Review: Avon Eve Duet, Confidence and Alluring Fragrances

Today I'm talking about Avon Eve collection of perfumes - Eve Duet, Alluring and Confidence fragrances. Duet has been around for a while, but Alluring and Confidence are brand new. I've had time to test them and here are my thoughts. 

Avon Eve Duet*

This is the first dual ended perfume that I've seen so far. Actually it's a 3 in 1 concept. You can wear each side separately or mix it together and have three options in one perfume. Very travel friendly. It has been out for a while now, but I never came around to posting a review of it. I love the concept. One side is more floral, probably day time appropriate and other is more sweet, perfect for evening occasion. 

It has this swirled square glass bottle design. In the middle is silver top that can store both bottles and close them securely. In each side is 25 ml of product, so you get 50 ml of eau de parfum in total. Regular price is 32€, but with Avon you can always count on discounts. 

One side has a slight purple tint to it and it's named Sensual. The other side has a slight yellow tint to it and it's called Radiant.

Sensual (purple)
Top notes: plum, pink pepper
Middle notes: water lily, night blooming jasmine
Base notes: patchouli

It starts off very fruity sweet and quickly becomes more floral fresh. But as it sits on the skin for a longer time, it becomes more sweet and kind of herbal again. I would describe it as sweet floral fragrance. It has just enough sweetness that it's not too floral. Very lightweight sweet kind of scent, perfect for spring. It almost has a slight powdery feel to it. The most obvious notes that stay on the skin are patchouli and plum.

Radiant (yellow)
Top notes: clementine, apple blossom
Middle notes: water lily, jasmine
Base notes: amber, woody notes

This side starts off very floral with just a pinch of that citrus scent from clementine, but it's mostly overpowered with florals. Then it becomes what I would describe as airy floral scent. Those romantic soft floral notes come through. After a while it becomes that soft floral scent that Fragrantica descibes as aquatic and I agree. It's very romantic floral and again perfect for spring and daytime. I smell the most what must be water lily and jasmine. 

Both mixed

I prefer Sensual side, because it's sweeter and I like sweet fragrances, although it's almost a bit too one dimensional, so I really just prefer mixing both of these together. It becomes a nice mix of almost that powdery fruity sweetness from Sensual and burst of citrus floral from Radiant. Both of these go together very well and create that sweet fruity floral scent. Very sophisticated and grown up floral scent, but with a hint of fruitiness that doesn't make it too boring. 

Avon Eve Confidence*

Recently, Avon added two new fragrances to the Eve perfume line and I was so excited to try these out. I've said it before, Avon just knows how to do good perfumes. Especially the ones that are made in collaborations. 

Avon Eve Confidence comes in dimensional almost diamond cut glass bottle with gold details. I love when Avon makes these plastic tops that have different angled cuts which make the light bounce off of it so well. This one is a bit wider design. Perfume has a bright yellow tint to ti.

In it is 50 ml of eau de parfum and the regular price is 32€.

Top notes: whipped cream, frangipani, pear
Middle notes: red fruits, black currant, jasmine
Base notes: vanilla, woody notes, musk

Initially you get a burst of some fruity freshness mixed with some very subtle sweetness. It quickly turns into what I would call fresh bowl of fruits that have a specific sweet powdery note to them. But as it's developing on the skin it turns into that familiar vanilla warm base with florals peeking out to add freshness. I would say it's a sweet floral vanilla scent. Again, one of those very sophisticated scents that aren't too one dimensional. I love the sweetness that it has and the florals on top make it just slightly more grown up. It's perfect day time even work appropriate perfume. For me personally, it's a bit too floral.

Avon Eve Alluring*

Another new fragrance in collaboration with Eve is called Avon Eve Alluring. It has more of a tear shaped glass bottle. On the bottom is wider and slimmer on the top. It has again that angled cut plastic top and gold details. I only dislike the fact that the top can fall off while transporting it. Perfume has slight lavender tint to it.

