Hey Beauties!
You all know that Seche Vite is my favorite top coat nail polish, for sure. Well, mine came to a real end some time ago and since the stupid prohibition of our country, I couldn't order nail polisher from other countries. I mean really? What kind of stupid law is that?! Seriously! Anyway... I started experimenting with some Essie top coats, because those were like the only interesting nail polishes that I could get in the stores. Now, I finally got around to writing a review of all these top coats.
Essie Good To Go
Essie's Good To Go is a rapid dry top coat. It's transparent. It does dry pretty quickly and I find that it does a good job of making the manicure last a bit longer. What I don't like is that it starts to chip a lot faster than Seche Vite. I don't think it is as fast in drying department, as it's the Seche Vite, because this baby is really quick. I also find that it doesn't make my manicure as shiny as Seche Vite. It's pretty shiny at first, but it starts to fade away after a few days. This nail polish also starts to get thicker after a while. Just like Seche Vite. I know a lot of people have been criticizing Seche Vite for that, but guess what, Essie's Good To Go is exactly the same. The brush is thin as Seche Vite's and it performs well.
Essie All In One
This is supposed to be a 3 in 1 nail polish. It can be used as a base, top coat and strengthener. I used it as a base and then also as a top coat. It performs well as a base, not so much as a top coat. It's lightly blue tinted, which is probably meant for making the nails look whiter, since it can be used as a base. I don't find it particularly effective in that field. This is not so good as a top coat, since it does seem to give that slight blue tone to any colored nail polishes under it. The brush is a lot wider than Seche Vite's and I love that. It makes the application really fast. After applying it, the nail manicure seems to be dry quickly, but... No matter how long I leave my nails and not touch them, the nail polish always seems to stay a bit wet. The proof is that my manicure is always smeared or has pillow patters on it. I'm trying to say, I did not like that one at all. It also smears nail designs like crazy.
Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat
This is still my absolute winner in the top coat category. I admit, I tried the Essie versions partially, because I heard that the Seche Vite ingredients are not oh-so-healthy. But let's face it... It gives me the most satisfaction and wear out of my all manicures. It's transparent. The brush is thin, which is not so practical for me, especially when it starts to thicken and it gets harder to apply it really quickly. It dries really quickly and does not smear my manicure. It looks and stays really glossy and shiny. I also find it to prolong my manicure a lot. The most out of all these top coats. It's just the best!
The winner is obviously Seche Vite! I'm still searching for a good dupe or at least something very close to it, but with "healthier" ingredients. Until I find it, Seche Vite is still my best buddy :).
Also, good news for Slovenians... you can now buy Seche Vite on Destination Pretty online store. It's also really cheap in comparison to where I've been buying it from - foreign sites and Ebay. Yey for that!
Dobra novica za Slovenke. Seche Vite je zdaj na voljo tudi v spletni trgovini Destination Pretty. Cena je zelo ugodna. Vsem priporočam nakup, ker je res naljboljši nadlak, ki sem ga kdaj koli imela.
Se popolnoma strinjam - ni boljšega od Seche Vite :). Ampak meni ga je pa uspelo naročit kljub prepovedi iz Singapurja lani in na Beauty Bay ga pošiljajo, ampak ni tako poceni kot pri Destination Pretty. Good to Go je bil moj prvi hitrosušeči nadlak in mi je bil všeč, ampak Seche Vite je boljši.
ReplyDeleteRes? Kako dobro:) Saj jaz bi ga tudi lahko še kje ne Ebayu, pa nisem upala zapravit 15 € :) Seche Vite je res boljši, čeprav Good To Go je dober približek, dokler ne preizkusiš Seche Vite:)
DeleteJaz ravno testiram Seche Vite in se mi zdi, da res podaljša obstojnost manikure, ampak po drugi strani pa imam občutek, da se suši dosti dlje kot Essence ali Essie. Ponavadi si lakiram nohte zvečer, pol ure pred spanjem, ker takrat vem, da imam dovolj časa in ne bom nič delala in po SV se mi poznajo odtisi rjuh na nohtih, medtem ko se mi pri Essence in Essie to ni zgodilo. Pa zdi se mi, da je Seche Vite že od začetka malce gostejši kot Essie. Mi je pa drugače všeč, sploh ker mi ne krči lakov. Bom videla, kakšno bo mnenje po daljši uporabi, ampak sedaj bi ga dala ob bok Essence in Essiju. Se pa na Destination Pretty res splača, samo 6 € stane. :)
ReplyDeleteZanimivo, jaz pa nimam teh izkušenj. Seche Vite je edini od katerih nimam nobenih odtisov. Res, da si ne lakiram nohte eno uro pred spanjem, ampak ja...nekako nimam tega problema. Drugače pa Essie Good To Go se mi je čisto enako strdil kot Seche Vite, res pa je da malo kasneje kot Seche Vite:) Jaz imam tisti thinner za Seche Vite in ga uporabljam tudi na drugih lakih. Nekaj kaljic tistega in je kot nov:) Super je za nail art, ker nič ne razmaže dizjanov. Ja res se splača - to je najcenejša cena po kateri sem ga zdaj kupila:)
DeleteMeni se je ta seche vite tak hitro zasušil :S Drugače pa fajna zadevica :)
ReplyDeleteJa to res ni fajn. Ko prideš do polovice se strdi. Ampak če kupiš tisti thinner al pa čisti aceton, ga spet obudiš:)
DeleteVse od kar so ukinili fast dry od Essence tud sama iščem en dober nadlak. Sem hotela kupiti Good to go, ampak mislim, da ga bom zdaj raje preskočila pa mogoče res sprobala Seche Vite.
ReplyDeleteJaz ti zagotovo bolj priporočam Seche Vite. Se mi zdi, da je res najboljši. Ima samo to napako, da se začne gostiti, ampak če imaš kakšen 100% aceton in ga dodaš, bo spet kot nov:)