DIY: Decorative, storage, gift tin

Hey Beauties!

Do you like hard candy that comes in a tin? I know I have been loving this particular brand. Since I finishes it, I just thought it would be such a waste to just throw it away. It's nice gold and looks like a nice decorative piece. That's why I "pimped it up" a bit ;)

This is how my tin looked like in the beginning.

I bought spray, which is originally for rims, but can be used on any material. I bought it because I had a photo frame that I wanted to repaint. I also love gold color, so I know I am going to be using it a lot.

I sprayed two coats. Just make sure to let it dry after each coat. It will help the color to stick to the tin a lot more. You also need to spray as the instruction says. A bit away from the tin, otherwise you might get dots of paint on the tin, which will not look pretty and it won't dry nicely, either. 

Then I found little paper decorative roses and stones in my basement. I gave it a go and laid them on a tin in a pattern that I like.

I used a hot glue gun and glued the individual pieces on the tin. 

And that is a very easy and simple DIY on how to transform random cases and tins into a gift, storage or decorative tins. Now I just need to decide for what I'm gonna use it for. I kinda like it to be decorative piece. But I thought of storing everyday jewelry in it. 


  1. iiii, kako dobra ideja! super diy :)

  2. Super ideja, pa še nepotrebnih odpadkov ne ustvarjaš :)

  3. Nikoli si ne bi mislila, da je bila to škatlica od bonbonov. Super izgleda!

  4. Oh, kkak hudo. Jaz tudi nisem mislila da so bonbončki in škatlica od le teh.. Mislila sem da je darilo :D

  5. super ideja : D zdej vsaj vem kaj narest s temi škatlicami :D!

  6. Woah you are so creatine, that box looks super cute!
    2 Girls and a Blog

  7. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, zeloooooo lepoooooo :-))

  8. It's hard to believe that started as a tin with sweets!

    1. Thanks:))Little color and decoration and it seems like new thing:)
