yey for me :).
Price: 14.99€ (15£, 14.99$) click
Those were some really cheap thin clothes hangers. I couldn't resist.
Price: 0.79€ (0.60£, 0.39$) click
I also like to hang my trousers and jeans, so I bought four of these trouser hangers. I'm always wondering, why are these not sold anywhere?!
Price: 0.99€ (0.80£, 0.99$) click
For a very cheap price, I also got those two glass candle holders. I am planing to use them for something else. Maybe for holding the brushes or pencils. They look too pretty to just be used for candles. A bargain, if I may say so.
Price: 0.99€ (1.25£, 0.99$) click
Last but not least, I smelled the candles at the end of the store and even though I already have too much of them, I couldn't pass on this one. It smells like ice cream! Such a yummy smell.
Price: 1.79€ (didn't find it online)
So that is my first ever haul. I hope I'll get the chance to write more of these and let me know if you even like reading such posts.
Super nakup, komaj čakam swatche! :)
ReplyDeleteTudi jaz zadnje čase uporabljam mac šminke in so mi prav všeč :)
Imajo fajni občutek na ustnicah:)
DeleteSuper nakup! :)
ReplyDeleteTale MAC blush je prekrasen. <3
Ful je zanimiv odtenek. Drugačen v embalaži kot na licah:)
DeleteNiti ene stvari kar se mejkapa tiče se ne bi branila :) Krasne stvari si kupila :)
DeleteI love the makeup you got, Patisserie is a lipstick I've had my eye on as well. Ikea Candles are amazing and those candle holders look so cute! :) x
ReplyDeletePatisserie is supposed to be very versatile shade, so it was on my wish list for a long time as well:). Yes their candles smell amazing. I'm kind of sad, I didn't get more of them:)
Deleteme kar mika it v Seiersberg :)
ReplyDeleteSem zdaj ugotovila, da ni tako daleč:)
DeleteRes komaj čakam objavo o organizaciji make upa. No, pa tudi o obeh Mac šminkah :)
ReplyDeleteUpam, da bom imela dovolj prostora za ves makeup:)
DeleteSuper haul, Seiersberg je zakon :) Zdaj se tolčem po glavi ker sem šla že nevemkolikokrat mimo Douglasa tam in ne vedela da imajo Mac :(( Komaj čakam tvoje reviewje :)
ReplyDeleteIkea ima pa super stvari za organizirat make-up, sama imam tudi njihove in se lepo obnesejo :)
Ne vem, če je to na novo ali je od nekdaj Mac tam. Je pa zdaj bolj pri vhodu, ga ne boš zgrešila:). Res imajo ogrmno teh predalčkov in raznih stvari. Jaz bi še kakšno komodo:)
DeleteTi tudi na Douglasovi strani pregleduješ stvari in si potem razočarana, ko nimajo niti polovice tega v trgovinah :D Tole svečko sem imela, res je zakon, sploh za to ceno. Ogledalo mi zgleda ful fajn. Komaj čakam, da vidim tole Kylie Jenner šminko na tebi :)
ReplyDeleteTudi :(. Sem imela še ogromno napisanega od NYX in Zoeve, pa ničesar ni bilo. No Jenner ustnic nimam, pa tudi svetlješa sem - bo še zanimivo, če mi sploh paše:)).
DeleteA si lahka mislis, da sem bla zemiljonkrat v tem shopping centru vSeiersbergu, pa nikoli nisem sla v Douglas. Ja enx sem na hitro ampak so meli NYX cisto izropan, pa sem sla vn, da majo pa MAC semi pa se sanjalo ni. Resno? Waaa, zakaj tega nisem prej vedla!
ReplyDeleteSuper nakup btw!;)
Nisem prepričana, če je že dolgo časa tukaj Mac. Nekaj sem brala na spletu, da bi naj bilo novo mogoče zdaj nekaj časa. Nisem prepričana, ampak je čist možno, da ni to tako dolgo tu. Ja Nyx je bil zdaj tudi izropan, sploh nekatera rdečila :/. Hvala:)
Deletepodobne obesalnike s scipalkami imajo vsake toliko v kiku. jaz sem celo enkrat kupila taksne s 4 preckami s temi scipalkami, tako da lahko na en obesalnik vec parov hlac ali kril :)
ReplyDeleteRes? Moram pogledat. Mi je bilo že ralo čudno zakaj nikoli nikjer nisem videla teh obešalnikov:) Hvala za informacije:)
DeleteOmg, Mac v Seiersbergu? Pa ravno sem se navadila hodit v mesto :D Velvet Teddy sem hotela tudi jaz pa ga niso imeli na zalogi :(
ReplyDeleteZdaj ti več ni treba. Kar vse na enem mestu:).
Deletesuper objava in pa seveda same super stvari še posebej tale MAC pro longwear concealer ;)
Deleteuuuu fajne pridobitve :) vidim da si si vzela zlati color tattoo :)) sama se nikoli ne bi spomnila da bi šla v douglasa :D haha..in všečen blush :D pa ogledalo.. pa vse.. :))
ReplyDeleteJap:) Noben drugi odtenek me ni pritegnil dovolj:) Jaz sem googlala trgovine iz centra že doma in potem videla, da imajo MAC, pa sem mogla it:). Hvala:))
DeleteA ma daj, zaj se pa tepem po glavi da nisem vedela, da je MAC v Seiersbergu. No si morem za naslednjič zapomnit :)
ReplyDeletePa Pinch me je res krasen, eden mojih najljubših blushev za ta čas :)
Za naslednjič, ja;) Ja res je lep. Jaz imam na sploh zelo rada take peach odtenke in ta je čisto po mojem okusu:)