Review: Essie Toggle to the top

Hey Beauties!

I got a coupon for 50% off of three Essie nail polishes (in DM). I'm sure a lot of my fellow Slovenian bloggers seized the opportunity as well. But, when I was in store, I only fell in love with one shade, which is from their new Winter 2013 collection.

The shade is called Toggle to the top and it looks like dark red wine shade with slightly lighter red glitter. It's very festive for the season and looks so pretty.

The red shade is perfect for autumn as well as winter time and the glitter in it, just makes it a bit more interesting and great for parties. One coat is enough to get the full color. The glitters in this polish are actually silver - because I already applied it and then took it off, so I saw it. Because the glitter is silver and it's in the dark red nail polish, that makes the glitter a bit lighter, because of the base - which is silver. I love how simple this sounds, although I would have never thought of such a trick :).

I like it with a top coat, because it smooths the glitters and makes it a bit more shiny.

Essie nail polishes contain 13.5 ml of product and cost 9.95 € in Slovenia, but I bought it for 4.98 €.


  1. Lep <3 Tale zimska kolekcija je že v vseh DM-ih?

  2. Ful lep, ampak šele z nadlakom!

  3. I'm in love <3
    Jaz moram pa še izkoristit tale kuponček pa nimam pojma kateri lak izbrat, se bom verjetno šele pri stojalu odločila :) Čeprav bi tale lepo popestril december :P

    1. Jaz nisem kaj veliko razmišljala, me nobena druga barva ni tako navdušila kot ta:)

  4. Such a pretty color!
    I really like the photos you took, they're so beautiful. :)

  5. Jaz sem vzela sivega iz te kolekcije, zdaj imam namen vzeti še svetlo sivega, za tega pa se nikakor ne morem odločiti, če bi ga kupila, ker imam enega podobnega od Catrice in ga verjetno ne rabim, čeprav mi je všeč.

    1. Jaz nimam nobenega podobnega v zbirki, je res zanimiv:)

  6. Pa ne no, zdaj bi pa še tega mela :D Bi rabla enih par teh kupončkov :D

    1. Naredi akcijo med prijateljicami, zagotovo kateri ostane kuponček;)

  7. wooow, ta pa je res čudovit. točno takšno temno rdečo iščem.. Takšnega odtenka še nimam... Pa celo bleščice me ne motijo (:

  8. Naš DM na žalost ni tega imel. Bi ga drugače ziher kupila.

  9. Ful všečno izpade, rdeči ampak vseeno poseben, ker ma bleščice :) Taki prav božični je :))

  10. Replies
    1. Dobiš ga domov po pošti, če imaš dm kartico. Ne vem pa, če vsi dobijo te dodatne kupone ali ne.

  11. i'm so so in love with this nailpolish! i think they already had it last year around xmas season but i couldn't buy one sind they were all sold out!! hope i can get one this year:)
    lots of love xx

    1. Well then I really hope you get it this year;) it is a very beautiful shade indeed:)) xx

  12. Jaz sicer nisem dobila kupončka, ampak je bla sošolka toliko dobra, da sva skupaj izkoristli in sem točno tega vzela. Sicer nisem tak nora na takšne barve in toliko bleščic, ampak tale pa je dober, pa poseben :) Me prav zanima kak bo to odstranjevat :D ..
    Anyways, zlo lep nanos in nohtki :3

    1. Jaz sem en noht že odstranila in ni preveč težko. Je dobro, ker so bleščice majhne in grejo hitreje dol kot kakšne večje:) hvala:))

  13. Jaz sem ga ravno dala na nohte, jutri pa upam, da mi ga uspe poslikat. Popoln lak <3

  14. great color! looks like raspberries on the nails! :)