In it is 50 ml of eau de parfum and the regular price is 32€

Top notes: plum, freesia, violet
Middle notes: neroli, iris flower
Base notes: amber, musk, sandalwood

It opens up with a splash of florals with just a hint of that sweetness from plum. Then it quickly becomes very floral again. I can't depict specific floral notes - my nose just doesn't have this in it, but to me it's very floral and fresh. However, base notes start to kick in very quickly after that burst of floral freshness and it becomes very warm. Woody notes and sweetness from musk, sandalwood and amber make this perfume extra powdery and sultry. I would describe it as sweet powdery floral scent. This is one of the most powdery perfumes I own and I absolutely love it. It's by far my favorite out of all of these three, which is no surprise. It contains my all time favorite perfume notes - amber, musk and sandalwood. It might be more appropriate for night time for some, but I use it daily, ever since I got it. It feels ultra cozy and just enough sweet, but also slightly grown up, because of the florals. 

Avon perfumes usually last very well on my skin and so do these. I can still smell these at the end of the day, although it does fade quite a bit. Eve Duet has the poorest long lasting power, but Confidence and Alluring last a little better. I still think the quality is amazing and Avon always has very affordable prices for 50 ml of eau de parfum. 

My absolute favorite is Avon Eve Alluring. If you like sweet scents, but more importantly love a good powdery scent, you'll adore it. Confidence is a bit more floral, although stil has some sweet base to it. I have to be in the mood to wear it. Duet is great option to travel with. I prefer mixing them both together and getting a sweet floral fruity mix that isn't too floral nor too sweet. 

* Products were sent to me. 

Avon Eve Duet

Prvi parfum, ki sem ga kdaj opazila, ki ima dva konca. Pravzaprav je bolj 3 v 1 koncept. Lahko nosite vsakega posebej ali pa ju združite skupaj in tako imate 3 opcije v enem parfumu. Odlično za potovanja. Avon ga prodaja že nekaj časa. Tudi sama ga preizkušam že nekaj časa, vendar sem se odločila, da objavim oceno skupaj z dvema novima parfumoma. Koncept mi je zelo všeč. Ena stran je bolj cvetlična, primerna za dan, druga pa je bolj sladka, primerna za večerne priložnosti.

Sensual stran je rahlo vijolično obarvana, Radiant pa rumeno. V vsaki strani parfuma je 25 ml parfuma, kar pomeni, da ga je skupaj 50 ml. Redna cena je 32€. 

Sensual (vijoličen)
Zgornje note: sliva, roza poper
Srednje note: vodna lilija, nočni jasmin
Spodnje note: pačuli

Začne se zelo sadno sladko in hitro postane bolj cvetličen. Ko sedi na koži dlje časa, postame bolj sladek in spet rahlo zeliščen. Sama bi dišavo opisala kot sladko cvetlično. Ima ravno dovolj sladkobe in ni preveč cvetlična. Zelo lahkotno sladka dišava, popolna za pomlad. Čutim skoraj malo pudrastega občutka. Najbolj opazna nota je pačuli in sliva.

Radiant (rumen)
Zgornje note: klementina, cvet jablane
Srednje note: vodna lilija, jasmin
Spodnje note: jantar, lesne note

Ta stran je zelo cvetlična z dodatkom citrusne svežine klementine, čeprav so cvetlične note močnejše. Potem se razvije v bolj zračni cvetlični vonj. Romantične cvetlične note pridejo v ospredje. Čez nekaj časa postane nežen cvetličen vonj, ki je skoraj rahlo vodni. Zelo romantično cvetlična dišava primerna za čez dan in spomlad. Sama najbolj voham, kar se mi zdi, da je lilija in jasmin.

