Review: Revolution Makeup palette, lipstick, lip gloss and highlighter

Hey Beauties!

A few days ago I got a little surprised Easter package from Slovenian online store Lič The package included products of a fairly new brand called Makeup Revolution. Makeup Revolution is London brand and has been launched in March this year. I have started seeing first reviews on foreign blogs and was so excited for this brand. It promises great quality for amazing prices. A lot of their products are also dupes of various more expensive brand products. Now let's see how I liked my products.

Za vse slovenske bralce je opis v slovenščini čisto spodaj :).

The Easter bunny brought me Revolution Iconic 1 palette, which is supposed to be a dupe for Urban Decay Naked 1 palette. I actually have a similar palette in my collection already (see more below). I also got a lipstick in shade Dare, Amazing lip gloss in shade Raspberry and a huge Vivid Baked highlighter in shade Peach Lights.

Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 1

Starting with the Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 1. As far as I've seen on other blogs Urban Decay Naked 1 palette has a dupe in the brand MUA and the palette is called Undressed. I have that MUA palette and the shades from it are exactly the same as the shades in Iconic 1 palette. This means the shades of MUA Undressed and Makeup Revolution Iconic 1 palette are dupes for Urban Decay Naked 1 palette. 

MUA palette costs around 8 € (4£ in UK), Makeup Revolution costs around 6 € (4£ in UK). However, the MUA palette contains 9.6 grams of product, while Makeup Revolution contains 14 grams of product! The ingredients of both palettes are almost identical and they are both developed in UK, both manufactured in the PRC. Coincident? I don't know, but you decide after this review, which one you'll buy ;).

The shades are exactly the same in both palettes and the quality also seems very much the same. As you see I put my MUA to a very good use already :).

The matte shades are the least pigmented, but actually show up on the skin enough, if you use an eye primer underneath the shades. The more shimmery are the shades, the more pigmented they are. I personally think that this is amazing pigmentation for 6 € and 14 grams and it's totally worth buying. Eye shadows also blend really nicely

The shades: first is a very light pink pearly shade that's great for highlighting, next is a lot more shimmery light pink, very pale warm brown matte shade, this is my favorite shade - it's silver pink brown shimmery shade, next is a bit darker warm brown matte shade, also my favorite warm shimmery gold shade, another favorite - warm golden brown shimmery shade, next is redish dark brown shimmery shade, cranberry red shimmery shade, olive toned dark brown shimmery shade, blue toned black shimmery shade and silver blue shimmery shade. 

I think this is a perfect eye shadow palette. It combines cool toned shades like pink, silver blue and blue black as well as warm toned shades like gold, golden brown and similar. Highly recommend the purchase, if you don't own MUA Undressed or Urban Decay Naked 1 palette. 

The packaging is plastic, see through top, which is great. The plastic is not the most sturdy, so don't drop it or take it travelling (or just protect it well). 

Here's the look with a few of the shade. I put shade 4 all over the lid. Shade 5 went into the crease.I darkened the outer corner with the shade 8. I also put the shade 5 on the lower lash line. For the inner corner of the eye I used shade 2. 

Makeup Revolution Amazing Lip Gloss in Raspberry

This lip gloss costs only around 2 € (1£ in UK) and it contains 2.5 ml of lip gloss. Now that can't be right. I compared the sizes of lip glosses and it looks like there should be more like 6 ml written on the packaging. Maybe it's a mistake.

The packaging is plastic, slim and it has a regular sponge applicator. Raspberry shade is a cool toned pink shade. It has a nice blue undertone, great for making whiter teeth. I am kind of surprised by how much I like the shade. If you follow me, you know that I very rarely use anything pink on my lips, but this shade looks really natural on me. It's very sheer, giving you just a slight color. The lip gloss has a very tiny shimmer in it, which is not visible on the lips at all. It just gives your lips a very glossy shiny look. The lip gloss is a little sticky, but not too much. I actually don't have a problem with lip gloss being sticky, but I know some people do. 

I think the lip gloss is a great quality for the amazing price and I love how subtle the shimmer is. With most cheap lip glosses you get huge chunks of shimmer, but this formula is very well made. 

