Review: Green Line Hydro Mineral light moisturizing cream

Hey Beauties!

As promised, here is the review of Green Line's Hydro Mineral light moisturizing cream for mixed and oily skin. I really like this cream, surprisingly. It's a Slovenian brand and I don't know where it's also available, but if you have mixed to oily skin, I highly recommend you pick this one up. 

The packaging is plastic with a screw on top. It's got blue writing and top. I actually prefer plastic packaging, because I can use it for traveling, when it's empty and I'm not gonna be afraid to drop it. The cream contains 50 ml of product and costs around 7€

Here is the ingredients list.

The cream includes ingredients like papaya extract, algae spirulina and what-i-was-the-most-surprised mineral water Radenska Naturelle. Fun, isn't it? It also doesn't contain any parabens.  The cream is supposed to regulate the amount of moisture and fats in the skin, tighten the pores, restore skin cells, stimulate the natural collagen formation, smooth first expressional wrinkles, give skin vitality and have no oily residue. My version is for those with mixed to oily skin and for those over the age of 25 - which I am, since I had my 25th birthday in January - perfect :).

The cream is white and a pretty light texture. It spreads very easily and it's very smooth. The texture goes really thin, while massaging it into the skin, but still feels very moisturizing. I like that the cream is very movable and once you massage it in the shine completely fades away. The cream soaks into the skin and becomes very matte. That's one of the things I absolutely love. It gives me the perfect matte skin. Application of foundation over the cream is a dream. 

The cream has a fruit smell, but I'm not sure how to describe it. Somehow it reminds me of Fructis and I don't know why.

I love this cream, because it's a perfect cream for the summer, especially for me with mixed to oily skin. My T-zone can get really oily in the summer, which ruins my makeup. I do however need moisture from the cream and this one gives it all. It really feels like the moisture soaks into the skin and does the job there. I never felt my skin was dry. It's also very matte, which means prolonging the wear of my makeup and no weird shine on the face. Love it! I am not a huge fan of smelly creams, but the smell is actually really nice. I also love the fact that it feels very soothing on my skin. As I've mentioned many times, I have very sensitive skin and this cream didn't irritate my skin at all. No red patches or itchiness. Let me tell you, finding a face cream, with a matte texture and the one that doesn't irritate, isn't as easy as it looks. The creams for sensitive skin are always the ones for dry skin - which mine isn't. 

On the photo below you can see the light texture of a cream in the first photo, the shiny finish of cream right after application and the last photo of absolutely matte skin after the cream soaks into the skin (takes about 4 minutes). 

I am really pleased with this cream because it gives me matte surface, doesn't irritate, smells nicely and feels moisturizing enough. Perfect cream for summer!

Pred kratkim sem od Green Line dobila njihovo Hydro Mineral lahko vlažilno kremo za mešano do mastno kožo. Krema mi je izjemno všeč. 

Embalaža je plastična, ki je meni ljubša, saj jo lažje prenašam in ponovno uporabim. V embalaži je 50 ml izdelka za približno 7€. Krema vsebuje papajo, spirulino in meni-najbolj-zanimivo mineralno vodo Radenska. Ne vsebuje parabenov. Namenjena je vsem, ki imajo mešano do mastno kožo in stari preko 25 let. 

Krema naj bi uravnavala količino vlage in maščob v koži, ožila pore, obnavljala kožne celice, spodbujala naravno tvorjenje kolagena, gladila prve gubice, poživljala polt in ne puščala mastnega sijaja.

Krema je zelo zelo lahke teksture, a hkrati dovolj vlažilna. Diši zelo sadno. Krema se zelo lepo razmaže, deluje vlažilno in se zelo hitro vpije v kožo. Na začetku je lahka in se sveti, čez nekaj minut pa postane popolnoma mat. Mat finiš mi je izjemno všeč. Je odlična podlaga za pod makeup in celo podaljša obstojnost makeup, zaradi mat finiša. Zelo mi je všeč, da dovolj vlaži in hkrati matira, kar pomeni, da je perfektna kombinacija kreme za vroče poeltne dni. Všeč mi je tudi to, da je zelo nežna in primerna za občutljivo kožo. Sama imam zelo občutljivo kožo in mi krema ni povzročila nobenih iritacij. Mat finiš in primernost za občutljivo kožo jo naredi popolno kremo za poletne dni. Vsekakor jo priporočam.


  1. Tudi jaz sem popolnoma navdušena nad njo. Res me je prijetno presenetila :)

    1. Mene tudi, nisem nekaj veliko pričakovala od nje, pa me je navdušila:)