Oba zmešana

Meni osebno je ljubša Sensual stran parfuma, ker je bolj sladka in imam najraje sladke vonje. Mi je pa skoraj malo enodimenzionalna, zato najraje zmešam obe skupaj. Rezultat je mešanica skoraj pudrastega sadno sladkega vonja iz Sensual strani z dodatkom citrusno cvetličnega vonja Radiant strani. Oba vonja se odlično mešata in ustvarita sladko sadno cvetlično dišavo. Zelo zrela cvetlična dišava z rahlim dodatkom sadnosti, ki jo naredi malo bolj zanimivo. 

Avon Eve Confidence

Pred kratkim je Avon dopolnil Eve kolekcijo parfumov z dvema novima dišavama. Zelo sem se razveselila preizkušanja. Kot sem že večkrat omenila, Avon zna ustvariti res dobre dišave, še posebej tiste, ki nastanejo v sodelovanju z zvezdniki ali modnimi oblikovalci. 

Avon Eve Confidence je rahlo rumeno obarvan. V steklenički je 50 ml parfuma in redna cena je 32€.

Zgornje note: stepena smetana, frangipani, hruška
Srednje note: rdečo sadje, črni ribez, jasmin
Spodnje note: vanilija, lesne note, mošus

Na začetku voham sadno svežino mešano z zelo rahlo sladkobo. Hitro se spremeni v, kar si sama predstavljam kot, sadno solato s specifičnim sladko pudrastim podtonom. Ko se začne razvijati na koži, postane vanilijasto topel z dodatki cvetlic in svežine. Sama bi dišavo opisala kot cvetlično vanilijasto. Spet en izmed zelo sofisticiranih vonjev, ki ni preveč enodimenzionalen. Všeč mi je sladkoba, ki jo združi z odraslostjo cvetličnosti na vrhu. Popoln dnevni parfum primeren tudi za delovno okolje. Zame osebno malo preveč cvetličen. 

Avon Eve Alluring

Druga nova dišava se imenuje Avon Eve Alluring. V steklenički je 50 ml parfuma in redna cena je 32€.

Zgornje note: sliva, frezija, vijolica
Srednje note: neroli, iris
Spodnje note: jantar, mošus, sandalovina

Dišava se odpre s cvetlicami in samo rahlo sladkobo slive. Hitro postane spet cvetlična. Sama težko ločim cvetlične vonje, ampak zame je zelo cvetlično svež na tej točki. Kmalu v te note začnejo posegati lesne note. Jantar, mošus in sandalovina naredijo ta parfum zelo sladek, pudrast in vznemirljiv. Dišavo bi opisala kot sladko pudrasto cvetlično. To je najbolj pudrast vonj izmed vseh, ki jih imam. Izmed vseh treh, ki jih danes omenjam, je ta moj najljubših. Kar pa sploh ni presenečenje, saj vsebuje tri moje najljubše note parfumov - jantar, mošus in sandalovino. Za nekatere bo mogoče bolj primeren za večer, sama pa ga nosim kar čez dan. Je zelo udobna in ravno dovolj sladka dišava, ki pa jo cvetlične note naredijo tudi bolj odraslo. 

Avon parfumi na moji koži zdržijo dobro. Še vedno jih lahko zavoham ob koncu dneva. Eve Duet najprej izgubi svojo moč. Alluring in Confidence imata malo boljšo obstojnost. Kvaliteta se mi zdi odlična in Avonove cene so več kot ugodne za 50 ml eau de parfum dišav.

Moj absolutni favorite je Avon Eve Alluring. Če imate radi sladke vonje, še bolj pomembno pa pudraste vonje, potem ga boste oboževali. Confidence je malo bolj cvetličen vonj, čeprav ima še nekaj sladke podlage. Jaz ga nosim samo ob posebnih priložnostih, ko mi ustreza. Duet je odlična izbira za potovanje. Meni je najljubši, ko zmešam oba vonja skupaj in dobim sladko cvetlično sadno mešanico, ki ni preveč cvetlična niti preveč sladka. 

*Izdelki so mi bili poslani.

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