Makeup Revolution Lipstick in Dare

The lipstick costs around 2 € (1£ in UK) and it contains 3.8 grams of product. The packaging is plastic and unfortunately I think my top of the packaging will shortly start falling off. I guess the closing mechanism is not the best with my lipstick. It might me just mine, I can't say for sure. It's nice that it has a pop of the shade on the top, so you can easily find it out in the drawer. 

The formula is pretty creamy once you get through the upper layer of the lipstick. It's pretty pigmented, but the shade is definitely buildable. The color in the bullet looks very bright, but it goes on the lips sheerer than what I'd thought. It will stain the lips and it's very hard to remove, therefore pretty long lasting. It's also a bit drying, so not for people with dry lips. I love the pigmentation and power, but wish it wouldn't be as drying - since I do have pretty dry lips as it is.

My shade Dare looks like a cool toned red with pink tone to it. It's a very unique shade, a mixture of classic red and vibrant warm pink. It's like one of the Avon lipsticks that I found fascinating, mixing the pink and red in one shade. 

Makeup Revolution Vivid Baked Highlighter in Peach Lights

This highlighter costs around 5 € (3£ in UK) and it contains 7.5 grams of product. The packaging is also plastic with clear lid, not the most sturdy. It would probably survive the drop, because the highlighter is baked and pretty packed, therefore harder to break.

I was really excited about the highlighter, since you know how much I am obsessed with them. It's definitely baked, because I put my fingers in a few times and it still has the pattern on - looks like I didn't even touch it. However, you don't need a lot of pressure to get the color. It's pretty pigmented and it has a very tiny shimmer in it. As far as a cheap highlighter goes the formula is amazing and the shimmer is just big enough. Absolutely love it. As far as the shimmer goes it's pretty much the same size as my beloved Essence Metal Glam highlighter, maybe a little bit bigger, but still very undetectable on the skin. I mean it's a highlighter, it needs to be seen - that's just my opinion. I like to go big or go home :).

My shade Peach Light is however not the best match for my skin tone. I know, a shame. In the pot it looks very much like a light peach shade, but when applied it gives a very light cool pink tone to the skin. As I am very yellow warm toned girl, this does not go well with my skin. But there's a solution. They have another highlighter in the shade Golden Lights and I think it screams my name, so I'll definitely be buying that one. 

Unfortunately the pink sheen was absolutely impossible to capture on the photo, so instead it looks very white, which is not. It is perfect for fair cool toned skins, but anyone warmer, it won't work on you. 

Oh Lord, if you've survived this far, here is my point. This is a very good brand in my opinion and I love their prices. I think this is the first cheap brand that has a very good quality products and assortment of products like bronzers, highlighters, crazy colored lipsticks and such. It's hard to find cheap products that are actually pretty good and I think this brand has some amazing products.

I am definitely joining their revolution and thumbs up for them, for making very cheap, yet very decent quality products. I definitely recommend you to try some of their products and see for yourself. Thank you Ličila for sending me those, I will put them to good use ;).

Za vse slovenske bralke, še kratek povzetek. Lič so mi za velikonočno darilo poslala čudovite izdelke nove blagovne znamke imenovane Makeup Revolution. 

Njihova Iconic 1 paleta senčil za oči vključuje odlične hladne in tople tone odtenkov. Mat senčila so najslabše pigmentirana, med tem ko so svetleča senčila veliko bolj pigmentirana. Senčila se odlično zabrišejo in so kar dobro pigmentirana. Količina izdelka je ogromna in stane samo 6 €. 

Amazing lip gloss v odtenku Raspberry je zelo nežno roza obarvan in na ustnicah pusti rahel odtenek roza barve. Je precej prozoren in mogoče malo lepljiv. Mene lepljivost sicer ne moti, koga drugage pa mogoče bi. Odtenek ima moder podton, kar pomeni, da je odličen za navidezno beljenje zob. Ima tudi zelo majhne bleščice, ki pa so skoraj nevidne na ustnicah.

