Review: Sleek i-Divine Ultra Mattes V1 Brights palette

Hey Beauties!

My first ever Sleek product, can you believe it? And what's more, I went for the most bright shades I could possibly get :). What can I say, I've heard that they're really pigmented, so I wanted to go for a crazy bold matte colorful palette and I chose i-Divine Ultra Mattes V1 Brights.

I think, the packaging is well described by the name of the brand - sleek. It's very sleek, matte black, sturdy and I don't need 7 days to open it up (like some of the Catrice eyeshadows - hate it!). You get 12 colorful eyeshadows and one double sided sponge applicator. There's also a plastic foil over the shadow and those are the eyeshadow's names. I guess if you lose it, you don't know the shades names? Not so practical. I like the MUA shades naming on the back, better. The shades are also supposedly mineral based?! I did not know that - extra points for Sleek:)

It costs around 10-13€, but I got it for 9.71, because one of the online stores had a discount on Sleek. Not a bad price for 13,2 grams of product. Each eyeshadow contains 1.1 grams.

Onto the eyeshadows. Starting with the upper row. Chill is light baby blue shade, Pout is bright pink, Sugarlite is gorgeous cool toned bright violet, Dragon Fly is a really nice emerald green shade, Pucker is another bright pink shade and Bamm! is a bright yellow. Moving on to the lower shades. Cricket is a light grass green shade, Bolt is azure blue, Strike is bright orange, Floss is light baby pink, Crete is light grey and Pow! is white.

All of the shades are pretty pigmented, except for those that are a bit lighter in the shade. For example Floss and Crete barely show up on my swatches. Those are the least pigmented in the palette. The most pigmented are Dragon Fly, Bamm! (yep the name is right, it's like bamm! in your face bright) and Bolt. All the other shades are equality as good in pigmentation, but those three are like out of this world pigmented. 

I can't, for some reason, differentiate between Pout and Pucker. I've swatched them and watched them and they look the same to me. Maybe Pout is a bit more red warm toned and Pucker is a bit more pinkier and cool toned. That's the only thing that bothers me with this palette, because I could easily see one of those shades being replaced with maybe red or royal blue?! Just a suggestion Sleek ;).

All the eyeshadows apply nicely and are pretty easily blendable. I find that, if you blend too much, the shade does lose a bit of its brightness, but then you should just reapply it where you don't need to blend anymore and the brightness is easily back. You should also consider that all the shades are matte. I know from experience, that matte eyeshadow can be really dusky and not pigmented enough, so these are extremely good for being completely matte. Overall I'm really liking those crazy colors and can't wait to use them more in the summer to create some funky makeup looks. I've also tried using them as an eyeliner and it looks beautiful. 

I did make some of the makeup looks and instead of sharing them separately, I will include them into this post. Expect more of the bright makeup looks coming up this spring and summer season :).

Here I used the Bamm! all over the lead and blended it out with Crete (it created orange in between). On the lower lash line I used Dragon Fly. It wasn't intentionally, but doesn't this palette reminds you of Reggae?

In this look I put Bolt all over the lid and blended it out with Chill. In the outer corners of the eye I also put on some Sugarlite to darken it a bit. Oh, and over the blue eyeshadow I put Essence Metal Glam highlighter - all the shades are matte, otherwise.

I'm definitely not sorry for buying this crazy bright palette and love that I have some of the not-so-safe eyeshadow shades. Sleek has definitely impressed me and I would love to try more of their products. Especially their face form (bronzer, blusher and highlighter) palettes and of course more of the i-Divine palettes. I heard that the brand was initially made for darker skin toned women, that's why the awesome pigmentation of their products.

What about you? Would you like to own this kind of palette or is it a bit too out there for you?


  1. O waw, zelo lep MU :D Samo jaz taka nebi hodila okoli, nasploh meni razen zemeljskih tonov ne paše nobena druga barva :D

    1. Hvala:) Ja, to je bolj tak kreativen makeup;)

  2. Meni je paleta krasna, je pa nisem vzela, ker imam Curacao, ki ima tudi podobne žive odtenke. Je pa fajn na tvojem blogu videti tudi malo bolj žive looke. :)

    1. Hvala:) Zdaj ko imam te kvalitetne barve, bom pa še kaj več ustvarjala:)

  3. Paletka je sicer preživahna zame, ampak tebi pa pristojijo te barve!

  4. Sicer so tole zame čist preveč žive barve ampak si jih pa ful lepo uporabila! :) x

  5. Hvala:)) A ne? Meni so tudi všeč, ko kar žarijo ven iz mojega bledega obraza:))

  6. great makeup looks! This looks like a great and affordable alternative to the new UD electric palette!!

    1. Thanks:) It could be, because the colors are really bright and all you need for funky makeup looks:))

  7. Wow, kok dobr. :) Mene je zmer mal strah tok bold barve uporabljat, sploh tko da bi jih dnevno, ne vem kam bi šla s takimi očmi. :D

    1. Jaz sem včasih več nosila barvne looke, pač potem bolj poudarjene oči, ostalo pa vse minimalno. Verjetno bi v kakem nočnem klubu bila pa čist normalna s tem makeupom, hehe:)

  8. Čudovite looke si ustvarila :) In modri ti ful paše *.*
    Mi je pa všeč paletka, sama imam namreč same take z nevtralnimi rjavimi senčkami in bi bila tole prav dobra popestritev.

    1. Hvala:) Ja, če imaš eno tako z normini odtenki, potem nikoli več ne rabiš barvnih, samo usklajuješ te z nevtralnimi paletami:) Saj jaz imam tudi največ takih za vsak dan, tako da je ta dobrodošla sprememba:))

  9. Neverjetna si, res popolno narejen make-up :) oba sta mi všeč, čeprav mi je osebno rumeno-oranžen preveč živahen zame, ampak modrega bi še sama nosila, če bi ga znala naredit ;)

    1. Hvala:)) No popolno ni nič, ampak res hvala za tak kompliment:)) Ah saj moder pa ni neka komplikacija, malo več blendiranja in časa pa je hitro narejeno;)

  10. Oh, nekaj drugačnega :)) meni je rumen look bolj všeč, čeprav bi jaz dala kako drugo barvo namesto zelene zraven :) pa začela bom verjet, da fotošopaš slike, ker je tvoja koža res out of this world :D

    1. Hehe, ja to je bilo res bolj kako prikazati meni najljubše odtenke na enem očesu;)) Ne fotošopiram jaz, ampak blogger, tako da ja;D

  11. Wau :) To pa je nekaj drugačnega :)) Ta modri look je letos baje še posebej moden, tak da kar nekam ven z njim! :) Drugače pa ti oba ful pašeta, oba sta taka sveža, en bolj sončen, drugi bolj frosty :)) Všečno zelo :)

    1. Hvala:)) Aja? No super:) Saj bom šla ja..sploh zdaj ko mam to paleto bom že malo bolj "drzna":)hehe

  12. Kok si pa ti lepaaaaa, noro! *.*
    P.S.: Kaj maš na ustnicah?

    1. Oh, hvala:)) Na barvnih očeh mislim da je Avon Ultra Color Matte lipstick v odtenku Rose Matte, na modrih očeh pa je Matte Peach. Za prvo nisem prepričana, druga pa je zagotovo ta:)

  13. Noro lepa looka! Pa ful ti pašeta in se mi zdi, da sta na tebi čisto nosljiva. :)