Dobila sem tudi šminko v odtenku Dare. Šminka je precej pigmentirana, vendar je možno barvo nadgraditi z več nanosi. Šminka ni najbolj primerna za tiste s suhimi ustnicami, ker jih lahko hitro izsuši. Odtenek Dare je odlična mešanica klasično hladne rdeče in živahne roza. Je res edinstvena mešanica roza in rdeče odtenkov. 

Vivid Baked osvetljevalec je odlične formule. Ker je baked, se počasi porablja. Vsebuje zelo majhne bleščice. V embalaži izgleda odtenek Peach Light zelo svetlo marelične barve. Na koži se odtenek spremeni v hladen roza podton. Viden je roza sijaj, ki je bolj primeren za vse tiste, ki so bolj svetlopolti in imajo hladen podton kože. 

Mislim, da so Makeup Revolution izdelki odlični glede na ceno. Končno blagovna znamka, ki ponuja nizko cenovne izdelke, ki pa imajo vseeno dobro kvaliteto. Tudi izbira izdelkov mi je zelo všeč, saj malo nizko cenovnih znamk vsebuje osvetljevalce, baked bronzerje in podobno. Zagotovo priporočam nakup kakšnega izmed izdelkov. Hvala Ličilom za izdelke, zagotovo bodo dobro porabljeni ;).


  1. the lipstick is delicious!
    nice review!

  2. Kakšne kjut stvari si dobila :) Highlighter mi izgleda super, na meni ponavadi pink šimer izgleda kul ker imam nevtralen podton :)

    1. Ja super, potem ti itak vse paše:) Jaz včasih mislim, da imam nevtralen podton, ampak potem vedno ugotovim, da je bolj topel:) Sploh ko me malo sonce dobi:)

  3. Ful mi je všeč look s senčkami, ki si ga ustvarila in pa šminka :))

  4. Pri moji šminki je tudi isto z tistim ta zgornjim čepkom..Se mi zdi, da bo vsak čas odpadel. Verjetno zato, ker se samo natakne nazaj in ne tako kot pri MUA ko se zavije...Mi je pa highlighter čudovit, ga bom definitivno naročila :)

    1. enako, moja šminka ima isti problem ! :D

    2. No potem pa nima samo moja šminka tega problema:) Dobro vedeti:)

  5. Šminka mi je ful lepa. Danes sem se odločala, če bi naročila katero, pa na koncu nisem nobene, sem pa dobila eno v odtenku Bliss, ampak še nisem imela časa pofotkat. Upam, da mi jutri uspe. Highlighter mi je tudi zelo lep. :)

  6. Same ok ocene...pomojem bom kar iz njihove strani naročila, ker mam precej stvari na WL. Osvetljevalec je mega! :D

    1. Ja sploh niso slabi izdelki, pa še tako poceni so:)

  7. sounds like a really solid brand :) The highlighter looked amaaaazing; wish the undertone worked out for you!

    1. Something new, pretty good and inexpensive, what more can a girl wish for ;) Yeah, I'll probably buy it in the golden shade:)

  8. Paleta je čudovita, čisto moje barve! In highlighter izgleda zelo obetavno. Jaz sem navdušena nad to znamko <3

  9. Jaz nad senčkami nisem bila preveč navdušena, ker je pigmentacija kar zginjala, ko sem jih začela blendad, mi je pa zelo všeč njihov cream blush. Verjetno bom kupila še kakšen odtenek in mogoče sprobala še kakšen produkt, če se bo izkazal za res dobrega. Edino kar me zelo moti je, da je znamka totalna kopija MUA... :D

    1. Jaz pa nekako nisem fanica cream blushev:) Ja saj mislim, da imajo istega proizvajalca. Zagotovo je nekako povezano. Drugače pa je meni vedno všeč, ko se najdejo nizko cenovne blagovne znamke, ki ponujajo vseeno relativno dobro kvaliteto izdelkov:)

  10. The palette looks great! And the shades are suprisinly intensive!

    1. I've been using it a lot and really like the assorted shades in this palette. Not bad at all:)
